Villages and Towns of Kotkasim Tehsil of District Alwar, Rajasthan

Kotkasim Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Alwar District, Rajasthan India. Kotkasim teshil is one of the teshil of Alwar district Rajasthan. In Kotkasim Teshil there are 117 villages and 0 towns. Out of 117 villages in Kotkasim teshil in which Harsoli is most populated village with population of 9003 and least populated village is Narooki having population only 0. There are 0 town in Kotkasim sub-district which lies in Kotkasim administrative devision. Most populated town in Kotkasim Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Kotkasim teshil is 137339 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Kotkasim teshil is 910 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Kotkasim teshil is 76.82%.

Census Data of Kotkasim Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
137339 910 76.82%

Demographics details of Kotkasim Teshil

The population of Kotkasim sub district is 137339 people, among them about 71907 are male and 65432 are female. Total number of house holds in Kotkasim Teshil is 24201. Total Literates persons are 90292 in which total male literates are 54606 and female literates are 35686. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 19800, among them 10854 are boys and 8946 are girls.

Kotkasim Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKotkasim
State NameRajasthan
District NameAlwar
Total Population137339
Total No of House Holds24201
Total Male Population71907
Total Female Population65432
0-6 Age group Total Population19800
0-6 Age group Male Population10854
0-6 Age group Male Population8946
Total Person Literates90292
Total Male Literates54606
Total Male Literates35686
Total Person Illiterates47047
Total Male Illiterates17301
Total Male Illiterates29746
Scheduled Cast Persons27494
Scheduled Cast Males14183
Scheduled Cast Females13311
Scheduled Tribe Persons463
Scheduled Tribe Males490
Scheduled Tribe Females463

Kotkasim Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 198897 0
Population (%) 144.82 % 0 %
Male Population 103529 0
Female Population 95368 0
Sex Ratio 921 0
Child Population (0-6) 24464 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 924 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 23.67% 0%
Households in 30164 0
Literates 85661 0
Literacy % 56.42% 0%
Male Literacy 73.38% 0%
Female Literacy 37.99% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kotkasim Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 128708 67380 61328 93.72% 73.14%
Muslim 7308 3846 3462 5.32% 2.98%
Christian 31 20 11 0.02% 0.02%
Sikh 1186 603 583 0.86% 0.63%
Buddhist 1 1 0 0% 0%
Jain 40 22 18 0.03% 0.03%
Other religions and persuasions 6 1 5 0% 0%
Religion not stated 59 34 25 0.04% 0.03%

Workers profile of Kotkasim Teshil

Kotkasim has 74828 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 39992 male and 34836 female population are working population. Full time workers in Kotkasim teshil are 37456 and 37372 are marginal (part time) workers.

Kotkasim Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 74828 39992 34836
Main Workers 37456 31171 6285
Main Workers Cultivators 21350 17343 4007
Agriculture Labourer 3478 2727 751
Household Industries 318 277 41
Other Workers 12310 10824 1486
Marginal Workers 37372 8821 28551
Non Working Persons 62511 31915 30596

