Villages and Towns of Khed Tehsil of District Pune, Maharashtra

Khed Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Pune District, Maharashtra India. Khed teshil is one of the teshil of Pune district Maharashtra. In Khed Teshil there are 401 villages and 6 towns. Out of 401 villages in Khed teshil in which Kadus is most populated village with population of 11360 and least populated village is Bibi having population only 0. There are 6 town in Khed sub-district which lies in Khed administrative devision. Most populated town in Khed Teshil is Kharabwadi (CT) with population of 9200.

Total population of Khed teshil is 450116 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Khed teshil is 892 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Khed teshil is 80.77%.

Census Data of Khed Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
450116 892 80.77%

Demographics details of Khed Teshil

The population of Khed sub district is 450116 people, among them about 237868 are male and 212248 are female. Total number of house holds in Khed Teshil is 99477. Total Literates persons are 318253 in which total male literates are 182899 and female literates are 135354. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 56102, among them 30147 are boys and 25955 are girls.

Khed Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKhed
State NameMaharashtra
District NamePune
Total Population450116
Total No of House Holds99477
Total Male Population237868
Total Female Population212248
0-6 Age group Total Population56102
0-6 Age group Male Population30147
0-6 Age group Male Population25955
Total Person Literates318253
Total Male Literates182899
Total Male Literates135354
Total Person Illiterates131863
Total Male Illiterates54969
Total Male Illiterates76894
Scheduled Cast Persons30409
Scheduled Cast Males16078
Scheduled Cast Females14331
Scheduled Tribe Persons24111
Scheduled Tribe Males25180
Scheduled Tribe Females24111

Khed Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 237179 65273
Population (%) 52.69 % 14.5 %
Male Population 122516 33222
Female Population 114663 32051
Sex Ratio 936 965
Child Population (0-6) 16091 3696
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 887 892
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.8% 12.01%
Households in 47469 13211
Literates 162106 48862
Literacy % 78.38% 85.08%
Male Literacy 86.73% 90.69%
Female Literacy 69.53% 79.32%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Khed Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 419352 221467 197885 93.17% 75.06%
Muslim 11724 6458 5266 2.6% 2.15%
Christian 723 387 336 0.16% 0.14%
Sikh 222 124 98 0.05% 0.04%
Buddhist 14715 7621 7094 3.27% 2.7%
Jain 2557 1324 1233 0.57% 0.56%
Other religions and persuasions 187 104 83 0.04% 0.03%
Religion not stated 636 383 253 0.14% 0.1%

Workers profile of Khed Teshil

Khed has 222688 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 141893 male and 80795 female population are working population. Full time workers in Khed teshil are 203707 and 18981 are marginal (part time) workers.

Khed Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 222688 141893 80795
Main Workers 203707 132527 71180
Main Workers Cultivators 91820 51389 40431
Agriculture Labourer 26423 11854 14569
Household Industries 4347 2554 1793
Other Workers 81117 66730 14387
Marginal Workers 18981 9366 9615
Non Working Persons 227428 95975 131453

List of Town/City of Khed Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Khed with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Pune is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kharabwadi (CT) 9200 828
2 Chakan (CT) 41113 852
3 Alandi (M Cl) 28645 775
4 Rajgurunagar (Khed) (CT) 25146 949
5 Nanekarwadi (CT) 12654 700
6 Medankarwadi (CT) 12576 768

