Villages and Towns of Kalchini Tehsil of District Jalpaiguri , West Bengal

Kalchini Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal India. Kalchini teshil is one of the teshil of Jalpaiguri district West Bengal. In Kalchini Teshil there are 41 villages and 4 towns. Out of 41 villages in Kalchini teshil in which Kalchini Tea Garden is most populated village with population of 22072 and least populated village is Parmalangi having population only 100. There are 4 town in Kalchini sub-district which lies in Kalchini administrative devision. Most populated town in Kalchini Teshil is Mechiabasti (CT) with population of 9592.

Total population of Kalchini teshil is 298458 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Kalchini teshil is 928 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Kalchini teshil is 68.96%.

Census Data of Kalchini Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
298458 928 68.96%

Demographics details of Kalchini Teshil

The population of Kalchini sub district is 298458 people, among them about 154829 are male and 143629 are female. Total number of house holds in Kalchini Teshil is 62737. Total Literates persons are 181946 in which total male literates are 106237 and female literates are 75709. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 34627, among them 17657 are boys and 16970 are girls.

Kalchini Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKalchini
State NameWest Bengal
District NameJalpaiguri
Total Population298458
Total No of House Holds62737
Total Male Population154829
Total Female Population143629
0-6 Age group Total Population34627
0-6 Age group Male Population17657
0-6 Age group Male Population16970
Total Person Literates181946
Total Male Literates106237
Total Male Literates75709
Total Person Illiterates116512
Total Male Illiterates48592
Total Male Illiterates67920
Scheduled Cast Persons30157
Scheduled Cast Males15115
Scheduled Cast Females15042
Scheduled Tribe Persons60538
Scheduled Tribe Males59744
Scheduled Tribe Females60538

Kalchini Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 227397 0
Population (%) 76.19 % 0 %
Male Population 117100 0
Female Population 110297 0
Sex Ratio 942 0
Child Population (0-6) 15046 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 939 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.83% 0%
Households in 50902 0
Literates 144069 0
Literacy % 72.68% 0%
Male Literacy 79.4% 0%
Female Literacy 65.55% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kalchini Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 200214 105125 95089 67.08% 48.04%
Muslim 25591 12963 12628 8.57% 4.84%
Christian 42780 21289 21491 14.33% 9.2%
Sikh 1495 1118 377 0.5% 0.49%
Buddhist 21731 10923 10808 7.28% 5.06%
Jain 277 156 121 0.09% 0.08%
Other religions and persuasions 5957 2960 2997 2% 1.15%
Religion not stated 413 295 118 0.14% 0.1%

Workers profile of Kalchini Teshil

Kalchini has 120238 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 83329 male and 36909 female population are working population. Full time workers in Kalchini teshil are 89666 and 30572 are marginal (part time) workers.

Kalchini Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 120238 83329 36909
Main Workers 89666 65836 23830
Main Workers Cultivators 5362 3937 1425
Agriculture Labourer 3607 2651 956
Household Industries 1135 762 373
Other Workers 79562 58486 21076
Marginal Workers 30572 17493 13079
Non Working Persons 178220 71500 106720

List of Town/City of Kalchini Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Kalchini with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jalpaiguri is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Mechiabasti (CT) 9592 958
2 Jaygaon (CT) 42254 950
3 Uttar Satali (CT) 18454 281
4 Uttar Latabari (CT) 16350 988

List of villages in Teshil-Kalchini, District-Jalpaiguri , West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kalchini Tea Garden Kalchini 22072
2 Dalsingpara Tea Garden Kalchini 17167
3 Satali Tea Garden Kalchini 12178
4 Rangamati Tea Garden Kalchini 9987
5 Bhatpara Tea Garden Kalchini 9985
6 Malangi Tea Garden Kalchini 9516
7 Buxa Forest (Raja Bhatkhawa) Kalchini 9242
8 Gopimohan Tea Garden Kalchini 8290
9 Atiabari Tea Garden Kalchini 7504
10 Chuapara Tea Garden Kalchini 7229
11 Bharnobari Tea Garden Kalchini 7057
12 Beech Tea Garden Kalchini 6898
13 Bhatkhawa Tea Garden Kalchini 6680
14 Tosra Tea Garden Kalchini 6258
15 Mechpara Tea Garden Kalchini 6112
16 Dima Tea Garden Kalchini 5830
17 Gangutia Tea Garden Kalchini 5360
18 Madhu Tea Garden Kalchini 4540
19 Rajabhat Tea Garden Kalchini 4275
20 Saudamini Tea Garden Kalchini 4225
21 Nimtijhora Tea Garden Kalchini 4120
22 Purba Satali Kalchini 3572
23 Uttar Mandabari Kalchini 3481
24 Nimti Domohani Kalchini 3388
25 Paschim Satali Kalchini 3153
26 Chhota Jaygaon Kalchini 3083
27 Buxa Hill Forest Kalchini 2889
28 Dakshin Latabari Kalchini 2450
29 Madhya Satali Kalchini 2240
30 Dakshin Satali Kalchini 2189
31 Dakshin Mandabari Kalchini 2037
32 Satali Mandalpara Kalchini 1962
33 Uttar Barajhar Forest Kalchini 1783
34 Radharani Tea Garden Kalchini 1492
35 Satali Nakadala Kalchini 1305
36 Buxa Forest (Panbari Khanda) Kalchini 861
37 Gabaur Bachhra Forest Kalchini 534
38 Chuapara Kalchini 429
39 Bhutri Forest Kalchini 223
40 Nilpara Forest Kalchini 112
41 Parmalangi Kalchini 100
