Villages and Towns of Indore Tehsil of District Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Indore Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Indore District, Madhya Pradesh India. Indore teshil is one of the teshil of Indore district Madhya Pradesh. In Indore Teshil there are 126 villages and 11 towns. Out of 126 villages in Indore teshil in which Rangwasa is most populated village with population of 8632 and least populated village is Sarolia having population only 0. There are 11 town in Indore sub-district which lies in Indore administrative devision. Most populated town in Indore Teshil is Limbodi (CT) with population of 9488.

Total population of Indore teshil is 2389511 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Indore teshil is 925 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Indore teshil is 83.99%.

Census Data of Indore Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
2389511 925 83.99%

Demographics details of Indore Teshil

The population of Indore sub district is 2389511 people, among them about 1241079 are male and 1148432 are female. Total number of house holds in Indore Teshil is 482493. Total Literates persons are 1758546 in which total male literates are 962787 and female literates are 795759. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 295716, among them 156013 are boys and 139703 are girls.

Indore Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameIndore
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameIndore
Total Population2389511
Total No of House Holds482493
Total Male Population1241079
Total Female Population1148432
0-6 Age group Total Population295716
0-6 Age group Male Population156013
0-6 Age group Male Population139703
Total Person Literates1758546
Total Male Literates962787
Total Male Literates795759
Total Person Illiterates630965
Total Male Illiterates278292
Total Male Illiterates352673
Scheduled Cast Persons379348
Scheduled Cast Males195613
Scheduled Cast Females183735
Scheduled Tribe Persons48003
Scheduled Tribe Males52329
Scheduled Tribe Females48003

Indore Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 72233 6821
Population (%) 3.02 % 0.29 %
Male Population 36990 3536
Female Population 35243 3285
Sex Ratio 953 929
Child Population (0-6) 5479 447
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 961 810
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.88% 14.65%
Households in 14800 1411
Literates 38701 4619
Literacy % 62.94% 79.34%
Male Literacy 73.09% 85.86%
Female Literacy 52.27% 72.48%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Indore Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 1949531 1015308 934223 81.59% 68.79%
Muslim 318358 164062 154296 13.32% 10.24%
Christian 14312 6965 7347 0.6% 0.58%
Sikh 23349 12057 11292 0.98% 0.96%
Buddhist 10573 5382 5191 0.44% 0.33%
Jain 68004 34619 33385 2.85% 2.9%
Other religions and persuasions 638 325 313 0.03% 0.03%
Religion not stated 4746 2361 2385 0.2% 0.15%

Workers profile of Indore Teshil

Indore has 882347 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 683621 male and 198726 female population are working population. Full time workers in Indore teshil are 819085 and 63262 are marginal (part time) workers.

Indore Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 882347 683621 198726
Main Workers 819085 649366 169719
Main Workers Cultivators 31598 23780 7818
Agriculture Labourer 36539 21639 14900
Household Industries 33156 25468 7688
Other Workers 717792 578479 139313
Marginal Workers 63262 34255 29007
Non Working Persons 1507164 557458 949706

List of Town/City of Indore Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Indore with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Indore is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Limbodi (CT) 9488 946
2 Ahirkhedi (CT) 9357 943
3 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 8774 924
4 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 64213 893
5 Sinhasa (CT) 5050 940
6 Rau (NP) 36055 932
7 Palda (CT) 18697 882
8 Bank (CT) 18534 936
9 Piplya Kumar (CT) 10684 930
10 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 10225 883
11 Hukmakhedi (CT) 10165 961

