Villages and Towns of Gunnor Tehsil of District Panna, Madhya Pradesh

Gunnor Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Panna District, Madhya Pradesh India. Gunnor teshil is one of the teshil of Panna district Madhya Pradesh. In Gunnor Teshil there are 149 villages and 0 towns. Out of 149 villages in Gunnor teshil in which Gunaur is most populated village with population of 5734 and least populated village is Kachhgawan having population only 0. There are 0 town in Gunnor sub-district which lies in Gunnor administrative devision. Most populated town in Gunnor Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Gunnor teshil is 133513 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Gunnor teshil is 918 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Gunnor teshil is 66.66%.

Census Data of Gunnor Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
133513 918 66.66%

Demographics details of Gunnor Teshil

The population of Gunnor sub district is 133513 people, among them about 69607 are male and 63906 are female. Total number of house holds in Gunnor Teshil is 29621. Total Literates persons are 74810 in which total male literates are 44763 and female literates are 30047. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 21281, among them 11098 are boys and 10183 are girls.

Gunnor Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameGunnor
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NamePanna
Total Population133513
Total No of House Holds29621
Total Male Population69607
Total Female Population63906
0-6 Age group Total Population21281
0-6 Age group Male Population11098
0-6 Age group Male Population10183
Total Person Literates74810
Total Male Literates44763
Total Male Literates30047
Total Person Illiterates58703
Total Male Illiterates24844
Total Male Illiterates33859
Scheduled Cast Persons32088
Scheduled Cast Males16701
Scheduled Cast Females15387
Scheduled Tribe Persons5478
Scheduled Tribe Males5603
Scheduled Tribe Females5478

Gunnor Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 109290 30329
Population (%) 81.86 % 22.72 %
Male Population 57743 15874
Female Population 51547 14455
Sex Ratio 893 911
Child Population (0-6) 8778 1959
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 919 887
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.41% 13.74%
Households in 25380 5930
Literates 64071 21788
Literacy % 69.31% 83.28%
Male Literacy 79.2% 89.86%
Female Literacy 58.17% 76.1%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Gunnor Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 128921 67190 61731 96.56% 63.96%
Muslim 3657 1919 1738 2.74% 2.01%
Christian 18 10 8 0.01% 0.01%
Sikh 9 4 5 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 5 3 2 0% 0%
Jain 789 420 369 0.59% 0.62%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 114 61 53 0.09% 0.05%

Workers profile of Gunnor Teshil

Gunnor has 59263 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 36619 male and 22644 female population are working population. Full time workers in Gunnor teshil are 36643 and 22620 are marginal (part time) workers.

Gunnor Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 59263 36619 22644
Main Workers 36643 27633 9010
Main Workers Cultivators 16672 13634 3038
Agriculture Labourer 13455 9154 4301
Household Industries 1234 795 439
Other Workers 5282 4050 1232
Marginal Workers 22620 8986 13634
Non Working Persons 74250 32988 41262

