Villages and Towns of Khoyrasol Tehsil of District Birbhum, West Bengal

Khoyrasol Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Birbhum District, West Bengal India. Khoyrasol teshil is one of the teshil of Birbhum district West Bengal. In Khoyrasol Teshil there are 170 villages and 0 towns. Out of 170 villages in Khoyrasol teshil in which Barra is most populated village with population of 10798 and least populated village is Sarsa having population only 0. There are 0 town in Khoyrasol sub-district which lies in Khoyrasol administrative devision. Most populated town in Khoyrasol Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Khoyrasol teshil is 153248 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Khoyrasol teshil is 937 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Khoyrasol teshil is 68.75%.

Census Data of Khoyrasol Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
153248 937 68.75%

Demographics details of Khoyrasol Teshil

The population of Khoyrasol sub district is 153248 people, among them about 79118 are male and 74130 are female. Total number of house holds in Khoyrasol Teshil is 34107. Total Literates persons are 91848 in which total male literates are 53628 and female literates are 38220. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 19649, among them 10157 are boys and 9492 are girls.

Khoyrasol Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKhoyrasol
State NameWest Bengal
District NameBirbhum
Total Population153248
Total No of House Holds34107
Total Male Population79118
Total Female Population74130
0-6 Age group Total Population19649
0-6 Age group Male Population10157
0-6 Age group Male Population9492
Total Person Literates91848
Total Male Literates53628
Total Male Literates38220
Total Person Illiterates61400
Total Male Illiterates25490
Total Male Illiterates35910
Scheduled Cast Persons54476
Scheduled Cast Males28049
Scheduled Cast Females26427
Scheduled Tribe Persons1377
Scheduled Tribe Males1363
Scheduled Tribe Females1377

Khoyrasol Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 263240 0
Population (%) 171.77 % 0 %
Male Population 134693 0
Female Population 128547 0
Sex Ratio 954 0
Child Population (0-6) 15679 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 986 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.83% 0%
Households in 61309 0
Literates 157769 0
Literacy % 67.97% 0%
Male Literacy 73.67% 0%
Female Literacy 61.98% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Khoyrasol Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 115710 59896 55814 75.51% 52.38%
Muslim 37237 19067 18170 24.3% 16.23%
Christian 124 60 64 0.08% 0.06%
Sikh 8 3 5 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 6 3 3 0% 0%
Jain 2 2 0 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 4 2 2 0% 0%
Religion not stated 157 85 72 0.1% 0.07%

Workers profile of Khoyrasol Teshil

Khoyrasol has 53524 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 44376 male and 9148 female population are working population. Full time workers in Khoyrasol teshil are 31965 and 21559 are marginal (part time) workers.

Khoyrasol Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 53524 44376 9148
Main Workers 31965 29131 2834
Main Workers Cultivators 9009 8725 284
Agriculture Labourer 11558 10449 1109
Household Industries 1005 678 327
Other Workers 10393 9279 1114
Marginal Workers 21559 15245 6314
Non Working Persons 99724 34742 64982

