Villages and Towns of Harsud Tehsil of District Khandwa (East Nimar), Madhya Pradesh

Harsud Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Khandwa (East Nimar) District, Madhya Pradesh India. Harsud teshil is one of the teshil of Khandwa (East Nimar) district Madhya Pradesh. In Harsud Teshil there are 92 villages and 1 towns. Out of 92 villages in Harsud teshil in which Kuksi Ryt is most populated village with population of 3166 and least populated village is Undel having population only 50. There are 1 town in Harsud sub-district which lies in Harsud administrative devision. Most populated town in Harsud Teshil is Chhanera (NP) with population of 22052.

Total population of Harsud teshil is 127199 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Harsud teshil is 921 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Harsud teshil is 68.86%.

Census Data of Harsud Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
127199 921 68.86%

Demographics details of Harsud Teshil

The population of Harsud sub district is 127199 people, among them about 66209 are male and 60990 are female. Total number of house holds in Harsud Teshil is 26187. Total Literates persons are 73407 in which total male literates are 44147 and female literates are 29260. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 20595, among them 10675 are boys and 9920 are girls.

Harsud Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameHarsud
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameKhandwa (East Nimar)
Total Population127199
Total No of House Holds26187
Total Male Population66209
Total Female Population60990
0-6 Age group Total Population20595
0-6 Age group Male Population10675
0-6 Age group Male Population9920
Total Person Literates73407
Total Male Literates44147
Total Male Literates29260
Total Person Illiterates53792
Total Male Illiterates22062
Total Male Illiterates31730
Scheduled Cast Persons20054
Scheduled Cast Males10508
Scheduled Cast Females9546
Scheduled Tribe Persons11987
Scheduled Tribe Males12669
Scheduled Tribe Females11987

Harsud Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 146367 0
Population (%) 115.07 % 0 %
Male Population 74380 0
Female Population 71987 0
Sex Ratio 968 0
Child Population (0-6) 11337 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 922 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.88% 0%
Households in 28608 0
Literates 88603 0
Literacy % 71.12% 0%
Male Literacy 79.52% 0%
Female Literacy 62.52% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Harsud Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 117436 61093 56343 92.32% 63.09%
Muslim 9309 4887 4422 7.32% 5.42%
Christian 105 51 54 0.08% 0.08%
Sikh 14 3 11 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 1 1 0 0% 0%
Jain 278 147 131 0.22% 0.23%
Other religions and persuasions 10 2 8 0.01% 0%
Religion not stated 46 25 21 0.04% 0.03%

Workers profile of Harsud Teshil

Harsud has 59384 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 35769 male and 23615 female population are working population. Full time workers in Harsud teshil are 46009 and 13375 are marginal (part time) workers.

Harsud Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 59384 35769 23615
Main Workers 46009 30873 15136
Main Workers Cultivators 15453 11365 4088
Agriculture Labourer 22904 13164 9740
Household Industries 428 300 128
Other Workers 7224 6044 1180
Marginal Workers 13375 4896 8479
Non Working Persons 67815 30440 37375

List of Town/City of Harsud Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Harsud with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Khandwa (East Nimar) is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Chhanera (NP) 22052 970

List of villages in Teshil-Harsud, District-Khandwa (East Nimar), Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kuksi Ryt Harsud 3166
2 Sadiyapani (Police Abadi) Harsud 3015
3 Billod Mal. Harsud 2759
4 Lahadpur Mal Harsud 2669
5 Malood Harsud 2597
6 Killod Mal Harsud 2203
7 Mandla Harsud 2203
8 Piplani Harsud 2015
9 Dagad Khedi Mal Harsud 1899
10 Saktapur Ryt Harsud 1898
11 Bori Saray Harsud 1822
12 Moujwadi Mal Harsud 1807
13 Barud Mal Harsud 1797
14 Nishaniya Mal Harsud 1710
15 Dewaldi Harsud 1649
16 Undel Ryt Harsud 1646
17 Nandiya Ryt Harsud 1621
18 Dot Kheda Ryt Harsud 1619
19 Rewapur Harsud 1588
20 Palani Mal Harsud 1585
21 Rampuri Ryt Harsud 1579
22 Bharadi Ryt Harsud 1547
23 Junapani Mal. Harsud 1537
24 Charkheda (Police Abadi) Harsud 1531
25 Ramjipura Harsud 1491
26 Gambhir Obari Harsud 1431
27 Dharu Khedi Harsud 1384
28 Selda Mal Harsud 1351
29 Semrud Ryt Harsud 1325
30 Pratappura Harsud 1302
31 Lachhora Mal. Harsud 1293
32 Chhapa Kund Harsud 1264
33 Badkhalya Mal Harsud 1256
34 Bhawaniya Ryt Harsud 1245
35 Baidiyaw Ryt Harsud 1239
36 Garbadi Mal Harsud 1232
37 Bhawarli Mal Harsud 1194
38 Kasrawad Harsud 1183
39 Dhanwani Mafi Harsud 1141
40 Bailwadi Ryt Harsud 1140
41 Charkheda Ryt Harsud 1138
42 Garbadi Ryt Harsud 1125
43 Gambhir Circular Harsud 1124
44 Barmalaya Ryt. Harsud 1068
45 Torniya Harsud 1067
46 Kundiya Mal Harsud 1063
47 Son Khedi Harsud 1058
48 Chhipipura Harsud 1048
49 Navalpura Harsud 1019
50 Bothiya Khurd Harsud 999
51 Manjadhad Harsud 973
52 Dhanora Harsud 961
53 Somgaon Khurd Harsud 954
54 Kadouli Ryt Harsud 954
55 Bori Bandri Harsud 947
56 Sadiyapani Sarkar Harsud 938
57 Bahedi Ryt Harsud 937
58 Jhagariya Mal Harsud 912
59 Chikhali Mal. Harsud 907
60 Hathnora Ryt Harsud 854
61 Imlani Harsud 851
62 Bothiya Kalan Harsud 769
63 Damdama Harsud 755
64 Kashipura Harsud 749
65 Brahmogaon Harsud 748
66 Brhmdhad Mal Harsud 745
67 Khair Kheda Harsud 742
68 Jhingadhadh Ryt. Harsud 740
69 Shahpura Mal Harsud 725
70 Satri (Police Abadi) Harsud 702
71 Moujwadi Ryt Harsud 684
72 Mugal Ryt Harsud 679
73 Jaitapur Kalan Harsud 642
74 Ambakhal Ryt. Harsud 639
75 Minawa Mal Harsud 617
76 Gurawan Ryt. Harsud 613
77 Rosad Mal. Harsud 600
78 Chich Ryt Harsud 593
79 Minawa Ryt Harsud 543
80 Haripura Mal Harsud 540
81 Badgaon Mal. Harsud 448
82 Nandgaon Khurd Harsud 403
83 Bandariya Ryt Harsud 396
84 Kukdhal Harsud 377
85 Sukhadiya Harsud 367
86 Semrud Mal Harsud 306
87 Palani Ryt Harsud 272
88 Khamla Mal. Harsud 249
89 Sonpura Harsud 246
90 Badgaon Ryt. Harsud 210
91 Lahadpur Ryt Harsud 168
92 Undel Harsud 50
