Villages and Towns of Kaman Tehsil of District Bharatpur, Rajasthan

Kaman Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bharatpur District, Rajasthan India. Kaman teshil is one of the teshil of Bharatpur district Rajasthan. In Kaman Teshil there are 127 villages and 1 towns. Out of 127 villages in Kaman teshil in which Jurhara is most populated village with population of 10361 and least populated village is Nagla Dansahay having population only 0. There are 1 town in Kaman sub-district which lies in Kaman administrative devision. Most populated town in Kaman Teshil is Kaman (M) with population of 38040.

Total population of Kaman teshil is 203949 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Kaman teshil is 896 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Kaman teshil is 61.21%.

Census Data of Kaman Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
203949 896 61.21%

Demographics details of Kaman Teshil

The population of Kaman sub district is 203949 people, among them about 107561 are male and 96388 are female. Total number of house holds in Kaman Teshil is 32797. Total Literates persons are 98883 in which total male literates are 65625 and female literates are 33258. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 42398, among them 22315 are boys and 20083 are girls.

Kaman Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKaman
State NameRajasthan
District NameBharatpur
Total Population203949
Total No of House Holds32797
Total Male Population107561
Total Female Population96388
0-6 Age group Total Population42398
0-6 Age group Male Population22315
0-6 Age group Male Population20083
Total Person Literates98883
Total Male Literates65625
Total Male Literates33258
Total Person Illiterates105066
Total Male Illiterates41936
Total Male Illiterates63130
Scheduled Cast Persons22046
Scheduled Cast Males11676
Scheduled Cast Females10370
Scheduled Tribe Persons669
Scheduled Tribe Males803
Scheduled Tribe Females669

Kaman Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 182929 62721
Population (%) 89.69 % 30.75 %
Male Population 100524 33673
Female Population 82405 29048
Sex Ratio 820 863
Child Population (0-6) 19401 4634
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 854 847
Child Percentage (0-6) 19.66% 16.11%
Households in 30780 10456
Literates 95101 37230
Literacy % 64.71% 70.75%
Male Literacy 78.18% 79.38%
Female Literacy 48.12% 60.79%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kaman Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 110334 58830 51504 54.1% 39.14%
Muslim 91562 47655 43907 44.89% 21.12%
Christian 235 126 109 0.12% 0.06%
Sikh 472 249 223 0.23% 0.21%
Buddhist 62 32 30 0.03% 0.02%
Jain 1166 611 555 0.57% 0.62%
Other religions and persuasions 2 2 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 116 56 60 0.06% 0.04%

Workers profile of Kaman Teshil

Kaman has 79949 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 48722 male and 31227 female population are working population. Full time workers in Kaman teshil are 59450 and 20499 are marginal (part time) workers.

Kaman Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 79949 48722 31227
Main Workers 59450 42107 17343
Main Workers Cultivators 33875 22369 11506
Agriculture Labourer 6482 3884 2598
Household Industries 1107 591 516
Other Workers 17986 15263 2723
Marginal Workers 20499 6615 13884
Non Working Persons 124000 58839 65161

List of Town/City of Kaman Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Kaman with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bharatpur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kaman (M) 38040 874

