Villages and Towns of Kosagumuda Tehsil of District Nabarangapur , Odisha

Kosagumuda Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Nabarangapur District, Odisha India. Kosagumuda teshil is one of the teshil of Nabarangapur district Odisha. In Kosagumuda Teshil there are 73 villages and 0 towns. Out of 73 villages in Kosagumuda teshil in which Motigan is most populated village with population of 5878 and least populated village is Janiguda having population only 87. There are 0 town in Kosagumuda sub-district which lies in Kosagumuda administrative devision. Most populated town in Kosagumuda Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Kosagumuda teshil is 93166 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Kosagumuda teshil is 1027 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Kosagumuda teshil is 35.28%.

Census Data of Kosagumuda Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
93166 1027 35.28%

Demographics details of Kosagumuda Teshil

The population of Kosagumuda sub district is 93166 people, among them about 45968 are male and 47198 are female. Total number of house holds in Kosagumuda Teshil is 20238. Total Literates persons are 27197 in which total male literates are 17173 and female literates are 10024. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 16076, among them 8009 are boys and 8067 are girls.

Kosagumuda Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKosagumuda
State NameOdisha
District NameNabarangapur
Total Population93166
Total No of House Holds20238
Total Male Population45968
Total Female Population47198
0-6 Age group Total Population16076
0-6 Age group Male Population8009
0-6 Age group Male Population8067
Total Person Literates27197
Total Male Literates17173
Total Male Literates10024
Total Person Illiterates65969
Total Male Illiterates28795
Total Male Illiterates37174
Scheduled Cast Persons12872
Scheduled Cast Males6322
Scheduled Cast Females6550
Scheduled Tribe Persons29293
Scheduled Tribe Males28510
Scheduled Tribe Females29293

Kosagumuda Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 7364 47468
Population (%) 7.9 % 50.95 %
Male Population 3492 24553
Female Population 3872 22915
Sex Ratio 1109 933
Child Population (0-6) 560 2604
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 1086 925
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.86% 11.42%
Households in 1865 11379
Literates 3003 34497
Literacy % 48.47% 82.04%
Male Literacy 63.81% 89.38%
Female Literacy 34.68% 74.19%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kosagumuda Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 89910 44399 45511 96.51% 33.26%
Muslim 178 76 102 0.19% 0.11%
Christian 2846 1394 1452 3.05% 1.8%
Sikh 9 3 6 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 29 12 17 0.03% 0.02%
Jain 2 1 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 3 2 1 0% 0%
Religion not stated 189 81 108 0.2% 0.09%

Workers profile of Kosagumuda Teshil

Kosagumuda has 48243 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 26474 male and 21769 female population are working population. Full time workers in Kosagumuda teshil are 18579 and 29664 are marginal (part time) workers.

Kosagumuda Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 48243 26474 21769
Main Workers 18579 16023 2556
Main Workers Cultivators 11001 10516 485
Agriculture Labourer 4300 3112 1188
Household Industries 442 348 94
Other Workers 2836 2047 789
Marginal Workers 29664 10451 19213
Non Working Persons 44923 19494 25429

List of villages in Teshil-Kosagumuda , District-Nabarangapur , Odisha as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Motigan Kosagumuda 5878
2 Kosagumuda Kosagumuda 4500
3 Bajargad Kosagumuda 3786
4 Santoshpur Kosagumuda 3421
5 Badamoda Kosagumuda 3335
6 Ghodadhanua Kosagumuda 3303
7 Barogam Kosagumuda 2679
8 Keragan Kosagumuda 2579
9 Rajoda Kosagumuda 2495
10 Temra Kosagumuda 2264
11 Churuchunda Kosagumuda 2176
12 Balenga Kosagumuda 1960
13 Neigam Kosagumuda 1941
14 Maliatigan Kosagumuda 1899
15 Kusumapalli Kosagumuda 1866
16 Hardoli Kosagumuda 1755
17 Aunli Kosagumuda 1606
18 Padargan Kosagumuda 1514
19 Keragam Kosagumuda 1465
20 Bamuni Kosagumuda 1400
21 Binjili Kosagumuda 1375
22 Sanaamoda Kosagumuda 1307
23 Sikaraguda Kosagumuda 1295
24 Umargan Kosagumuda 1289
25 Churahandi Kosagumuda 1263
26 Badasirisiaguda Kosagumuda 1253
27 Bansuli Kosagumuda 1239
28 Belputi Kosagumuda 1230
29 Mirimunda Kosagumuda 1222
30 Tikirachura Kosagumuda 1177
31 Ghatbasuli Kosagumuda 1167
32 Kerla Kosagumuda 1132
33 Gumundoli Kosagumuda 1130
34 Ghatakusumi Kosagumuda 1067
35 Baraguda Kosagumuda 1063
36 Kodabhata Kosagumuda 1054
37 Bhainsabeda Kosagumuda 1044
38 Saraladhanua Kosagumuda 1019
39 Parajaguda Kosagumuda 1002
40 Duragam Kosagumuda 961
41 Panduguda Kosagumuda 915
42 Sanasirisiaguda Kosagumuda 901
43 Jabaguda Kosagumuda 901
44 Tikrakusumi Kosagumuda 889
45 Nenganal Kosagumuda 812
46 Pakhanaguda Kosagumuda 800
47 Anchala Kosagumuda 780
48 Kusumi Kosagumuda 773
49 Mundidhanua Kosagumuda 739
50 Ukiapalli Kosagumuda 727
51 Majhidhanua Kosagumuda 722
52 Mankidi Kosagumuda 719
53 Alupodar Kosagumuda 659
54 Gojagam Kosagumuda 589
55 Koromimutha Ghatchura Kosagumuda 589
56 Balenga Kosagumuda 587
57 Amodapatighatchura Kosagumuda 584
58 Rampalli Kosagumuda 572
59 Kidripalli Kosagumuda 543
60 Pikaddhanua Kosagumuda 535
61 Tusiguda Kosagumuda 495
62 Kutiguda Kosagumuda 433
63 Kidingpodar Kosagumuda 429
64 Polligam Kosagumuda 425
65 Rasiaguda Kosagumuda 388
66 Junapani Kosagumuda 385
67 Chhelipadar Kosagumuda 363
68 Gengaraguda Kosagumuda 183
69 Majhiguda Kosagumuda 171
70 Paidapalli Kosagumuda 127
71 Nuaguda Kosagumuda 124
72 Chatalahandi Kosagumuda 109
73 Janiguda Kosagumuda 87
