Villages and Towns of Jamkhandi Tehsil of District Bagalkot , Karnataka

Jamkhandi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bagalkot District, Karnataka India. Jamkhandi teshil is one of the teshil of Bagalkot district Karnataka. In Jamkhandi Teshil there are 71 villages and 3 towns. Out of 71 villages in Jamkhandi teshil in which Savalagi is most populated village with population of 12506 and least populated village is Kalhatti having population only 437. There are 3 town in Jamkhandi sub-district which lies in Jamkhandi administrative devision. Most populated town in Jamkhandi Teshil is Rabkavi Banhatti (CMC) with population of 77004.

Total population of Jamkhandi teshil is 470176 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Jamkhandi teshil is 983 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Jamkhandi teshil is 67.86%.

Census Data of Jamkhandi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
470176 983 67.86%

Demographics details of Jamkhandi Teshil

The population of Jamkhandi sub district is 470176 people, among them about 237086 are male and 233090 are female. Total number of house holds in Jamkhandi Teshil is 90067. Total Literates persons are 272197 in which total male literates are 153901 and female literates are 118296. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 69054, among them 35663 are boys and 33391 are girls.

Jamkhandi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameJamkhandi
State NameKarnataka
District NameBagalkot
Total Population470176
Total No of House Holds90067
Total Male Population237086
Total Female Population233090
0-6 Age group Total Population69054
0-6 Age group Male Population35663
0-6 Age group Male Population33391
Total Person Literates272197
Total Male Literates153901
Total Male Literates118296
Total Person Illiterates197979
Total Male Illiterates83185
Total Male Illiterates114794
Scheduled Cast Persons80138
Scheduled Cast Males39496
Scheduled Cast Females40642
Scheduled Tribe Persons2925
Scheduled Tribe Males2941
Scheduled Tribe Females2925

Jamkhandi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 124026 62882
Population (%) 26.38 % 13.37 %
Male Population 62680 31222
Female Population 61346 31660
Sex Ratio 979 1014
Child Population (0-6) 6153 3156
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 923 960
Child Percentage (0-6) 9.54% 10.25%
Households in 27944 15147
Literates 96088 52387
Literacy % 85.64% 92.82%
Male Literacy 89.87% 95.26%
Female Literacy 81.36% 90.43%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Jamkhandi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 383737 193234 190503 81.62% 54.74%
Muslim 62768 31735 31033 13.35% 9.29%
Christian 296 154 142 0.06% 0.05%
Sikh 98 43 55 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 195 108 87 0.04% 0.02%
Jain 22269 11428 10841 4.74% 3.63%
Other religions and persuasions 47 20 27 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 766 364 402 0.16% 0.11%

Workers profile of Jamkhandi Teshil

Jamkhandi has 189471 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 126399 male and 63072 female population are working population. Full time workers in Jamkhandi teshil are 164886 and 24585 are marginal (part time) workers.

Jamkhandi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 189471 126399 63072
Main Workers 164886 116994 47892
Main Workers Cultivators 51078 40757 10321
Agriculture Labourer 47391 24845 22546
Household Industries 10088 6754 3334
Other Workers 56329 44638 11691
Marginal Workers 24585 9405 15180
Non Working Persons 280705 110687 170018

List of Town/City of Jamkhandi Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Jamkhandi with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bagalkot is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Rabkavi Banhatti (CMC) 77004 979
2 Jamkhandi (CMC) 68938 1031
3 Terdal (TMC) 26088 980

List of villages in Teshil-Jamkhandi, District-Bagalkot , Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Savalagi Jamkhandi 12506
2 Chimmad Jamkhandi 10839
3 Hunnur Jamkhandi 9771
4 Konnur Jamkhandi 8989
5 Todalbagi Jamkhandi 8598
6 Hipparagi Jamkhandi 8560
7 Kulhalli Jamkhandi 8353
8 Sasalatti Jamkhandi 8226
9 Navalgi Jamkhandi 7875
10 Jagadal Jamkhandi 7815
11 Halingali Jamkhandi 7363
12 Tungal Jamkhandi 7257
13 Hirepadasalgi Jamkhandi 7112
14 Alagur Jamkhandi 6448
15 Hangandi Jamkhandi 6438
16 Asangi Jamkhandi 5787
17 Mareguddi Jamkhandi 5665
18 Terdal (Rural) Jamkhandi 5548
19 Bidari Jamkhandi 5515
20 Adihudi Jamkhandi 5407
21 Gothe Jamkhandi 5357
22 Golbhavi Jamkhandi 5099
23 Siddapur Jamkhandi 5058
24 Madarkhandi Jamkhandi 5026
25 Hulyal Jamkhandi 4947
26 Kumbarhal Jamkhandi 4848
27 Kunchanur Jamkhandi 4490
28 Maigur Jamkhandi 4419
29 Chikkalaki Jamkhandi 4172
30 Chikkapadasalgi Jamkhandi 4150
31 Jambagi.(B.K.) Jamkhandi 3982
32 Kannolli Jamkhandi 3815
33 Shiraguppi Jamkhandi 3809
34 Kajibilgi Jamkhandi 3809
35 Gadyal Jamkhandi 3598
36 Muttur Jamkhandi 3589
37 Hosur Jamkhandi 3582
38 Kalhalli Jamkhandi 3441
39 Linganur Jamkhandi 3421
40 Kankanawadi Jamkhandi 3391
41 Yallatti Jamkhandi 3338
42 Shurpali Jamkhandi 3114
43 Tamadaddi Jamkhandi 3101
44 Kavatagi Jamkhandi 3021
45 Yaragatti Jamkhandi 3005
46 Gani Jamkhandi 2811
47 Kadapatti Jamkhandi 2752
48 Kadakol Jamkhandi 2653
49 Albal Jamkhandi 2491
50 Kalbilagi Jamkhandi 2452
51 Tubachi Jamkhandi 2251
52 Kaltippi Jamkhandi 2241
53 Naganur Jamkhandi 2212
54 Takkalaki Jamkhandi 2183
55 Bandigani Jamkhandi 2140
56 Sanal Jamkhandi 2107
57 Jambagi.(K.D.) Jamkhandi 1910
58 Jamkhandi (Rural) Jamkhandi 1808
59 Chingundi Jamkhandi 1683
60 Takkod Jamkhandi 1583
61 Banhatti (Rural) Jamkhandi 1345
62 Hanchinal Jamkhandi 1214
63 Jakanur Jamkhandi 1209
64 Madanamatti Jamkhandi 1207
65 Budni Jamkhandi 1200
66 Hunashikatti Jamkhandi 1185
67 Janawad Jamkhandi 1104
68 Kuragod Jamkhandi 965
69 Rabkavi (Rural) Jamkhandi 814
70 Ramateerth Jamkhandi 535
71 Kalhatti Jamkhandi 437
