Villages and Towns of Indi Tehsil of District Bijapur, Karnataka

Indi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bijapur District, Karnataka India. Indi teshil is one of the teshil of Bijapur district Karnataka. In Indi Teshil there are 133 villages and 1 towns. Out of 133 villages in Indi teshil in which Chadchan is most populated village with population of 15542 and least populated village is Satpur having population only 0. There are 1 town in Indi sub-district which lies in Indi administrative devision. Most populated town in Indi Teshil is Indi (TMC) with population of 38217.

Total population of Indi teshil is 421169 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Indi teshil is 935 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Indi teshil is 64.05%.

Census Data of Indi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
421169 935 64.05%

Demographics details of Indi Teshil

The population of Indi sub district is 421169 people, among them about 217663 are male and 203506 are female. Total number of house holds in Indi Teshil is 78925. Total Literates persons are 229112 in which total male literates are 136927 and female literates are 92185. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 63444, among them 32978 are boys and 30466 are girls.

Indi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameIndi
State NameKarnataka
District NameBijapur
Total Population421169
Total No of House Holds78925
Total Male Population217663
Total Female Population203506
0-6 Age group Total Population63444
0-6 Age group Male Population32978
0-6 Age group Male Population30466
Total Person Literates229112
Total Male Literates136927
Total Male Literates92185
Total Person Illiterates192057
Total Male Illiterates80736
Total Male Illiterates111321
Scheduled Cast Persons83380
Scheduled Cast Males43029
Scheduled Cast Females40351
Scheduled Tribe Persons3730
Scheduled Tribe Males4016
Scheduled Tribe Females3730

Indi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 120954 40567
Population (%) 28.72 % 9.63 %
Male Population 62396 20754
Female Population 58558 19813
Sex Ratio 938 955
Child Population (0-6) 8074 2727
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 973 920
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.17% 14.03%
Households in 24126 7200
Literates 75227 24323
Literacy % 71.63% 69.74%
Male Literacy 79.43% 72.39%
Female Literacy 63.27% 66.98%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Indi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 363547 187891 175656 86.32% 55.37%
Muslim 52965 27357 25608 12.58% 7.9%
Christian 298 166 132 0.07% 0.05%
Sikh 50 22 28 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 73 32 41 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 1397 688 709 0.33% 0.31%
Other religions and persuasions 96 39 57 0.02% 0.01%
Religion not stated 2743 1468 1275 0.65% 0.38%

Workers profile of Indi Teshil

Indi has 183034 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 112702 male and 70332 female population are working population. Full time workers in Indi teshil are 158517 and 24517 are marginal (part time) workers.

Indi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 183034 112702 70332
Main Workers 158517 103527 54990
Main Workers Cultivators 63606 48166 15440
Agriculture Labourer 59486 28134 31352
Household Industries 2542 1751 791
Other Workers 32883 25476 7407
Marginal Workers 24517 9175 15342
Non Working Persons 238135 104961 133174

List of Town/City of Indi Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Indi with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bijapur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Indi (TMC) 38217 957