List of villages in Teshil-Khed, District-Pune, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kadus Khed 11360
2 Mahalunge Khed 9687
3 Kuruli Khed 8199
4 Pimpalgaon Tarf Khed Khed 6808
5 Kalus Khed 6538
6 Markal Khed 6378
7 Chimbali Khed 5714
8 Davadi Khed 5618
9 Wada Khed 5523
10 Nighoje Khed 5326
11 Shiroli Khed 5255
12 Rakshewadi Khed 5113
13 Pait Khed 4555
14 Koyali Tarf Chakan Khed 4526
15 Ambethan Khed 4444
16 Bhose Khed 4263
17 Retavadi Khed 4170
18 Lote Khed 4003
19 Ghanekhunt Khed 3945
20 Alandi Rural Khed 3763
21 Charholi Kh. Khed 3734
22 Khed (bhadgaon) Khed 3673
23 Donde Khed 3583
24 Kanhersar Khed 3558
25 Kelgaon Khed 3491
26 Bahul Khed 3461
27 Satkarsthal Khed 3450
28 Chandoli Khed 3363
29 Bharane Khed 3336
30 Nimgaon Khed 3273
31 Veral Khed 3171
32 Rase Khed 3129
33 Pimpri Bk. Khed 3057
34 Yelwadi Khed 3044
35 Wafegaon Khed 3004
36 Kadachiwadi Khed 2946
37 Vadgaon Ghenand Khed 2918
38 Khalumbre Khed 2908
39 Bharana Naka Khed 2903
40 Solu Khed 2883
41 Kharpudi Bk. Khed 2843
42 Waki BK Khed 2828
43 Dhamandevi Khed 2758
44 Moi Khed 2740
45 Holewadi Khed 2576
46 Dhanore Khed 2567
47 Avashi Khed 2534
48 Waki Kh. Khed 2509
49 Chas Khed 2363
50 Vadgaon Tarf Khed Khed 2331
51 Vetale Khed 2313
52 Kurkundi Khed 2216
53 Sukivali Khed 2196
54 Washere Khed 2172
55 Chinchoshi Khed 2099
56 Virachiwadi Khed 2098
57 Gulani Khed 2087
58 Naiphad Khed 2078
59 Lavel Khed 2073
60 Ambadas Khed 2054
61 Gunade Khed 2028
62 Koye Khed 1970
63 Kaman Khed 1959
64 Murde Khed 1957
65 Varude Khed 1937
66 Varchi Bhamburwadi Khed 1915
67 Kohinde Bk. Khed 1874
68 Karanja Vihire Khed 1871
69 Kiwale Khed 1852
70 Anjani Khed 1841
71 Kadadhe Khed 1839
72 Kalambani Bk. Khed 1823
73 Golegaon Khed 1751
74 Shinde Khed 1749
75 Biradvadi Khed 1728
76 Saveni Khed 1723
77 Manjarewadi Khed 1714
78 Koregaon Kh. Khed 1699
79 Ambaye Khed 1686
80 Sakurdi Khed 1672
81 Awhat Khed 1631
82 Sayagaon Khed 1629
83 Jaulke Bk. Khed 1617
84 Sandbhorwadi Khed 1587
85 Santosh Nagar (N.V.) Khed 1578
86 Shelu Khed 1569
87 Dabhil Khed 1550
88 Tisangi Khed 1546
89 Gosasi Khed 1539
90 Chandus Khed 1534
91 Chinchghar Khed 1534
92 Kanhewadi Bk. Khed 1530
93 Takalkarwadi Khed 1478
94 Avadar Khed 1456
95 Jaulke Kh. Khed 1454
96 Khavati Khed 1453
97 Khalchi Bhamburwadi Khed 1445
98 Kalechiwadi Khed 1444
99 Dhamanand Khed 1434
100 Valad Khed 1407
101 Dayal Khed 1406
102 Saburdi Khed 1403
103 Wakalwadi Khed 1387
104 Khopi Khed 1381
105 Shive Khed 1370
106 Hedali Khed 1368
107 Chikhalgaon Khed 1363
108 Gundalwadi Khed 1362
109 Kude Bk. Khed 1355
110 Suseri Khed 1354
111 Tale Khed 1352
112 Bijghar Khed 1332
113 Ghotavadi Khed 1331
114 Rohakal Khed 1318
115 Palu Khed 1304
116 Bahiravali Khed 1303
117 Adgaon Khed 1303
118 Koregaon Bk. Khed 1302
119 Asagani Khed 1288
120 Hedruj Khed 1282
121 Bursewadi Khed 1268
122 Kulvandi Khed 1252
123 Pur Khed 1247
124 Chinchavali Khed 1246
125 Savardari Khed 1228
126 Chakale Khed 1205
127 Prabhuwadi Khed 1193
128 Sangurdi Khed 1189
129 Amboli Khed 1187
130 Jamage Khed 1151
131 Kotwali Khed 1146
132 Butewadi Khed 1145
133 Dehane Khed 1136
134 Shirshi Khed 1133
135 Jaidwadi Khed 1129
