Villages and Towns of Hatod Tehsil of District Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Hatod Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Indore District, Madhya Pradesh India. Hatod teshil is one of the teshil of Indore district Madhya Pradesh. In Hatod Teshil there are 59 villages and 2 towns. Out of 59 villages in Hatod teshil in which Paliya Haidar is most populated village with population of 4373 and least populated village is Kharwa Khedi having population only 77. There are 2 town in Hatod sub-district which lies in Hatod administrative devision. Most populated town in Hatod Teshil is Bangarda Bada (CT) with population of 15761.

Total population of Hatod teshil is 99313 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Hatod teshil is 958 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Hatod teshil is 70.28%.

Census Data of Hatod Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
99313 958 70.28%

Demographics details of Hatod Teshil

The population of Hatod sub district is 99313 people, among them about 50722 are male and 48591 are female. Total number of house holds in Hatod Teshil is 18911. Total Literates persons are 59769 in which total male literates are 36244 and female literates are 23525. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 14273, among them 7453 are boys and 6820 are girls.

Hatod Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameHatod
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameIndore
Total Population99313
Total No of House Holds18911
Total Male Population50722
Total Female Population48591
0-6 Age group Total Population14273
0-6 Age group Male Population7453
0-6 Age group Male Population6820
Total Person Literates59769
Total Male Literates36244
Total Male Literates23525
Total Person Illiterates39544
Total Male Illiterates14478
Total Male Illiterates25066
Scheduled Cast Persons20785
Scheduled Cast Males10544
Scheduled Cast Females10241
Scheduled Tribe Persons3497
Scheduled Tribe Males3671
Scheduled Tribe Females3497

Hatod Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 155557 55504
Population (%) 156.63 % 55.89 %
Male Population 78472 28437
Female Population 77085 27067
Sex Ratio 982 952
Child Population (0-6) 16093 3334
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 936 919
Child Percentage (0-6) 20.03% 12.54%
Households in 26628 10917
Literates 57701 39856
Literacy % 46.38% 82.1%
Male Literacy 53.89% 87.17%
Female Literacy 38.83% 76.8%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Hatod Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 92562 47278 45284 93.2% 64.88%
Muslim 5379 2742 2637 5.42% 4.16%
Christian 95 40 55 0.1% 0.08%
Sikh 241 136 105 0.24% 0.18%
Buddhist 224 115 109 0.23% 0.15%
Jain 760 382 378 0.77% 0.8%
Other religions and persuasions 3 3 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 49 26 23 0.05% 0.03%

Workers profile of Hatod Teshil

Hatod has 45677 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 28680 male and 16997 female population are working population. Full time workers in Hatod teshil are 36381 and 9296 are marginal (part time) workers.

Hatod Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 45677 28680 16997
Main Workers 36381 25137 11244
Main Workers Cultivators 14550 9890 4660
Agriculture Labourer 11453 6688 4765
Household Industries 642 441 201
Other Workers 9736 8118 1618
Marginal Workers 9296 3543 5753
Non Working Persons 53636 22042 31594

List of Town/City of Hatod Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Hatod with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Indore is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Bangarda Bada (CT) 15761 929
2 Hatod (NP) 10425 974

List of villages in Teshil-Hatod, District-Indore, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Paliya Haidar Hatod 4373
2 Kankariya Pal Hatod 3102
3 Jamburdi Hapsi Hatod 2903
4 Kalmer Badi Hatod 2782
5 Alwasa Hatod 2266
6 Budhania Hatod 2044
7 Agra Hatod 1930
8 Murkheda Hatod 1920
9 Baghana Hatod 1918
10 Khajuriya Hatod 1717
11 Limbodagari Hatod 1712
12 Rewati Hatod 1699
13 Rojadi Hatod 1545
14 Basandra Hatod 1507
15 Sumatha Hatod 1488
16 Neori Hatod 1466
17 Palakhedi Hatod 1448
18 Atawada Hatod 1432
19 Kankariya Bordiya Hatod 1419
20 Hasnabad Hatod 1350
21 Mata Barodi Hatod 1321
22 Jinda Kheda Hatod 1255
23 Akasoda Hatod 1255
24 Puwarda Junarda Hatod 1174
25 Gohan Hatod 1155
26 Karadiya Hatod 1151
27 Ajnda Hatod 1136
28 Fulkaradiya Hatod 1105
29 Higonya Khurd Hatod 1086
30 Dansari Hatod 1044
31 Jamburdi Sarwar Hatod 1022
32 Mirjapur Hatod 1015
33 Piploda Hatod 1014
34 Sikandari Hatod 975
35 Ushapura Hatod 960
36 Songir Hatod 912
37 Arniya Hatod 892
38 Sagwal Hatod 876
39 Badarkha Hatod 852
40 Gurda Khedi Hatod 798
41 Mangaliya Arniya Hatod 786
42 Nahar Kheda Hatod 773
43 Ahir Khedi Hatod 760
44 Gulawat Hatod 745
45 Singawda Hatod 676
46 Pitawali Hatod 673
47 Satlana Hatod 660
48 Mali Badodia Hatod 627
49 Badodiya Panth Hatod 599
50 Ajnoti Hatod 569
51 Paladi Hatod 528
52 Nogawan Hatod 524
53 Palasiya Hatod 501
54 Merkhedi Hatod 466
55 Amba Khedi Hatod 370
56 Londiya Alias Mohammadpur Hatod 281
57 Badodiya Hatod 277
58 Pipalya Tafa Hatod 241
59 Kharwa Khedi Hatod 77
