Villages and Towns of Itarsi Tehsil of District Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh

Itarsi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Hoshangabad District, Madhya Pradesh India. Itarsi teshil is one of the teshil of Hoshangabad district Madhya Pradesh. In Itarsi Teshil there are 134 villages and 4 towns. Out of 134 villages in Itarsi teshil in which Pathrauta (Part) is most populated village with population of 6003 and least populated village is Amabad having population only 0. There are 4 town in Itarsi sub-district which lies in Itarsi administrative devision. Most populated town in Itarsi Teshil is Itarsi (M + OG) with population of 99330.

Total population of Itarsi teshil is 240719 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Itarsi teshil is 927 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Itarsi teshil is 80.1%.

Census Data of Itarsi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
240719 927 80.1%

Demographics details of Itarsi Teshil

The population of Itarsi sub district is 240719 people, among them about 124898 are male and 115821 are female. Total number of house holds in Itarsi Teshil is 49297. Total Literates persons are 169158 in which total male literates are 95152 and female literates are 74006. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 29527, among them 15184 are boys and 14343 are girls.

Itarsi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameItarsi
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameHoshangabad
Total Population240719
Total No of House Holds49297
Total Male Population124898
Total Female Population115821
0-6 Age group Total Population29527
0-6 Age group Male Population15184
0-6 Age group Male Population14343
Total Person Literates169158
Total Male Literates95152
Total Male Literates74006
Total Person Illiterates71561
Total Male Illiterates29746
Total Male Illiterates41815
Scheduled Cast Persons37015
Scheduled Cast Males19264
Scheduled Cast Females17751
Scheduled Tribe Persons28266
Scheduled Tribe Males29248
Scheduled Tribe Females28266

Itarsi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 177829 0
Population (%) 73.87 % 0 %
Male Population 90943 0
Female Population 86886 0
Sex Ratio 955 0
Child Population (0-6) 13739 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 947 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.04% 0%
Households in 42085 0
Literates 103116 0
Literacy % 68.25% 0%
Male Literacy 79.07% 0%
Female Literacy 56.95% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Itarsi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 222840 115732 107108 92.57% 73.61%
Muslim 11752 6017 5735 4.88% 4.01%
Christian 2194 1107 1087 0.91% 0.91%
Sikh 1719 905 814 0.71% 0.7%
Buddhist 569 291 278 0.24% 0.2%
Jain 1480 766 714 0.61% 0.62%
Other religions and persuasions 29 14 15 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 136 66 70 0.06% 0.05%

Workers profile of Itarsi Teshil

Itarsi has 90116 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 65931 male and 24185 female population are working population. Full time workers in Itarsi teshil are 65663 and 24453 are marginal (part time) workers.

Itarsi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 90116 65931 24185
Main Workers 65663 53055 12608
Main Workers Cultivators 10948 9960 988
Agriculture Labourer 12757 8278 4479
Household Industries 1367 1034 333
Other Workers 40591 33783 6808
Marginal Workers 24453 12876 11577
Non Working Persons 150603 58967 91636

List of Town/City of Itarsi Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Itarsi with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Hoshangabad is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Itarsi (M + OG) 99330 934
2 Ordnance Factory Itarsi (CT) 7878 868
3 Meharagaon (CT) 5625 845
4 Ranipur (Tavanagar) (CT) 4561 869