136 Furus Khed 1129
137 Falsonda Khed 1111
138 Dhamani Khed 1109
139 Panhalaje Khed 1104
140 Bahirwadi Khed 1096
141 Poyanar Khed 1068
142 Shelgaon Khed 1061
143 Sukdar Khed 1056
144 Virham Khed 1053
145 Savanas Kh. Khed 1048
146 Kasai Khed 1048
147 Savanas Khed 1046
148 Boraj Khed 1041
149 Mirjewadi Khed 1039
150 Devghar Khed 1026
151 Gargotwadi Khed 1012
152 Raundhalwadi Khed 1011
153 Akharwadi Khed 1007
154 Pimpalgaon Tarf Chakan Khed 1002
155 Kharpudi Kh. Khed 1000
156 Arudewadi Khed 992
157 Askhed Bk. Khed 981
158 Morvande Khed 981
159 Sabalewadi Khed 976
160 Dhamane Khed 975
161 Kanhewadi Tarf Chakan Khed 973
162 Sakharoli Khed 962
163 Mete Khed 952
164 Wave Tarf Natu Khed 943
165 Kharoshi Khed 932
166 Patilgaon Khed 931
167 Ambavali Khed 927
168 Borghar Khed 927
169 Askhed Kh. Khed 924
170 Bhamboli Khed 913
171 Gherapalgad Khed 901
172 Kudoshi Khed 886
173 Mohakal Khed 886
174 Satvingaon Khed 874
175 Khari Khed 872
176 Kashedi Khed 872
177 Tokavade Khed 871
178 Shiravali Khed 867
179 Mandave Khed 855
180 Kadavali Khed 854
181 Dhakti Suseri Khed 852
182 Ahire Khed 852
183 Siddhegavhan Khed 851
184 Bhorgiri Khed 851
185 Wasuli Khed 846
186 Gadakwadi Khed 836
187 Matwadi Khed 836
188 Papalwadi Khed 828
189 Nilik Khed 824
190 Rajvel Khed 814
191 Chirani Khed 812
192 Karjee Khed 811
193 Musad Khed 810
194 Posare Bk. Khed 799
195 Dhorewadi Khed 797
196 Diwalewadi Khed 797
197 Ghera-rasalgad Khed 795
198 Tise Khed 795
199 Dhamangaon Kh. Khed 793
200 Shirgaon Khed 787
201 Pacharnewadi Khed 777
202 Varale Khed 762
203 Koyali Khed 762
204 Bhelsai chauthai Khed 760
205 Torne Bk Khed 760
206 Chichbaiwadi Khed 755
207 Mandoshi Khed 743
208 Varovali Khed 742
209 Bhelsai bara Aane Gaonthan Khed 740
210 Supe Khed 739
211 Mumbake Khed 737
212 Udhale Bk. Khed 727
213 Vetalwadi Khed 722
214 Choravane Khed 719
215 Ekalahare Khed 711
216 Gadad Khed 711
217 Tumbad Khed 709
218 Shiv mohalla Khed 707
219 Jaitapur Khed 703
220 Kelane Khed 701
221 Alsure Khed 678
222 Avandhe Khed 678
223 Hodkhad Kh. Khed 670
224 Wahagaon Khed 670
225 Songaon Khed 667
226 Talaghar Khed 664
227 Bhomale Khed 664
228 Goregaon Khed 653
229 Talavade Khed 651
230 Aini Khed 650
231 Shivtar Khed 649
232 Astan Khed 643
233 Divan-khavati Khed 639
234 Sheraval Khed 638
235 Pangari Khed 635
236 Deshamukhwadi Khed 626
237 Nandivali Khed 624
238 Chinchwadi Khed 623
239 Koregaon Khed 623
240 Panhalaje Kh. Khed 623
241 Kondivali Khed 621
242 Wandre Khed 614
243 Mirle Khed 612
244 Sakhar Khed 605
245 Kharpud Khed 605
246 Asagani Mohalla Khed 603
247 Natu Nagar Khed 602
248 Kasaba Natu Khed 595
249 Nandgaon Khed 594
250 Kumbhad Khed 591
251 Dhavade Khed 587
252 Sakharoli Kh. Khed 587
253 Padali Khed 585
254 Sheldi Khotwadi Khed 577
255 Furus Amshet Khed 577
256 Kasari Khed 576
257 Kohinkarwadi Khed 574
258 Ainavare Khed 574
259 Nigade Khed 573
260 Amshet Khed 565
261 Mani Khed 563
262 Dhamanand Gaonthan Khed 557
263 Kondivali kh. Khed 552
264 Devoshi Khed 552
265 Sheldi Khed 544
266 Wajavane Khed 542
267 Parsul Khed 538
268 Bajrang nagar Khed 537
269 Bhelsai Khed 533
270 Surkundi Khed 524
271 Darakwadi Khed 519
272 Bhoste Khed 517