List of villages in Teshil-Gunnor, District-Panna, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Gunaur Gunnor 5734
2 Mudwari Gunnor 5603
3 Patna Gunnor 4065
4 Sugarha Gunnor 3819
5 Saleha Gunnor 3748
6 Sili Gunnor 3328
7 Kathwariya Gunnor 3195
8 Ganj Gunnor 3133
9 Bilghadi(Bilghari) Gunnor 2533
10 Dharwara Gunnor 2396
11 Luhargaon Gunnor 2265
12 Nachne Gunnor 2227
13 Paderi Gunnor 2153
14 Katra Gunnor 1964
15 Jamrai Gunnor 1905
16 Syamardanda Gunnor 1744
17 Bilha Gunnor 1736
18 Madaiya Kulgawan Gunnor 1673
19 Nachnaura Gunnor 1525
20 Selha Gunnor 1517
21 Sathaniya Gunnor 1459
22 Pali Gunnor 1403
23 Harira Gunnor 1397
24 Nayagaon Gunnor 1375
25 Patna Kalan Gunnor 1371
26 Puraina (Gunnaur) Gunnor 1323
27 Bandhaura Gunnor 1315
28 Richhauda Gunnor 1310
29 Bhatiya Gunnor 1288
30 Tidunhai Gunnor 1285
31 Bhatanwara Gunnor 1231
32 Biharsir Gunnor 1230
33 Chhijora Gunnor 1219
34 Kushedar Gunnor 1176
35 Bilha Kangali Gunnor 1167
36 Barha Kalan Gunnor 1166
37 Sithauli Gunnor 1128
38 Manikpur Bishnu Gunnor 1117
39 Deogaon Gunnor 1106
40 Tikariya Gunnor 1076
41 Kakarhata Gunnor 1076
42 Jhumta Gunnor 1069
43 Barshobha Gunnor 1061
44 Amari Gunnor 1024
45 Basaura Gunnor 1023
46 Chhaparwara Gunnor 1022
47 Ghatsimariya Gunnor 1011
48 Mahuwa Khera Gunnor 1010
49 Suhgi Gunnor 1001
50 Sahilwara Gunnor 990
51 Malhan Gunnor 943
52 Beli Gunnor 939
53 Hardwahi Gunnor 877
54 Chhigamma Gunnor 867
55 Bandhur Gunnor 867
56 Manikpur Kalan Gunnor 860
57 Hinauti Patna Gunnor 856
58 Kachnara Gunnor 803
59 Chauki Gunnor 794
60 Imaliya Bhurekhan Gunnor 762
61 Sarwara Gunnor 759
62 Bhatgawan Gunnor 753
63 Dhanokhar Gunnor 735
64 Selha Gunnor 735
65 Sarhaja Gunnor 734
66 Judi(Dharwara) Gunnor 733
67 Bhitari Gunnor 732
68 Asauni Gunnor 722
69 Jamuniya Gunnor 720
70 Mangraila Khurd Gunnor 716
71 Tighrabujurg Gunnor 695
72 Singhasar Gunnor 691
73 Mainha Gunnor 688
74 Karhiya(Itwa) Gunnor 682
75 Khamra Gunnor 680
76 Madha Gunnor 667
77 Surdaha Gunnor 657
78 Gabhaura Gunnor 642
79 Itawa Gunnor 631
80 Madausa Gunnor 624
81 Sanaura Gunnor 565
82 Judi Tap Maheba Gunnor 552
83 Chapa Gunnor 535
84 Kartariya Gunnor 522
85 Hirapur Gunnor 512
86 Palhari Gunnor 495
87 Tilhadi Gunnor 487
88 Mangraila Kalan Gunnor 487
89 Bhamraha Gunnor 479
90 Satwa Gunnor 476
91 Dharampura Gunnor 474
92 Suhjani Gunnor 465
93 Salgadha Gunnor 452
94 Bachharwara Gunnor 446
95 Khalpura Gunnor 440
96 Imaliya Mallju Gunnor 440
97 Simri Bahadursingh Gunnor 440
98 Palka Kalan Gunnor 434
99 Bamurhiya Gunnor 411
100 Pipariya (Roondh) Gunnor 396
101 Majwaha Gunnor 383
102 Gundaura Gunnor 358
103 Pataura Gunnor 352
104 Looka Gunnor 349
105 Kakarhai(Panna) Gunnor 345
106 Ujnehi Gunnor 345
107 Tedha Gunnor 343
108 Majhyari Kalan Gunnor 336
109 Mahidwa(Richhouri) Gunnor 317
110 Madhiya Gunnor 307
111 Mahalrampur Gunnor 307
112 Akona Gunnor 305
113 Bilha Khurd Gunnor 305
114 Dighaura Gunnor 303
115 Turkital Gunnor 298
116 Nibhari Gunnor 293
117 Bilhai Gunnor 285
118 Antarbidiya Gunnor 264
119 Bhulgawan Gunnor 259
120 Kachnara Gunnor 255
121 Matewara Gunnor 255
122 Palka Khurd Gunnor 253
123 Patna Khurd Gunnor 234
124 Antarbidiya(Majwaha) Gunnor 226
125 Naiguwan(Ghatsimariya) Gunnor 224
126 Pathradi Gunnor 220
127 Vyauhari Gunnor 215
128 Shala Gunaur Gunnor 161
129 Umri Gunnor 150
130 Roondh Gunnor 144
131 Majhyari Gunnor 140
132 Udki Gunnor 131
133 Bakulaha Gunnor 130
134 Lamkush Gunnor 130
135 Mandahiya Gunnor 112
136 Girwahi Gunnor 107
137 Bamurha(Devendranagar) Gunnor 99
138 Jhiriya Gunnor 97
139 Ramnagar Gunnor 90
140 Machharha Gunnor 73
141 Gangota Gunnor 66
142 Supantha Gunnor 59
143 Bamhaur Gunnor 53
144 Mudiya Gunnor 50
145 Majhyari Khurd Gunnor 21
146 Ramna Karimati Gunnor N/A
147 Ishwara Gunnor N/A
148 Kota Gunnor N/A
149 Kachhgawan Gunnor N/A