List of villages in Teshil-Itarsi, District-Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Pathrauta (Part) Itarsi 6003
2 Kala Akhar Itarsi 4678
3 Sankheda Itarsi 3530
4 Kesla Itarsi 3365
5 Bhargada Itarsi 3169
6 Chaukipura Itarsi 2885
7 Raisalpur Itarsi 2841
8 Sontalai Itarsi 2517
9 Rampur Itarsi 2494
10 Bhatti Itarsi 2487
11 Silwani Itarsi 2353
12 Dhandiwada Itarsi 2118
13 Gonchi Tironda Itarsi 2058
14 Jamani Itarsi 2036
15 Tikhad Itarsi 2029
16 Pahanbarri Itarsi 2012
17 Sonasawari Itarsi 1951
18 Nagpur Kalan Itarsi 1867
19 Chandon Itarsi 1822
20 Dhurpon Itarsi 1777
21 Nayagaon Itarsi 1631
22 Taku Itarsi 1631
23 Gurra Itarsi 1573
24 Bichhua Itarsi 1542
25 Morpani Itarsi 1502
26 Saheli Itarsi 1470
27 Kasda Khurd Itarsi 1424
28 Gajapur Itarsi 1419
29 Chhitapura Itarsi 1400
30 Jujharpur Itarsi 1394
31 Maroda Itarsi 1393
32 Jhunkar Itarsi 1276
33 Chandkiya Itarsi 1262
34 Tangna Itarsi 1248
35 Somalwada Khurd Itarsi 1244
36 Bardha Ryt Itarsi 1191
37 Pandri Itarsi 1184
38 Ghatli Itarsi 1169
39 Dehri Itarsi 1137
40 Bortalai Itarsi 1132
41 Tara Roda Itarsi 1113
42 Pipariya Khurd Itarsi 1091
43 Borkheda Itarsi 1056
44 Dhai Khurd Itarsi 1048
45 Pandu Khedi Itarsi 1040
46 Damdam Itarsi 1039
47 Mandikhoh Itarsi 983
48 Pipaldhana Itarsi 960
49 Silari Itarsi 931
50 Nayachicha Itarsi 884
51 Bhobda Ryt Itarsi 872
52 Ghograpura Itarsi 847
53 Loharia Kalan Itarsi 833
54 Babaikhurd Itarsi 800
55 Dodi Itarsi 789
56 Kandai Kalan Itarsi 777
57 Bisarodha Itarsi 767
58 Malothar Itarsi 759
59 Ghughwasa Itarsi 757
60 Kotmi Ryt Itarsi 749
61 Chitlai Itarsi 748
62 Rupapur Itarsi 743
63 Kohda Itarsi 742
64 Belawada Itarsi 733
65 Khohra Itarsi 702
66 Kandai Khurd Itarsi 694
67 Sadhpura Itarsi 612
68 Jhirmau Itarsi 596
69 Kesla Khurd Itarsi 592
70 Chartekra Itarsi 590
71 Bandri Itarsi 579
72 Dhonkheda Itarsi 550
73 Saradeh Itarsi 547
74 Guwadikalan Itarsi 535
75 Kelmesra Itarsi 529
76 Amjhira Itarsi 517
77 Somalwada Kalan Itarsi 509
78 Khatama Itarsi 496
79 Parchha Itarsi 494
80 Sonthia Itarsi 485
81 Kiratpur Itarsi 472
82 Chichwani Itarsi 469
83 Nandner Itarsi 464
84 Nazarpur Itarsi 464
85 Dob Itarsi 463
86 Dobhi Talpura Itarsi 456
87 Kotmimal Itarsi 454
88 Dhansai Itarsi 434
89 Pipariya Kalan Itarsi 434
90 Dhobi Khapa Itarsi 430
91 Ojhapura Itarsi 428
92 Kasda Ryt Itarsi 405
93 Batkui Itarsi 401
94 Chipa Kheda Itarsi 383
95 Chatua Itarsi 358
96 Hiran Chapda Itarsi 338
97 Kandai Himmat Itarsi 325
98 Kotha Itarsi 324
99 Lalpani Itarsi 320
100 Mohala Itarsi 313
101 Jalikheda Itarsi 297
102 Kubda Khedi Itarsi 286
103 Chhipi Khapa Itarsi 271
104 Golandoh Itarsi 260
105 Jamai Kalan Itarsi 254
106 Amada Itarsi 253
107 Lodhdi Khurd Itarsi 242
108 Lalwani Itarsi 237
109 Ranjhi Itarsi 231
110 Jamai Damami Itarsi 218
111 Pipariya Itarsi 214
112 Chhirpani Itarsi 212
113 Karkha Jamai Itarsi 162
114 Nagpur Khurd Itarsi 158
115 Bhatna Itarsi 152
116 Khapa Itarsi 143
117 Temla Khurd Itarsi 117
118 Jhalpa Itarsi 62
119 Kasda Kalan Itarsi 56
120 Mahendrawadi Itarsi 35
121 Somjidhana Itarsi 21
122 Kaveli Itarsi 7
123 Chak Saradeh Ahir Itarsi N/A
124 Chak Saradeh Gaund Itarsi N/A
125 Dhatram Itarsi N/A
126 Pipalkheda Itarsi N/A
127 Chichadhana Itarsi N/A
128 Banglapura Itarsi N/A
129 Khohri Itarsi N/A
130 Dadan Khapa Itarsi N/A
131 Manamau Itarsi N/A
132 Jilwani Itarsi N/A
133 Kotra Itarsi N/A
134 Amabad Itarsi N/A
