Villages and Towns of Indergarh Tehsil of District Datia, Madhya Pradesh

Indergarh Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Datia District, Madhya Pradesh India. Indergarh teshil is one of the teshil of Datia district Madhya Pradesh. In Indergarh Teshil there are 113 villages and 1 towns. Out of 113 villages in Indergarh teshil in which Jujharpur is most populated village with population of 3461 and least populated village is Dhimaryau having population only 0. There are 1 town in Indergarh sub-district which lies in Indergarh administrative devision. Most populated town in Indergarh Teshil is Indergarh (NP) with population of 23045.

Total population of Indergarh teshil is 136921 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Indergarh teshil is 868 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Indergarh teshil is 71.02%.

Census Data of Indergarh Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
136921 868 71.02%

Demographics details of Indergarh Teshil

The population of Indergarh sub district is 136921 people, among them about 73315 are male and 63606 are female. Total number of house holds in Indergarh Teshil is 27102. Total Literates persons are 83324 in which total male literates are 52367 and female literates are 30957. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 19589, among them 10623 are boys and 8966 are girls.

Indergarh Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameIndergarh
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameDatia
Total Population136921
Total No of House Holds27102
Total Male Population73315
Total Female Population63606
0-6 Age group Total Population19589
0-6 Age group Male Population10623
0-6 Age group Male Population8966
Total Person Literates83324
Total Male Literates52367
Total Male Literates30957
Total Person Illiterates53597
Total Male Illiterates20948
Total Male Illiterates32649
Scheduled Cast Persons39539
Scheduled Cast Males21202
Scheduled Cast Females18337
Scheduled Tribe Persons415
Scheduled Tribe Males472
Scheduled Tribe Females415

Indergarh Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 153247 36309
Population (%) 111.92 % 26.52 %
Male Population 81096 18990
Female Population 72151 17319
Sex Ratio 890 912
Child Population (0-6) 12844 2495
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 866 867
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.64% 14.8%
Households in 33145 6642
Literates 76652 20733
Literacy % 59.29% 67.02%
Male Literacy 70.7% 75.85%
Female Literacy 46.53% 57.41%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Indergarh Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 130703 70028 60675 95.46% 67.93%
Muslim 4999 2630 2369 3.65% 2.37%
Christian 141 67 74 0.1% 0.08%
Sikh 73 42 31 0.05% 0.05%
Buddhist 929 500 429 0.68% 0.54%
Jain 18 11 7 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 1 1 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 57 36 21 0.04% 0.02%

Workers profile of Indergarh Teshil

Indergarh has 56454 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 39814 male and 16640 female population are working population. Full time workers in Indergarh teshil are 41662 and 14792 are marginal (part time) workers.

Indergarh Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 56454 39814 16640
Main Workers 41662 34421 7241
Main Workers Cultivators 25625 22127 3498
Agriculture Labourer 9577 6854 2723
Household Industries 449 316 133
Other Workers 6011 5124 887
Marginal Workers 14792 5393 9399
Non Working Persons 80467 33501 46966

List of Town/City of Indergarh Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Indergarh with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Datia is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Indergarh (NP) 23045 901

List of villages in Teshil-Indergarh, District-Datia, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Jujharpur Indergarh 3461
2 Kudari Indergarh 3170
3 Senthri Indergarh 2957
4 Padri Indergarh 2954
5 Sunari Indergarh 2824
6 Kulenth Indergarh 2812
7 Seguwan Indergarh 2724
8 Pachokhara Indergarh 2724
9 Bharroli Indergarh 2526
10 Unchiya Indergarh 2508
11 Khadaua Indergarh 2495
12 Loch Indergarh 2483
13 Uchad Indergarh 2388
14 Silori Indergarh 2275
15 Jonia Indergarh 2190
16 Sikari Indergarh 2003
17 Parsondagoojar Indergarh 1991
18 Bharsula Indergarh 1906
19 Bhadol Indergarh 1875
20 Bhadona Indergarh 1818
21 Dohar Indergarh 1673
22 Raruajiwan Indergarh 1563
23 Kanjoli Indergarh 1523
24 Raruarai Indergarh 1502
25 Delua Indergarh 1486
26 Khajoori Indergarh 1476
27 Bagpura Indergarh 1449
28 Murgawan Indergarh 1442
29 Chhikau Indergarh 1384
30 Tiletha Indergarh 1322
31 Kuthonda Indergarh 1249
32 Kheronaghat Indergarh 1213
33 Badehari Indergarh 1178
34 Bilaspur Indergarh 1155
35 Piparua Indergarh 1114
36 Ikona Indergarh 1099
37 Syawari Indergarh 1098
38 Barjorpura Indergarh 1078
39 Mahonajat Indergarh 1035
40 Gohana Indergarh 1032
41 Barguwan Indergarh 1027
42 Jiginiya Indergarh 972
43 Ranipura Indergarh 959
44 Pipra Indergarh 957
45 Bagurdan (Proj) Indergarh 926
46 Kherona Indergarh 920
47 Joura Indergarh 915
48 Jaswantpur Indergarh 891
49 Jaroli Indergarh 879
50 Ramgarha Indergarh 861
51 Pahadirawat Indergarh 856
52 Fatepur Indergarh 850
53 Theli Indergarh 848
54 Tigra Indergarh 825
55 Anandpur Indergarh 808
56 Laharakalan Indergarh 799
57 Jaswantpura Indergarh 795
58 Khirka Indergarh 788
59 Bagurdan (Siddha) Indergarh 786
60 Itarora Indergarh 778
61 Katapur Indergarh 769
62 Lodhipura Indergarh 768
63 Dabhera Indergarh 766
64 Chakkbena Indergarh 749
65 Tigroo Indergarh 736
66 Barabuzurg Indergarh 719
67 Degawangoojar Indergarh 712
68 Chimghan Indergarh 672
69 Dhirpura Indergarh 661
70 Andora Indergarh 636
71 Chhenkuri Indergarh 635
72 Ronni Indergarh 620
73 Khaikheda Indergarh 550
74 Dhanoli Indergarh 550
75 Sundarpura Indergarh 543
76 Bahera Indergarh 535
77 Husenpura Indergarh 530
78 Ramdeva Indergarh 526
79 Pahadishyam Indergarh 523
80 Pacherabuzurg Indergarh 496
81 Nandana Indergarh 494
82 Kheridevta Indergarh 479
83 Kherichachu Indergarh 477
84 Seoni Indergarh 474
85 Amawali Indergarh 454
86 Baina Indergarh 447
87 Peepri Indergarh 442
88 Simthara Indergarh 436
89 Bandapara Indergarh 420
90 Nimona Indergarh 393
91 Surapara Indergarh 385
92 Toda Indergarh 349
93 Roora Indergarh 346
94 Govindnagar Indergarh 339
95 Laharawed Indergarh 312
96 Jaitpura Indergarh 284
97 Basith Indergarh 266
98 Chitai Indergarh 217
99 Kudra Indergarh 190
100 Chapra Indergarh 153
101 Durgapur Indergarh 130
102 Danguchad Indergarh 97
103 Khiriya Indergarh 1
104 Teekar Indergarh N/A
105 Mau Indergarh N/A
106 Kurra Indergarh N/A
107 Chakdhanoli Indergarh N/A
108 Chakunchiya Indergarh N/A
109 Chadhraua Indergarh N/A
110 Pachorakhurd Indergarh N/A
111 Birsingpura Indergarh N/A
112 Binori Indergarh N/A
113 Dhimaryau Indergarh N/A
