Villages and Towns of Khandwa Tehsil of District Khandwa (East Nimar), Madhya Pradesh

Khandwa Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Khandwa (East Nimar) District, Madhya Pradesh India. Khandwa teshil is one of the teshil of Khandwa (East Nimar) district Madhya Pradesh. In Khandwa Teshil there are 221 villages and 1 towns. Out of 221 villages in Khandwa teshil in which Ahmadpur is most populated village with population of 6759 and least populated village is Bhil Khedi Murar having population only 13. There are 1 town in Khandwa sub-district which lies in Khandwa administrative devision. Most populated town in Khandwa Teshil is Khandwa (M Corp.) with population of 200738.

Total population of Khandwa teshil is 558035 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Khandwa teshil is 945 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Khandwa teshil is 72.09%.

Census Data of Khandwa Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
558035 945 72.09%

Demographics details of Khandwa Teshil

The population of Khandwa sub district is 558035 people, among them about 286856 are male and 271179 are female. Total number of house holds in Khandwa Teshil is 114875. Total Literates persons are 344279 in which total male literates are 197640 and female literates are 146639. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 80499, among them 41751 are boys and 38748 are girls.

Khandwa Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKhandwa
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameKhandwa (East Nimar)
Total Population558035
Total No of House Holds114875
Total Male Population286856
Total Female Population271179
0-6 Age group Total Population80499
0-6 Age group Male Population41751
0-6 Age group Male Population38748
Total Person Literates344279
Total Male Literates197640
Total Male Literates146639
Total Person Illiterates213756
Total Male Illiterates89216
Total Male Illiterates124540
Scheduled Cast Persons78609
Scheduled Cast Males40212
Scheduled Cast Females38397
Scheduled Tribe Persons65407
Scheduled Tribe Males68768
Scheduled Tribe Females65407

Khandwa Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 151997 51376
Population (%) 27.24 % 9.21 %
Male Population 77908 26075
Female Population 74089 25301
Sex Ratio 951 970
Child Population (0-6) 10917 2984
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 930 933
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.87% 12.03%
Households in 31508 10346
Literates 95946 36328
Literacy % 73.28% 80.38%
Male Literacy 81.57% 88.11%
Female Literacy 64.6% 72.46%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Khandwa Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 468523 241229 227294 83.96% 59.51%
Muslim 81373 41525 39848 14.58% 11.16%
Christian 2125 1034 1091 0.38% 0.38%
Sikh 1431 770 661 0.26% 0.26%
Buddhist 1254 619 635 0.22% 0.18%
Jain 2811 1401 1410 0.5% 0.53%
Other religions and persuasions 110 62 48 0.02% 0.02%
Religion not stated 408 216 192 0.07% 0.05%

Workers profile of Khandwa Teshil

Khandwa has 250328 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 159115 male and 91213 female population are working population. Full time workers in Khandwa teshil are 209316 and 41012 are marginal (part time) workers.

Khandwa Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 250328 159115 91213
Main Workers 209316 142286 67030
Main Workers Cultivators 57993 38789 19204
Agriculture Labourer 78001 42792 35209
Household Industries 4952 4130 822
Other Workers 68370 56575 11795
Marginal Workers 41012 16829 24183
Non Working Persons 307707 127741 179966

List of Town/City of Khandwa Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Khandwa with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Khandwa (East Nimar) is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Khandwa (M Corp.) 200738 951

