Villages and Towns of Industrial Tehsil of District Anugul , Odisha

Industrial Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Anugul District, Odisha India. Industrial teshil is one of the teshil of Anugul district Odisha. In Industrial Teshil there are 43 villages and 0 towns. Out of 43 villages in Industrial teshil in which Paranga is most populated village with population of 3485 and least populated village is Kundajharijungle having population only 0. There are 0 town in Industrial sub-district which lies in Industrial administrative devision. Most populated town in Industrial Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Industrial teshil is 34314 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Industrial teshil is 961 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Industrial teshil is 73.7%.

Census Data of Industrial Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
34314 961 73.7%

Demographics details of Industrial Teshil

The population of Industrial sub district is 34314 people, among them about 17500 are male and 16814 are female. Total number of house holds in Industrial Teshil is 8096. Total Literates persons are 21605 in which total male literates are 12581 and female literates are 9024. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 5001, among them 2520 are boys and 2481 are girls.

Industrial Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameIndustrial
State NameOdisha
District NameAnugul
Total Population34314
Total No of House Holds8096
Total Male Population17500
Total Female Population16814
0-6 Age group Total Population5001
0-6 Age group Male Population2520
0-6 Age group Male Population2481
Total Person Literates21605
Total Male Literates12581
Total Male Literates9024
Total Person Illiterates12709
Total Male Illiterates4919
Total Male Illiterates7790
Scheduled Cast Persons6733
Scheduled Cast Males3372
Scheduled Cast Females3361
Scheduled Tribe Persons2634
Scheduled Tribe Males2610
Scheduled Tribe Females2634

Industrial Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 44036 0
Population (%) 128.33 % 0 %
Male Population 22764 0
Female Population 21272 0
Sex Ratio 934 0
Child Population (0-6) 2690 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 867 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.4% 0%
Households in 11254 0
Literates 30251 0
Literacy % 77.54% 0%
Male Literacy 85.7% 0%
Female Literacy 68.89% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Industrial Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 34198 17428 16770 99.66% 73.48%
Muslim 16 12 4 0.05% 0.04%
Christian 22 13 9 0.06% 0.05%
Sikh 0 0 0 0% 0%
Buddhist 0 0 0 0% 0%
Jain 3 2 1 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 75 45 30 0.22% 0.13%

Workers profile of Industrial Teshil

Industrial has 12687 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 9333 male and 3354 female population are working population. Full time workers in Industrial teshil are 10089 and 2598 are marginal (part time) workers.

Industrial Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 12687 9333 3354
Main Workers 10089 8247 1842
Main Workers Cultivators 3625 3153 472
Agriculture Labourer 2270 1589 681
Household Industries 617 438 179
Other Workers 3577 3067 510
Marginal Workers 2598 1086 1512
Non Working Persons 21627 8167 13460

List of villages in Teshil-Industrial , District-Anugul , Odisha as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Paranga Industrial 3485
2 Raijharan Industrial 3151
3 Badakerjang Industrial 2507
4 Sanakerjang Industrial 2455
5 Badakerangjungle Industrial 2431
6 Jhintipal Industrial 1872
7 Kankarei Industrial 1799
8 Nisa Industrial 1593
9 Kaliakata Industrial 1439
10 Jamundajungle Industrial 1207
11 Golabandha Industrial 1117
12 Nandichhoda(Gopiballabhapur) Industrial 987
13 Subarnapur Industrial 982
14 Bhubanpur Industrial 954
15 Paripara Industrial 844
16 Jamunda Industrial 836
17 Ramadiha Industrial 765
18 Sendhapal Industrial 689
19 Badamahitala Industrial 620
20 Dabaradhua Industrial 449
21 Malibrahmani Industrial 446
22 Pirakhaman Industrial 390
23 Golagadia Industrial 364
24 Chhotabereni Industrial 339
25 Gopinathpur jungle Industrial 330
26 Kudapal pasi Industrial 312
27 Beherabhuin Industrial 297
28 Balichandrapur Industrial 278
29 Pathuria Industrial 276
30 Sanajamunda Industrial 262
31 Basudevpur Industrial 219
32 Kaunsidhipa Industrial 167
33 Makundapur Industrial 165
34 Sanamahitala Industrial 162
35 Krushnachandrapur Industrial 50
36 Derjangjungle Industrial 37
37 Daneinali Industrial 22
38 Sanakerjang jungle Industrial 14
39 Niranjanpur Industrial 2
40 Kaliakatajungle Industrial N/A
41 Panapur Industrial N/A
42 Jhintipaljungle Industrial N/A
43 Kundajharijungle Industrial N/A