List of villages in Teshil-Indore, District-Indore, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Rangwasa Indore 8632
2 Mundla Nayata Indore 8624
3 Kalod Kartal Indore 7668
4 Kampel Indore 7518
5 Tillor Khurd Indore 6464
6 Piwday Indore 5892
7 Bilawali Indore 5678
8 Shiwni Indore 5564
9 Nainod Indore 5538
10 Nihalpur Mundi Indore 5456
11 Dudhia Indore 5384
12 Sukhniwas Indore 4786
13 Pipalda Indore 4316
14 Asrawad Khurd Indore 3984
15 Khudel Buzurg Indore 3654
16 Asrawad Buzurg Indore 3506
17 Kalod Hala Indore 3248
18 Pedmi Indore 3097
19 Kajipalasiya Indore 3019
20 Sanawadia Indore 3010
21 Ralamandal Indore 2863
22 Bawalya Khurd Indore 2474
23 Bisanawada Indore 2347
24 Morod Indore 2218
25 Tillor Buzurg Indore 2089
26 Kalaria Indore 2042
27 Deoguradia Indore 1998
28 Umri Kheda Indore 1986
29 Umaria Khurd Indore 1944
30 Sindoda (Talawali Kachra) Indore 1850
31 Arandia Indore 1819
32 Nawda Panth Indore 1795
33 Badia Keema Indore 1777
34 Semalya Chau Indore 1722
35 Kapalya Khedi Indore 1636
36 Ambamolya Indore 1547
37 Mirjapur Indore 1441
38 Machla Indore 1439
39 Gehli Indore 1400
40 Jhalaria Indore 1392
41 Semalya Raimal Indore 1382
42 Bihdia Indore 1376
43 Garipipalya Indore 1349
44 Khandel Indore 1299
45 Hashakhedi Indore 1277
46 Shri Ram Talawali(Kachra) Indore 1235
47 Dharnawad Indore 1233
48 Maya Khedi Indore 1233
49 Jamnya Khurd Indore 1204
50 Burana Khedi Indore 1194
51 Badia Hat Indore 1145
52 Dhamnay Indore 1142
53 Panod Indore 1134
54 Morodhat Indore 1090
55 Berchha Indore 1021
56 Sonway Indore 1000
57 Sindhi Baroda Indore 998
58 Balya Kheda Indore 990
59 Mundla Dosdar Indore 977
60 Jagmalpipalya Indore 976
61 Begam Khedi Indore 972
62 Undal Indore 967
63 Rinjlai Indore 960
64 Chauhan Khedi Indore 909
65 Khudel Khurd Indore 890
66 Songuradiya Indore 883
67 Narlai Indore 880
68 Khatipiplya Indore 877
69 Bisan Kheda Indore 869
70 Sanawalya Khedi Indore 855
71 Shakkar Khedi (Haran Khedi) Indore 848
72 Aranya Indore 785
73 Digwal Indore 765
74 Khemana Indore 736
75 Baroda Daulat Indore 724
76 Rajdhara Indore 722
77 Shakkar Khedi Indore 706
78 Jalod Keu Indore 687
79 Phali Indore 679
80 Mundal Jetkaran Indore 650
81 Kharadia Indore 606
82 Nignoti Indore 590
83 Khatri Khedi Indore 584
84 Sahu Khedi Indore 571
85 Mali Khedi Indore 563
86 Dhulet Indore 548
87 Higonya Indore 548
88 Upadinatha Indore 544
89 Dhaturia Indore 543
90 Kacharod Indore 540
91 Goga Khedi Indore 517
92 Ujjaini Indore 502
93 Baroda Kara Indore 494
94 Bhokhakhedi Indore 438
95 Tinchha Indore 422
96 Ankya Indore 412
97 Sindodi Indore 394
98 Ramu Khedi Indore 382
99 Nehru Indore 353
100 Nahar Jhabua Indore 351
101 Asakhedi Indore 350
102 Jani Indore 336
103 Kevadia Indore 300
104 Set Khedi Indore 293
105 Garya Indore 289
106 Muhadi Indore 252
107 Chhitkana Indore 243
108 Ghudia Indore 217
109 Fatan Khedi Indore 208
110 Mundi Indore 196
111 Nayapura Indore 165
112 Shahdadeo Indore 163
113 Bawalya Buzurg Indore 144
114 Moklai Indore 134
115 Lasudiya Anant Indore 90
116 Ramgarh Indore 56
117 Sahu Khedi Indore 46
118 Chikatiya Indore 27
119 Dandala Khedi Indore N/A
120 Kaku Khedi Indore N/A
121 Bhingaria Indore N/A
122 Panjarya Indore N/A
123 Kordia Barda Indore N/A
124 Dehri Indore N/A
125 Jamaniya Indore N/A
126 Sarolia Indore N/A