List of villages in Teshil-Kaman, District-Bharatpur, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Jurhara Kaman 10361
2 Bilang Kaman 4798
3 Vaulkhera Kaman 4677
4 Naunera Kaman 4632
5 Sablana Kaman 4156
6 Luhesar Kaman 3914
7 Bhandara Kaman 3799
8 Akata Kaman 3646
9 Udaka Kaman 3556
10 Bilond Kaman 3522
11 Nogawan Kaman 3509
12 Jurhari Kaman 3429
13 Lewra Kaman 3343
14 Pai Kaman 3295
15 Gaonri Kaman 3249
16 Indroli Kaman 2931
17 Sunhera Kaman 2722
18 Dharmshala Kaman 2722
19 Barauli Dhau Kaman 2631
20 Kanwara Kaman 2490
21 Dhilawati Kaman 2281
22 Satwas Kaman 2208
23 Moonsepur Kaman 2197
24 Chhichharwari Kaman 2142
25 Kherli Gumani Kaman 2085
26 Birar Kaman 1980
27 Bamni Kaman 1969
28 Bas Nandera Kaman 1889
29 Neemla Kaman 1858
30 Angrawali Kaman 1852
31 Palri Kaman 1786
32 Olanda Kaman 1708
33 Nandera Kaman 1664
34 Jhenjhpuri Kaman 1589
35 Nagla Mukariv Kaman 1570
36 Palla Kaman 1551
37 Karmooka Kaman 1545
38 Radhanagri Kaman 1539
39 Khera Kaman 1522
40 Gundgaon Kaman 1511
41 Mullaka Kaman 1462
42 Unchera Kaman 1455
43 Ghata Kaman 1380
44 Anchwara Kaman 1380
45 Nagla Shahjad Kaman 1372
46 Gurguriya Kaman 1326
47 Ghoghor Kaman 1303
48 Tayra Kaman 1296
49 Rosyaka Kaman 1245
50 Sonokhar Kaman 1203
51 Garh Ajan Kaman 1199
52 Sahera Kaman 1182
53 Vadipur Kaman 1125
54 Parehi Kaman 1123
55 Jhilpatti Kaman 1091
56 Bas Laddooka Kaman 1073
57 Dhool Bas Kaman 1057
58 Dhana Kaman 1037
59 Sabalgarh Kaman 1006
60 Nagla Kulwana Kaman 986
61 Netwari Kaman 975
62 Bas Karmooka Kaman 963
63 Samdhara Kaman 945
64 Pathwari Kaman 942
65 Khaichatan Kaman 929
66 Kanwari Kaman 843
67 Ladlaka Kaman 831
68 Lalpur Kaman 808
69 Dantka Kaman 796
70 Undhan Kaman 783
71 Nandola Kaman 771
72 Khanpur Kaman 765
73 Nagla Bhattki Kaman 743
74 Nagla Ishrisingh Kaman 734
75 Nagla Doobokhar Kaman 714
76 Khoontpuri Kaman 706
77 Manchi Kaman 699
78 Nagla Kundan Kaman 699
79 Kulwana Kaman 687
80 Kalawata Kaman 641
81 Nagla Vadipur Kaman 636
82 Khohra Kaman 601
83 Nagla Harnarayan Kaman 585
84 Nagla Bhongra Kaman 563
85 Basai Dahra Mai Lohagarh Kaman 507
86 Kautka Kaman 492
87 Jajanka Kaman 474
88 Bajhera Kaman 452
89 Bansoli Kaman 445
90 Badli Kaman 430
91 Chak Nandola Kaman 429
92 Dandara Kaman 420
93 Rasoolpur Kaman 414
94 Basra Laddooka Kaman 393
95 Nagla Chahra Kaman 379
96 Nagla Baldeo Kaman 376
97 Kherli Jallo Kaman 332
98 Akbarpur Kaman 331
99 Murar Kaman 325
100 Mauroli Kaman 320
101 Bhooraka Kaman 301
102 Asooka Kaman 300
103 Kirawata Kaman 291
104 Nagla Sonokhar Kaman 288
105 Varnaul Kaman 265
106 Nagla Vanchariya Kaman 257
107 Rundh Kanwara Kaman 252
108 Nagla Harsukh Kaman 247
109 Bambadi Kaman 188
110 Nagla Jalim Kaman 180
111 Nagla Dandoo Kaman 171
112 Nagla Kishorsingh Kaman 155
113 Kadam Khandi Kaman 7
114 Nagla Jasram Kaman N/A
115 Arazi Satwas Kaman N/A
116 Takora Kaman N/A
117 Nagla Sitaram Kaman N/A
118 Fatehpur Kaman N/A
119 Varwariya Kaman N/A
120 Kolri Kaman N/A
121 Rawatpura Kaman N/A
122 Agma Kaman N/A
123 Rundh Nandola Kaman N/A
124 Rundh Sablana Kaman N/A
125 Topraki Kaman N/A
126 Niski Kaman N/A
127 Nagla Dansahay Kaman N/A
