Villages and Towns of Hospet Tehsil of District Bellary, Karnataka

Hospet Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bellary District, Karnataka India. Hospet teshil is one of the teshil of Bellary district Karnataka. In Hospet Teshil there are 74 villages and 3 towns. Out of 74 villages in Hospet teshil in which Mariyammanahalli is most populated village with population of 15940 and least populated village is Sankalapuram having population only 0. There are 3 town in Hospet sub-district which lies in Hospet administrative devision. Most populated town in Hospet Teshil is Kampli (TMC) with population of 39307.

Total population of Hospet teshil is 459991 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Hospet teshil is 1006 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Hospet teshil is 70.16%.

Census Data of Hospet Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
459991 1006 70.16%

Demographics details of Hospet Teshil

The population of Hospet sub district is 459991 people, among them about 229338 are male and 230653 are female. Total number of house holds in Hospet Teshil is 94190. Total Literates persons are 276318 in which total male literates are 153567 and female literates are 122751. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 66128, among them 33689 are boys and 32439 are girls.

Hospet Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameHospet
State NameKarnataka
District NameBellary
Total Population459991
Total No of House Holds94190
Total Male Population229338
Total Female Population230653
0-6 Age group Total Population66128
0-6 Age group Male Population33689
0-6 Age group Male Population32439
Total Person Literates276318
Total Male Literates153567
Total Male Literates122751
Total Person Illiterates183673
Total Male Illiterates75771
Total Male Illiterates107902
Scheduled Cast Persons104902
Scheduled Cast Males51977
Scheduled Cast Females52925
Scheduled Tribe Persons38219
Scheduled Tribe Males36850
Scheduled Tribe Females38219

Hospet Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 244072 18446
Population (%) 53.06 % 4.01 %
Male Population 122876 9226
Female Population 121196 9220
Sex Ratio 986 999
Child Population (0-6) 12093 832
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 974 922
Child Percentage (0-6) 9.78% 9.4%
Households in 59182 4506
Literates 161985 15012
Literacy % 73.56% 89.83%
Male Literacy 80.96% 93.25%
Female Literacy 66.07% 86.43%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Hospet Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 373111 185794 187317 81.11% 56.05%
Muslim 80236 40236 40000 17.44% 12.78%
Christian 3434 1645 1789 0.75% 0.69%
Sikh 260 144 116 0.06% 0.05%
Buddhist 61 27 34 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 2553 1329 1224 0.56% 0.53%
Other religions and persuasions 10 4 6 0% 0%
Religion not stated 326 159 167 0.07% 0.05%

Workers profile of Hospet Teshil

Hospet has 189683 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 129173 male and 60510 female population are working population. Full time workers in Hospet teshil are 167314 and 22369 are marginal (part time) workers.

Hospet Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 189683 129173 60510
Main Workers 167314 117502 49812
Main Workers Cultivators 25294 18348 6946
Agriculture Labourer 48186 23834 24352
Household Industries 2510 1709 801
Other Workers 91324 73611 17713
Marginal Workers 22369 11671 10698
Non Working Persons 270308 100165 170143

List of Town/City of Hospet Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Hospet with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bellary is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kampli (TMC) 39307 1018
2 Kamalapuram (TP) 25552 1041
3 Hospet (CMC) 206167 1008

List of villages in Teshil-Hospet , District-Bellary, Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Mariyammanahalli Hospet 15940
2 Malapanagudi Hospet 10654
3 Danapuram Hospet 7256
4 Papinayakanahalli Hospet 6957
5 Devasamudra Hospet 6940
6 Ramasagara Hospet 6797
7 Gadiganur Hospet 6004
8 Metri Hospet 5583
9 Nagalapura Hospet 5568
10 Muddapura No.10 Hospet 5558
11 Devalapura Hospet 5538
12 Sugginahalli Hospet 4686
13 Nagenahalli Hospet 4608
14 Bukkasagara Hospet 4547
15 Hosur Hospet 4392
16 Thimmalapura Hospet 3582
17 Sanapura Hospet 3470
18 T.Basapura Hospet 3339
19 Kakubal Hospet 3170
20 Ingaligi Hospet 3105
21 Venkatapura Hospet 3061
22 Seetharama Tanda Hospet 3052
23 Byluvadigeri Hospet 2884
24 Chilakanahatti Hospet 2844
25 Hampi Hospet 2777
26 Danayakanakere Hospet 2774
27 Mariyammanahalli Thanda Hospet 2751
28 Jowku Hospet 2590
29 Kallahalli Hospet 2525
30 Vyasanakeri Hospet 2423
31 Garga Hospet 2258
32 Upparahalli Hospet 2157
33 Ittigi Hospet 2146
34 Gollarahalli Hospet 2105
35 Gudioblapura Hospet 2085
36 Kanvithimmalapura Hospet 2061
37 Muddapura No.2 Hospet 1990
38 Dharmasagara Hospet 1874
39 Hampadevanahalli Hospet 1752
40 Honnahalli Hospet 1743
41 Belugoduhal Hospet 1695
42 Buvvanahalli Hospet 1668
43 Venkatapura Hospet 1658
44 Chikkajaiganur Hospet 1587
45 Nandibanda Hospet 1488
46 Vadrahalli Hospet 1367
47 Kaddirampura Hospet 1339
48 Haravanahalli Hospet 1191
49 Ayyanahalli Hospet 1157
50 Narasapura Hospet 1092
51 Byalakundi Hospet 1074
52 Mavinahalli Hospet 1073
53 Gonahal Hospet 1003
54 Arlihalli Hospet 901
55 Gundlavaddigeri Hospet 891
56 Rajapura Hospet 884
57 Somalapuram Hospet 859
58 Jeeriganuru Hospet 802
59 Hirejaiganur Hospet 486
60 Kottiginahal Hospet 474
61 Danapura Hospet 223
62 Kallirampura Hospet 192
63 Kalghatta Hospet 168
64 Krishnapura Hospet 54
65 Singanathanahalli Hospet 53
66 Telugubalu Hospet 23
67 Gonahal Hospet 17
68 Hosakota Hospet N/A
69 Basavanadurga Hospet N/A
70 Vantigodu Hospet N/A
71 Belagodu Hospet N/A
72 Jambunathanahalli Hospet N/A
73 Nimbapura Hospet N/A
74 Sankalapuram Hospet N/A