List of villages in Teshil-Khandwa, District-Khandwa (East Nimar), Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Ahmadpur Khandwa 6759
2 Sihada Khandwa 6538
3 Chhaigaon Makhan Khandwa 5741
4 Barud Khandwa 5638
5 Jawar Khandwa 5462
6 Singot Khandwa 5383
7 Kohadad Khandwa 5378
8 Gandhwa Khandwa 4949
9 Dhangaon Khandwa 4800
10 Piplod Khas Khandwa 4712
11 Bhelkhedi(Piplod) Khandwa 4575
12 Deshgaon Khandwa 4193
13 Jaswadi Khandwa 4110
14 Gudikheda Ryt Khandwa 4094
15 Baidiyaw Khandwa 3978
16 Saray Khandwa 3940
17 Chichgohan Khandwa 3690
18 Bhagwanpura Khandwa 3326
19 Kalmukhi Khandwa 3272
20 Padlya Khandwa 3246
21 Surgaon Joshi Khandwa 3099
22 Balwada(Piplod) Khandwa 2948
23 Bhamgarh Nazul Khandwa 2789
24 Rangaon Khandwa 2763
25 Sirsod Khandwa 2720
26 Borgaon Khurd Khandwa 2651
27 Kolgaon Khandwa 2648
28 Bhaisawan Khandwa 2648
29 Mordad Khandwa 2560
30 Badgaon Gujar Khandwa 2529
31 Amalpura Khandwa 2523
32 Malgaon Khandwa 2488
33 Chhirbel Khandwa 2482
34 Hirapur Ryt Khandwa 2407
35 Badgaon Mali Khandwa 2403
36 Garangaon Khandwa 2389
37 Sirra Khandwa 2386
38 Talwadiya (Attar) Khandwa 2330
39 Chhirwan Ryt Khandwa 2306
40 Pangra Khandwa 2286
41 Rampurakalan Khandwa 2267
42 Bhakarada Khandwa 2252
43 Bhojakhedi Khandwa 2236
44 Chhanera Khandwa 2226
45 Tembhikalan Khandwa 2221
46 Attar Khandwa 2219
47 Pokhar Kalan Khandwa 2209
48 Dehariya Khandwa 2201
49 Khidgaon Khandwa 2196
50 Gondwadi Ryt Khandwa 2190
51 Amoda Khandwa 2149
52 Haraswada Khandwa 2144
53 Sahejala Khandwa 2138
54 Takali Mori Khandwa 2129
55 Surgaon Banjari Khandwa 2124
56 Deola Mafi Khandwa 2077
57 Jalkuwa Khandwa 1991
58 Kumtha Khandwa 1976
59 Bamanda Ryt Khandwa 1947
60 Sawkheda Khandwa 1898
61 Piplyafool Khandwa 1895
62 Bhawsinghpura Khandwa 1877
63 Rohnai Khandwa 1861
64 Bhutni Ryt Khandwa 1854
65 Bijora Bhil Khandwa 1842
66 Nahalda Khandwa 1842
67 Bamangaon(Akhai) Khandwa 1833
68 Handiakheda Ryt Khandwa 1800
69 Dongargaon Khandwa 1799
70 Lakhangaon Khandwa 1792
71 Kankariya (Attar) Khandwa 1778
72 Rohani Khandwa 1750
73 Barar Khandwa 1739
74 Tighariya Khandwa 1723
75 Dharampuri Khandwa 1717
76 Ranjani Ryt Khandwa 1704
77 Raikhutwal Khandwa 1690
78 Kesoon Khandwa 1676
79 Chhaigaon Devi Khandwa 1676
80 Sali Ryt Khandwa 1664
81 Lohari Khandwa 1631
82 Bhilai Kheda Khandwa 1616
83 Bhigawan Nankari Khandwa 1613
84 Charkheda Khandwa 1602
85 Machhoundi Ryt Khandwa 1601
86 Semalya Ryt Khandwa 1583
87 Siwana Khandwa 1574
88 Khedi Kitta Khandwa 1568
89 Benpura Kurwada Khandwa 1561
90 Dhodwada Khandwa 1558
91 Panjhariya Khandwa 1553
92 Borkheda Khurd Ryt Khandwa 1550
93 Titgaon Khandwa 1539
94 Kahalari Khandwa 1524
95 Roshnai Khandwa 1523
96 Nagchoon Khandwa 1507
97 Korgala Khandwa 1507
98 Palkana Khandwa 1502
99 Karpur Ryt Khandwa 1469
100 Nahar Mal Khandwa 1413
101 Dodwada Khandwa 1402
102 Dugwada Khandwa 1380
103 Takalkheda Ryt Khandwa 1358
104 Gujrikheda Ryt Khandwa 1327
105 Chandpur Ryt Khandwa 1322
106 Bhuifal Khandwa 1309
107 Rajgarh Khandwa 1294
108 Baidiya Khurd Khandwa 1282
109 Delgaon Khandwa 1279
