Villages and Towns of Jhalda - I Tehsil of District Puruliya, West Bengal

Jhalda - I Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Puruliya District, West Bengal India. Jhalda - I teshil is one of the teshil of Puruliya district West Bengal. In Jhalda - I Teshil there are 0 villages and 1 towns. Out of 0 villages in Jhalda - I teshil in which is most populated village with population of and least populated village is having population only . There are 1 town in Jhalda - I sub-district which lies in Jhalda - I administrative devision. Most populated town in Jhalda - I Teshil is Jhalda (P) (CT) with population of 9384.

Total population of Jhalda - I teshil is 137143 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Jhalda - I teshil is 957 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Jhalda - I teshil is 66.18%.

Census Data of Jhalda - I Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
137143 957 66.18%

Demographics details of Jhalda - I Teshil

The population of Jhalda - I sub district is 137143 people, among them about 70095 are male and 67048 are female. Total number of house holds in Jhalda - I Teshil is 27709. Total Literates persons are 76973 in which total male literates are 47591 and female literates are 29382. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 20832, among them 10716 are boys and 10116 are girls.

Jhalda - I Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameJhalda - I
State NameWest Bengal
District NamePuruliya
Total Population137143
Total No of House Holds27709
Total Male Population70095
Total Female Population67048
0-6 Age group Total Population20832
0-6 Age group Male Population10716
0-6 Age group Male Population10116
Total Person Literates76973
Total Male Literates47591
Total Male Literates29382
Total Person Illiterates60170
Total Male Illiterates22504
Total Male Illiterates37666
Scheduled Cast Persons16988
Scheduled Cast Males8755
Scheduled Cast Females8233
Scheduled Tribe Persons7651
Scheduled Tribe Males7957
Scheduled Tribe Females7651

Jhalda - I Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 186698 71243
Population (%) 136.13 % 51.95 %
Male Population 95602 36578
Female Population 91096 34665
Sex Ratio 953 948
Child Population (0-6) 10727 4145
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 992 959
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.45% 11.88%
Households in 39257 14887
Literates 129446 51218
Literacy % 78.3% 81.59%
Male Literacy 82.81% 85.68%
Female Literacy 73.53% 77.27%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Jhalda - I Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 114769 58715 56054 83.69% 55.72%
Muslim 11627 5950 5677 8.48% 4.68%
Christian 326 163 163 0.24% 0.22%
Sikh 5 2 3 0% 0%
Buddhist 2 1 1 0% 0%
Jain 1 0 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 10207 5144 5063 7.44% 5.46%
Religion not stated 206 120 86 0.15% 0.1%

Workers profile of Jhalda - I Teshil

Jhalda - I has 56219 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 36612 male and 19607 female population are working population. Full time workers in Jhalda - I teshil are 30061 and 26158 are marginal (part time) workers.

Jhalda - I Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 56219 36612 19607
Main Workers 30061 24682 5379
Main Workers Cultivators 11140 10172 968
Agriculture Labourer 6035 4223 1812
Household Industries 2932 1509 1423
Other Workers 9954 8778 1176
Marginal Workers 26158 11930 14228
Non Working Persons 80924 33483 47441

List of Town/City of Jhalda - I Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Jhalda - I with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Puruliya is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Jhalda (P) (CT) 9384 936