List of villages in Teshil-Kotkasim, District-Alwar, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Harsoli Kotkasim 9003
2 Kotkasim Kotkasim 8538
3 Burhi Bawal Kotkasim 4402
4 Joriya Kotkasim 4167
5 Bhonkar Kotkasim 2349
6 Pur Kotkasim 2340
7 Kanharka Kotkasim 2324
8 Nangal Saliya Kotkasim 2316
9 Girwas Kotkasim 2293
10 Baghana Kotkasim 2226
11 Nasopur Kotkasim 2190
12 Kutubpur Kotkasim 2165
13 Patan Aheer Kotkasim 2156
14 Gheekaka Kotkasim 2112
15 Gunsar Kotkasim 2060
16 Pataliya Kotkasim 1864
17 Karwar Kotkasim 1758
18 Jharka Kotkasim 1758
19 Beelaheri Kotkasim 1726
20 Bagheri Khurd Kotkasim 1686
21 Teuwas Kotkasim 1648
22 Kirwari Kotkasim 1648
23 Ikrotiya Kotkasim 1645
24 Rampur Kotkasim 1486
25 Jatiyana Kotkasim 1472
26 Neemlaka Kotkasim 1471
27 Jonal Kotkasim 1470
28 Paharwas Kotkasim 1431
29 Ladpur Kotkasim 1394
30 Meerpur Kotkasim 1392
31 Dalawas Kotkasim 1338
32 Jatoowas Kotkasim 1331
33 Ujoli Kotkasim 1329
34 Gurgachka Kotkasim 1297
35 Khairal Kotkasim 1288
36 Khanpur Aheer Kotkasim 1281
37 Palpur Kotkasim 1244
38 Narwas Kotkasim 1234
39 Akoli Kotkasim 1232
40 Goojriwas Kotkasim 1211
41 Madhoopur Kotkasim 1181
42 Deengli Kotkasim 1177
43 Meoli Kotkasim 1175
44 Aheer Basna Kotkasim 1144
45 Raipur Jatan Kotkasim 1129
46 Shahpur Kotkasim 1108
47 Lalpur Kotkasim 1101
48 Makdawa Kotkasim 1060
49 Kharola Kotkasim 1057
50 Bhojrajka Kotkasim 1052
51 Berawas Kalan Kotkasim 1049
52 Jakopur Kotkasim 994
53 Kheri Kotkasim 976
54 Silpata Kotkasim 949
55 Lahdod Kotkasim 935
56 Doomhera Kotkasim 886
57 Sherpur Kotkasim 881
58 Salkhar Kotkasim 877
59 Daulat Nagar Majra Kotkasim 859
60 Kani Kotkasim 858
61 Kayampura Jokhawas Kotkasim 828
62 Dheerdhoka Kotkasim 806
63 Badsara Kotkasim 800
64 Sanoda Kotkasim 789
65 Hanspur Khurd Kotkasim 781
66 Alampur Kotkasim 770
67 Jamalpur Kotkasim 750
68 Jalaka Kotkasim 750
69 Matalwas Kotkasim 746
70 Maswasi @ Madhopuri Kotkasim 741
71 Magha Ka Majra Kotkasim 730
72 Sokha Kotkasim 716
73 Khohra Thakran Kotkasim 713
74 Hanspur Kalan Kotkasim 700
75 Majri Kotkasim 680
76 Chawandi Kotkasim 646
77 Bhamoowas Kotkasim 639
78 Koompur Kotkasim 639
79 Bairaheri Kotkasim 620
80 Hajipur Kotkasim 609
81 Beeliyawas Kotkasim 601
82 Anaka Kotkasim 590
83 Gangapuri Kotkasim 585
84 Beeranwas Kotkasim 566
85 Jahanpuri Kotkasim 554
86 Menawas Kotkasim 548
87 Kasimpur Kotkasim 547
88 Bhojpur Kotkasim 545
89 Daika Kotkasim 533
90 Nangli Jatan Kotkasim 531
91 Jhiryana Kotkasim 517
92 Daika Kotkasim 516
93 Moonpur Thakran Kotkasim 496
94 Kairwa Kotkasim 494
95 Ramnagar Kotkasim 485
96 Thathka Kotkasim 455
97 Chowki Kotkasim 448
98 Kaririwas Kotkasim 446
99 Hajnaka Kotkasim 444
100 Chandpura Kotkasim 429
101 Kadaiya Kotkasim 421
102 Thethar Basna Kotkasim 419
103 Jokhawas Kotkasim 417
104 Sadhooka Kotkasim 388
105 Roneeja Kotkasim 373
106 Chachiyawas Kotkasim 358
107 Mirzapur Kotkasim 339
108 Moonpur Mewan Kotkasim 305
109 Begampur Kotkasim 275
110 Shahjadpur Kotkasim 273
111 Lisani Kotkasim 245
112 Turkwas Kotkasim 230
113 Raniyawas Kotkasim 230
114 Berawas Khurd Kotkasim 221
115 Gokulpur Kotkasim 191
116 Deoseeka Kotkasim 148
117 Narooki Kotkasim N/A