110 Mundwada Khandwa 1275
111 Piplya Tahar Khandwa 1273
112 Dhorani Khandwa 1270
113 Matpur Khandwa 1242
114 Tokar Kheda Khandwa 1232
115 Ambapat Khandwa 1231
116 Sutarkheda Ryt Khandwa 1221
117 Gokulgaon Khandwa 1207
118 Badgaon Mal Khandwa 1205
119 Piplya Kalan Khandwa 1197
120 Satwada Khandwa 1195
121 Sirpur Khandwa 1192
122 Hapla Khandwa 1187
123 Deepla Khandwa 1167
124 Bhandariya Khandwa 1166
125 Bilan Kheda Khandwa 1161
126 Lunhar Ryt Khandwa 1138
127 Rudhy Khandwa 1135
128 Rampuri Ryt Khandwa 1132
129 Badgaon Bhila Khandwa 1131
130 Dhangaon Khandwa 1122
131 Pipalkota Khandwa 1108
132 Bhagaiyapur Khandwa 1105
133 Khutpal Khandwa 1092
134 Kaldakhedi Khandwa 1090
135 Ajanti Khandwa 1090
136 Gajwada Khandwa 1078
137 Bawadiyakajee Khandwa 1057
138 Sahejalakhandwa Khandwa 1056
139 Bamjhar Khandwa 1022
140 Palasi Khandwa 1020
141 Itwa Ryt Khandwa 1015
142 Badgaon Piplod Khandwa 1011
143 Jamli Mundi Khandwa 1009
144 Bihar Khandwa 1009
145 Teerandajpur Khandwa 1008
146 Talwadiya Khandwa 1004
147 Kirgaon Khandwa 997
148 Surgaon Nipani Khandwa 993
149 Jamniya (Attar) Khandwa 987
150 Nandiya Khandwa 964
151 Itwamal Khandwa 962
152 Piplya Punasa Khandwa 956
153 Jirwan Khandwa 953
154 Sarai Khandwa 948
155 Nawali Khandwa 943
156 Atoot Bhikari Khandwa 939
157 Kedarkhedi Khandwa 933
158 Kithiya Joshi Khandwa 930
159 Mathani Buzurg Khandwa 914
160 Torani Khandwa 911
161 Gohlari Khandwa 885
162 Rewada Khandwa 849
163 Parethi Khandwa 836
164 Roshiya Khandwa 834
165 Chich Kheda Khandwa 826
166 Kotwada Khandwa 822
167 Lachhorakalan Khandwa 819
168 Birpur Kundeshwar Khandwa 817
169 Baliyapura Khandwa 811
170 Borkheda Kalan Khandwa 806
171 Puranpura Mal Khandwa 805
172 Manpura Khandwa 799
173 Ladanpur Khandwa 793
174 Kalpat Khandwa 786
175 Domwada Khandwa 769
176 Chichli Buzurg Khandwa 767
177 Kaweshwar Khandwa 765
178 Golkheda Ryt Khandwa 759
179 Rahemapur Khandwa 757
180 Surgaon Rathor Khandwa 743
181 Jinwaniya Khandwa 738
182 Lalwada Khandwa 732
183 Heerapur(Mortaka) Khandwa 719
184 Digarish Khandwa 700
185 Piplya Khurd Ryt Khandwa 661
186 Sonud Khandwa 655
187 Haidarpur Khandwa 650
188 Fatepur Mundi Khandwa 637
189 Fulgaon Khandwa 636
190 Amlani Khandwa 630
191 Awaliya Vithal Khandwa 619
192 Jamli Sayad Khandwa 616
193 Jheeraniya Khandwa 616
194 Bamangaon Bhila Khandwa 609
195 Baldua Dongri Khandwa 609
196 Mathani Khurd Ryt Khandwa 606
197 Badiya Tula Khandwa 595
198 Panchbedi Ryt Khandwa 567
199 Khajuri Khandwa 553
200 Dewla Mafi Khandwa 519
201 Mathela Khandwa 509
202 Lachhora Khurd Khandwa 502
203 Kamaliya Khandwa 497
204 Dagadiya Khandwa 461
205 Sulyakhedi Khandwa 457
206 Rijgaon Khandwa 438
207 Balkhand Sura Khandwa 408
208 Banjari Khandwa 377
209 Bodul Khandwa 374
210 Jagatpura Khandwa 365
211 Bisrampur Ryt Khandwa 350
212 Pachhaha Khandwa 325
213 Gondwadi Khandwa 322
214 Kanwani Khandwa 289
215 Puranpura Ryt Khandwa 280
216 Moghat Khandwa 263
217 Dhanora Khandwa 246
218 Kharkali Khandwa 241
219 Sunderbel Khandwa 160
220 Fathehpur Khandwa 134
221 Bhil Khedi Murar Khandwa 13
