Villages and Towns of Kodinga Tehsil of District Nabarangapur , Odisha

Kodinga Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Nabarangapur District, Odisha India. Kodinga teshil is one of the teshil of Nabarangapur district Odisha. In Kodinga Teshil there are 69 villages and 0 towns. Out of 69 villages in Kodinga teshil in which Chatahandi is most populated village with population of 7656 and least populated village is Kuturiguda having population only 174. There are 0 town in Kodinga sub-district which lies in Kodinga administrative devision. Most populated town in Kodinga Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Kodinga teshil is 105973 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Kodinga teshil is 1018 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Kodinga teshil is 37.5%.

Census Data of Kodinga Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
105973 1018 37.5%

Demographics details of Kodinga Teshil

The population of Kodinga sub district is 105973 people, among them about 52513 are male and 53460 are female. Total number of house holds in Kodinga Teshil is 23494. Total Literates persons are 32844 in which total male literates are 20515 and female literates are 12329. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 18387, among them 9217 are boys and 9170 are girls.

Kodinga Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKodinga
State NameOdisha
District NameNabarangapur
Total Population105973
Total No of House Holds23494
Total Male Population52513
Total Female Population53460
0-6 Age group Total Population18387
0-6 Age group Male Population9217
0-6 Age group Male Population9170
Total Person Literates32844
Total Male Literates20515
Total Male Literates12329
Total Person Illiterates73129
Total Male Illiterates31998
Total Male Illiterates41131
Scheduled Cast Persons13375
Scheduled Cast Males6579
Scheduled Cast Females6796
Scheduled Tribe Persons32122
Scheduled Tribe Males31549
Scheduled Tribe Females32122

Kodinga Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 68193 0
Population (%) 64.35 % 0 %
Male Population 32883 0
Female Population 35310 0
Sex Ratio 1074 0
Child Population (0-6) 5879 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 991 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 17.16% 0%
Households in 18019 0
Literates 26020 0
Literacy % 46.06% 0%
Male Literacy 58.94% 0%
Female Literacy 34.27% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kodinga Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 103306 51183 52123 97.48% 35.92%
Muslim 407 208 199 0.38% 0.29%
Christian 1853 920 933 1.75% 1.13%
Sikh 5 2 3 0% 0%
Buddhist 19 8 11 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 3 2 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 380 190 190 0.36% 0.15%

Workers profile of Kodinga Teshil

Kodinga has 54014 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 30014 male and 24000 female population are working population. Full time workers in Kodinga teshil are 22781 and 31233 are marginal (part time) workers.

Kodinga Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 54014 30014 24000
Main Workers 22781 19114 3667
Main Workers Cultivators 10929 10068 861
Agriculture Labourer 7545 5772 1773
Household Industries 746 588 158
Other Workers 3561 2686 875
Marginal Workers 31233 10900 20333
Non Working Persons 51959 22499 29460

List of villages in Teshil-Kodinga, District-Nabarangapur , Odisha as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Chatahandi Kodinga 7656
2 Dangra Kodinga 4562
3 Karchamal Kodinga 4317
4 Madeigan Kodinga 4225
5 Kodinga Kodinga 4092
6 Betal Kodinga 3722
7 Bhatigan Kodinga 2929
8 Biriguda Kodinga 2893
9 Bada-attigam Kodinga 2877
10 Badamasigan Kodinga 2793
11 Butimajhisimla Kodinga 2670
12 Chirma Kodinga 2491
13 Basini Kodinga 2431
14 Karandimal Kodinga 2329
15 Jhadakusumi Kodinga 2082
16 Sindhiguda Kodinga 1996
17 Asonga Kodinga 1966
18 Dugulahandi Kodinga 1886
19 Katagan Kodinga 1814
20 Jhadasemala Kodinga 1803
21 Nunpani Kodinga 1714
22 Taragan Kodinga 1703
23 Parsaguda Kodinga 1594
24 Sanagumuda Kodinga 1537
25 Deogan Kodinga 1520
26 Damapala Kodinga 1428
27 Sirisi Kodinga 1411
28 Bankuli Kodinga 1351
29 Semela Kodinga 1322
30 Papuni Kodinga 1318
31 Ekori Kodinga 1298
32 Sana Atigaon Kodinga 1272
33 Kharki Kodinga 1201
34 Nuaguda Kodinga 1192
35 Khandibagdori Kodinga 1181
36 Kandapuri Kodinga 1132
37 Duragan Kodinga 1070
38 Chhalipita Kodinga 1038
39 Mundaguda Kodinga 1025
40 Badagumuda Kodinga 1015
41 Ambagan Kodinga 986
42 Kujaguda Kodinga 966
43 Kantasaraguda Kodinga 964
44 Bhurbusi Kodinga 927
45 Dengaguda Kodinga 917
46 Badpur Kodinga 914
47 Dumadei Kodinga 911
48 Parsaguda Kodinga 896
49 Kutubai Kodinga 845
50 Saraguda Kodinga 844
51 Gumundaligura Kodinga 813
52 Bhandia Kodinga 781
53 Rabanaguda Kodinga 695
54 Chancharaguda Kodinga 629
55 Bandiguda Kodinga 619
56 Bhandli Kodinga 597
57 Amilipadar Kodinga 595
58 Bhandimal Kodinga 549
59 Dangachua Kodinga 428
60 Khutuguda Kodinga 417
61 Kukurabindha Kodinga 403
62 Sankarda Kodinga 382
63 Boragam Kodinga 377
64 Bagdari Kodinga 359
65 Kokaldi Kodinga 346
66 Ghatualiguda Kodinga 304
67 Churahandi Kodinga 277
68 Nuaamilipadar Kodinga 202
69 Kuturiguda Kodinga 174