List of villages in Teshil-Khoyrasol, District-Birbhum, West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Barra Khoyrasol 10798
2 Rasa Khoyrasol 4037
3 Lokpur Khoyrasol 4018
4 Bara Ban Khoyrasol 3845
5 Ranipathar Khoyrasol 3753
6 Dakshin Hazaratur Khoyrasol 3420
7 Panchra Khoyrasol 3412
8 Kankartala Khoyrasol 3390
9 Khayrashoal Khoyrasol 3313
10 Babuirjor Khoyrasol 3038
11 Palpai Khoyrasol 2937
12 Parsundi Khoyrasol 2726
13 Naxrakanda Khoyrasol 2683
14 Naopara Khoyrasol 2658
15 Sahapur Khoyrasol 2597
16 Nabasan Khoyrasol 2498
17 Hariektala Khoyrasol 2362
18 Pursunda Khoyrasol 2297
19 Kendgara Khoyrasol 2110
20 Bhimgara Khoyrasol 2068
21 Bahadurpur Khoyrasol 2000
22 Bhadulia Khoyrasol 1979
23 Budhpur Khoyrasol 1968
24 Barakuri Khoyrasol 1885
25 Aliat Khoyrasol 1812
26 Kathi Khoyrasol 1791
27 Shrirampur Khoyrasol 1727
28 Bagashola Khoyrasol 1718
29 Perua Gopalpur Khoyrasol 1521
30 Maynadal Khoyrasol 1512
31 Rasidpur Khoyrasol 1474
32 Laubere Khoyrasol 1465
33 Mundira Khoyrasol 1439
34 Purba Barkola Khoyrasol 1412
35 Penchalia Khoyrasol 1327
36 Kharikabad Khoyrasol 1324
37 Bhaddi Khoyrasol 1298
38 Barajor Khoyrasol 1295
39 Rupaspur Khoyrasol 1232
40 Paschim Barkola Khoyrasol 1220
41 Purbba Shibpur Khoyrasol 1213
42 Sira Khoyrasol 1209
43 Sagarbhanga Khoyrasol 1203
44 Palashbumi Khoyrasol 1201
45 Churar Khoyrasol 1194
46 Tamra Khoyrasol 1190
47 Krishnapur Khoyrasol 1188
48 Narayanpur Khoyrasol 1134
49 Pansuri Khoyrasol 1086
50 Kese Khoyrasol 1079
51 Demuria Khoyrasol 1072
52 Bharara Khoyrasol 1068
53 Junidpur Khoyrasol 1067
54 Bheleni Khoyrasol 1041
55 Amajola Khoyrasol 1035
56 Anandanagar Khoyrasol 1022
57 Sermara Khoyrasol 1019
58 Jamalpur Khoyrasol 985
59 Ilamkuri Khoyrasol 981
60 Demurtita Khoyrasol 977
61 Geruapahari Khoyrasol 955
62 Dherobazar Khoyrasol 935
63 Chhora Khoyrasol 925
64 Gopalpur Khoyrasol 885
65 Bansayer Khoyrasol 876
66 Jamrand Khoyrasol 866
67 Putka Khoyrasol 835
68 Gangpur Khoyrasol 799
69 Idilpur Khoyrasol 777
70 Amlakuri Khoyrasol 773
71 Bastabpur Khoyrasol 749
72 Chuagar Khoyrasol 727
73 Beinui Khoyrasol 714
74 Isgara Khoyrasol 705
75 Rajanpur Khoyrasol 702
76 Labarhsol Khoyrasol 702
77 Kamalpur Khoyrasol 690
78 Jahidpur Khoyrasol 684
79 Chapla Khoyrasol 665
80 Aurrang Khoyrasol 656
81 Meherpur Khoyrasol 651
82 Ekuria Khoyrasol 651
83 Puratan Nagrakonda Khoyrasol 635
84 Balta Khoyrasol 629
85 Bara Ghata Khoyrasol 620
86 Paigara Khoyrasol 607
87 Binodpur Khoyrasol 605
88 Nichinta Khoyrasol 604
89 Majura Khoyrasol 561
90 Karidha Khoyrasol 552
91 Haripur Khoyrasol 511
92 Beledanga Khoyrasol 507
93 Bhangaband Khoyrasol 484
94 Simuldihi Khoyrasol 474
95 Bataspur Khoyrasol 406
96 Tilshur Khoyrasol 403
97 Nanna Khoyrasol 381
98 Raypur Khoyrasol 379
99 Paratia Khoyrasol 360
100 Hanulia Khoyrasol 360
101 Hatikata Khoyrasol 356
102 Mahammadpur Khoyrasol 349
103 Arazi Jamalpur Khoyrasol 340
104 Parulbana Khoyrasol 330
105 Niga Khoyrasol 330
106 Nalgara Khoyrasol 317
107 Saljor Khoyrasol 317
108 Dhasunia Khoyrasol 297
109 Maheshpur Khoyrasol 292
110 Charigram Khoyrasol 286
111 Harinajol Khoyrasol 281
112 Bibharpur Khoyrasol 263
113 Arjjunshuli Khoyrasol 243
114 Maynabuni Khoyrasol 243
115 Dhulkomra Khoyrasol 241
116 Simjuri Khoyrasol 213
117 Ahmadpur Khoyrasol 159
118 Gaharakuri Khoyrasol 157
119 Lohanagar Khoyrasol 150
120 Chak Dakai Khoyrasol 128
121 Kondamasuri Khoyrasol 124
122 Maldiha Khoyrasol 118
123 Rayhosenpur Khoyrasol 113
124 Birjuri Khoyrasol 111
125 Shiarsol Khoyrasol 55
126 Bankati Khoyrasol 32
127 Khajuria Khoyrasol 25
128 Khalajuri Khoyrasol 25
129 Ruppur Khoyrasol 16
130 Shilabatpur Khoyrasol 14
131 Matiala Khoyrasol N/A
132 Singdanga Khoyrasol N/A
133 Chak Derola Khoyrasol N/A
134 Jamalchak Khoyrasol N/A
135 Mahuribasa Khoyrasol N/A
136 Manjuria Khoyrasol N/A
137 Kanakpur Khoyrasol N/A
138 Simsa Khoyrasol N/A
139 Barjadihi Khoyrasol N/A
140 Gohalia Khoyrasol N/A
141 Panjeala Khoyrasol N/A
142 Ichhabpur Khoyrasol N/A
143 Bhurachak Khoyrasol N/A
144 Faridpur Khoyrasol N/A
145 Kunduakori Khoyrasol N/A
146 Chak Modpur Khoyrasol N/A
147 Mautara Khoyrasol N/A
148 Bandagal Khoyrasol N/A
149 Dholasimul Khoyrasol N/A
150 Mankara Khoyrasol N/A
151 Kunda Khoyrasol N/A
152 Katari Khoyrasol N/A
153 Chandidaspur Khoyrasol N/A
154 Mujrakonda Khoyrasol N/A
155 Perua Khoyrasol N/A
156 Kodalikana Khoyrasol N/A
157 Dejuri Khoyrasol N/A
158 Upar Banda Khoyrasol N/A
159 Chalunebar Khoyrasol N/A
160 Kechkechia Khoyrasol N/A
161 Jhatibona Khoyrasol N/A
162 Bhurjora Khoyrasol N/A
163 Uttar Hazaratpur Khoyrasol N/A
164 Sahebpur Khoyrasol N/A
165 Paschim Sibpur Khoyrasol N/A
166 Gangarampur Khoyrasol N/A
167 Madanpur Khoyrasol N/A
168 Chak Gobinda Khoyrasol N/A
169 Domahatat Khoyrasol N/A
170 Sarsa Khoyrasol N/A