273 Udhale Kh. Khed 512
274 Kalmodi Khed 511
275 Apede Khed 509
276 Sanglot mohalla Khed 506
277 Mohane Khed 503
278 Waghu Khed 496
279 Yeniye Bk. Khed 494
280 Shendurli Khed 492
281 Sanglot marathawadi Khed 491
282 Talvat Pal Khed 491
283 Alsure Kh. Khed 490
284 Ghagwadi Khed 490
285 Chaudharwadi Khed 476
286 Moroshi Khed 469
287 Dahivali Khed 465
288 Gonavadi Khed 463
289 Jambhurde Khed 457
290 Valanjawadi Khed 454
291 Chatao Khed 453
292 Pimpri Kh. Khed 452
293 Anaspure Khed 448
294 Nilavane Khed 448
295 Shiv Kh. Khed 445
296 Talvat Khed Khed 440
297 Furus Gaonthan Khed 438
298 Bhoste Bk. Khed 431
299 Ghogare Khed 431
300 Pure Bk. Khed 419
301 Devsade Khed 415
302 Yeniye Kh. Khed 414
303 Torne Kh Khed 414
304 Kartel Khed 412
305 Bhalavadi Khed 410
306 Tulashi Kh. Khed 404
307 Talvat Javali Khed 400
308 Parale Khed 398
309 Tekavadi Khed 394
310 Kalambani Kh. Khed 392
311 Tise Kh. Khed 389
312 Ainavali Khed 382
313 Sapirli Khed 380
314 Ashti Mohalla Khed 373
315 Sheraval Kh. Khed 369
316 Velhavale Khed 369
317 Ambhu Khed 368
318 Ashti bk. Khed 366
319 Kude Kh. Khed 366
320 Tulashi Bk. Khed 366
321 Karkudi Khed 364
322 Dhamandevi Mohalla Khed 359
323 Chandewadi Khed 353
324 Hodarpad Khed 350
325 Shingri Khed 350
326 Hedwadi Khed 347
327 Anavale Khed 346
328 Shiv Bk. Khed 338
329 Khopi Tambadwadi Khed 332
330 Mulgaon Khed 331
331 Koyali Tarf Wada Khed 329
332 Wadi Bid Khed 323
333 Karjee Bk. Khed 321
334 Kavale Khed 319
335 Tiphanwadi Khed 315
336 Adhe Khed 315
337 Shirgaon Khed 313
338 Bhoste Mohalla Khed 312
339 Choravane Utekarwadi Khed 311
340 Ganwalwadi Khed 310
341 Dhamangaon Bk. Khed 307
342 Waki Tarf Wada Khed 307
343 Kuraval Javali Khed 303
344 Bhelsai budhawadi Khed 290
345 Kahu Khed 289
346 Dhuoli Khed 289
347 Wadi-jaitapur Khed 289
348 Nandgaon Mohalla Khed 287
349 Kinjale Tarf Khed Khed 284
350 Morvande Kh. Khed 284
351 Kohinde Kh. Khed 283
352 Ashti Khed 278
353 Jambhulgaon Khed 275
354 Sanglot buddhawadi Khed 271
355 Majgaon Khed 271
356 Kondwadi Khed 271
357 Gomlewadi Khed 260
358 Chougale Mohalla Khed 258
359 Wadgaon Bk. Khed 257
360 Kajvewadi Khed 251
361 Posare Kh. Khed 246
362 Kuraval Khed Khed 239
363 Humbari Khed 238
364 Bhivegaon Khed 237
365 Wanjale Khed 234
366 Kinjale Tarf Natu Khed 232
367 Kandoshi Khed 228
368 Wave Jambhulwadi Khed 226
369 Wave tarf khed gaonthan Khed 226
370 Sanaghar Khed 218
371 Pure Kh. Khed 213
372 Wadgaon Kh. Khed 212
373 Pabhe Khed 206
374 Pakharwadi Khed 203
375 Dhakarwadi Khed 200
376 Mahalunge Khed 193
377 Kuraval Gaothan Khed 188
378 Zagdewadi Khed 183
379 Vihali Khed 182
380 Wave Tarf Khed Khed 180
381 Shirgaon Kh. Khed 177
382 Biramani Khed 172
383 Sondye Khed 166
384 Wave chinchatwadi Khed 165
385 Wadi Malde Khed 155
386 Khalachi(humbari) Khed 154
387 Nive Khed 153
388 Chirani Varchiwadi Khed 143
389 Nawanagar Khed 141
390 Akhatuli Khed 133
391 Koregaon Kh. Khed 131
392 Kumbhavali Khed 131
393 Javli Gaonthan Khed 124
394 Kharawali Khed 110
395 Poyanar Kh. Khed 109
396 Wadi-beldar Khed 53
397 Kanhewadi Kh. Khed 48
398 Ghera-sumargad Khed 48
399 Sanglot Khed 36
400 Vanjul Vihire Khed 15
401 Bibi Khed N/A