List of villages in Teshil-Indi, District-Bijapur, Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Chadchan Indi 15542
2 Salotgi Indi 12970
3 Tamba Indi 10707
4 Atharga Indi 10075
5 Tadavalga Indi 10010
6 Horti Indi 8970
7 Rugi Indi 7129
8 Agarkhed Indi 6978
9 Anjutagi Indi 6977
10 Jigajeevani Indi 6882
11 Hanjagi Indi 6672
12 Bardol Indi 6495
13 Halasangi Indi 6256
14 Hirebevanur Indi 6075
15 Bhatagunaki Indi 5605
16 Loni [B.K.] Indi 5320
17 Masali[B.K.] Indi 5312
18 Nimbargi Indi 5146
19 Chickbevanur Indi 5118
20 Dhulikhed (Old) Indi 4890
21 Ahirasang Indi 4599
22 Lachyan Indi 4586
23 Padanur Indi 4561
24 Nivargi Indi 4281
25 Alur Indi 4245
26 Shirshyad Indi 4224
27 Inchageri Indi 4173
28 Hatta Halli Indi 4055
29 Revathagaon Indi 3991
30 Ballolli Indi 3965
31 Satalagaon (P.I) Indi 3900
32 Ingalgi Indi 3672
33 Bhuyar Indi 3570
34 Nimbal [K.D.] Indi 3565
35 Umraj Indi 3424
36 Havinal Indi 3389
37 Miragi Indi 3348
38 Shiradon Indi 3309
39 Jevoor Indi 3290
40 Chanegaon Indi 3037
41 Khedgi Indi 2998
42 Hadalasang Indi 2996
43 Chavadihal Indi 2993
44 Lalasangi Indi 2951
45 Umrani (Old) Indi 2902
46 Hingani Indi 2872
47 Babalad Indi 2820
48 Nimbal [B.K.] Indi 2792
49 Sangogi Indi 2724
50 Zalaki Indi 2686
51 Naad[K.D.] Indi 2651
52 Gornal Indi 2622
53 Arjunagi [B.K.] Indi 2535
54 Benakanahalli Indi 2524
55 Golasar Indi 2493
56 Savalsang Indi 2461
57 Bhanthanal Indi 2436
58 Shirkanahalli Indi 2416
59 Baragudi Indi 2401
60 Lingadalli Indi 2373
61 Nandaragi Indi 2372
62 Takali Indi 2343
63 Shirnal Indi 2285
64 Rodagi Indi 2264
65 Koluragi Indi 2262
66 Tennihalli Indi 2231
67 Mavinalli Indi 2225
68 Taddewadi Indi 2221
69 Godihal Indi 2219
70 Jeerankalgi Indi 2157
71 Maragur Indi 2153
72 Gubbewad Indi 2120
73 Nehrunagar Indi 2106
74 Halagunaki Indi 2102
75 Mannur Indi 2028
76 Basanal Indi 1964
77 Kapanimbargi Indi 1936
78 Sonakanahalli Indi 1914
79 Arajanal Indi 1901
80 Teggihalli Indi 1879
81 Bolegaon Indi 1853
82 Rajanal Indi 1791
83 Sankha (Old) Indi 1749
84 Naad[B.K.] Indi 1741
85 Agasanal Indi 1720
86 Gotyal Indi 1689
87 Choragi Indi 1670
88 Gundawan Indi 1651
89 Hala Halli Indi 1645
90 Mahaveernagar Indi 1620
91 Shiganapur Indi 1580
92 Kanakanal Indi 1466
93 Kotnal Indi 1452
94 Yelgi [P.H.] Indi 1452
95 Marasanahalli Indi 1444
96 Satalagaon[P.B.] Indi 1419
97 Shiragur Inam (Old) Indi 1399
98 Deginal Indi 1354
99 Budihal Indi 1328
100 Anachi Indi 1295
101 Ganavalga Indi 1290
102 Bhairunagi Indi 1278
103 Wade Indi 1221
104 Loni (K.D) Indi 1218
105 Kataral Indi 1210
106 Karur Indi 1181
107 Kudagi Indi 1123
108 Dhumakanal Indi 1107
109 Manankalgi Indi 1072
110 Nandral Indi 1071
111 Arjunagi [K.H.] Indi 1056
112 Mailar Indi 1035
113 Kenginal Indi 1016
114 Kyatanakeri Indi 1007
115 Dasur Indi 970
116 Hanchinal Indi 914
117 Gandhinagar Indi 848
118 Konkanagaon Indi 802
119 Vijayanagar Indi 694
120 Shivapur [K.H.] Indi 666
121 Govindapur Indi 645
122 Masali[K.D.] Indi 539
123 Shiragur Khalasa Indi 513
124 Hanumanagar Indi 492
125 Ramanagar Indi 487
126 Nagarhalli Indi 442
127 Bannihatti Indi 439
128 Kanchinal Indi 383
129 Shivapur [B.K.] Indi 274
130 Indi (Rural) Indi N/A
131 Vasantanagar Indi N/A
132 Jainur Indi N/A
133 Satpur Indi N/A
