Villages and Towns of Kotputli Tehsil of District Jaipur, Rajasthan

Kotputli Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jaipur District, Rajasthan India. Kotputli teshil is one of the teshil of Jaipur district Rajasthan. In Kotputli Teshil there are 144 villages and 1 towns. Out of 144 villages in Kotputli teshil in which Paota is most populated village with population of 15473 and least populated village is Balawas (Rural) having population only 149. There are 1 town in Kotputli sub-district which lies in Kotputli administrative devision. Most populated town in Kotputli Teshil is Kotputli (M) with population of 49202.

Total population of Kotputli teshil is 413256 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Kotputli teshil is 898 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Kotputli teshil is 71.71%.

Census Data of Kotputli Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
413256 898 71.71%

Demographics details of Kotputli Teshil

The population of Kotputli sub district is 413256 people, among them about 217764 are male and 195492 are female. Total number of house holds in Kotputli Teshil is 69470. Total Literates persons are 250497 in which total male literates are 155587 and female literates are 94910. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 63941, among them 34614 are boys and 29327 are girls.

Kotputli Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKotputli
State NameRajasthan
District NameJaipur
Total Population413256
Total No of House Holds69470
Total Male Population217764
Total Female Population195492
0-6 Age group Total Population63941
0-6 Age group Male Population34614
0-6 Age group Male Population29327
Total Person Literates250497
Total Male Literates155587
Total Male Literates94910
Total Person Illiterates162759
Total Male Illiterates62177
Total Male Illiterates100582
Scheduled Cast Persons58011
Scheduled Cast Males30493
Scheduled Cast Females27518
Scheduled Tribe Persons12947
Scheduled Tribe Males14651
Scheduled Tribe Females12947

Kotputli Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 295571 7665
Population (%) 71.52 % 1.85 %
Male Population 154444 3985
Female Population 141127 3680
Sex Ratio 914 923
Child Population (0-6) 25479 525
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 870 882
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.12% 14.61%
Households in 48699 1264
Literates 159419 4698
Literacy % 64.3% 71.78%
Male Literacy 81.11% 85.25%
Female Literacy 46.08% 57.31%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kotputli Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 406087 214030 192057 98.27% 70.65%
Muslim 6709 3478 3231 1.62% 0.97%
Christian 138 71 67 0.03% 0.03%
Sikh 142 81 61 0.03% 0.03%
Buddhist 4 3 1 0% 0%
Jain 50 25 25 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 126 76 50 0.03% 0.02%

Workers profile of Kotputli Teshil

Kotputli has 162399 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 100351 male and 62048 female population are working population. Full time workers in Kotputli teshil are 123445 and 38954 are marginal (part time) workers.

Kotputli Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 162399 100351 62048
Main Workers 123445 87978 35467
Main Workers Cultivators 66520 40871 25649
Agriculture Labourer 9593 6227 3366
Household Industries 2182 1558 624
Other Workers 45150 39322 5828
Marginal Workers 38954 12373 26581
Non Working Persons 250857 117413 133444

List of Town/City of Kotputli Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Kotputli with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jaipur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kotputli (M) 49202 889

List of villages in Teshil-Kotputli, District-Jaipur, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Paota Kotputli 15473
2 Pragpura Kotputli 12114
3 Barnagar Kotputli 9697
4 Bhankhari Kotputli 8028
5 Bhuree Bharaj Kotputli 7494
6 Nareda Kotputli 7479
7 Mandha Kotputli 6832
8 Pachhodala Kotputli 6723
9 Karoli Kotputli 6045
10 Dantil Kotputli 5676
11 Khelna Kotputli 5611
12 Pathreri Kotputli 5476
13 Baneti Kotputli 5438
14 Saroond Kotputli 5346
15 Bhonawas Kotputli 5257
16 Bhainslana Kotputli 5189
17 Rajnauta Kotputli 4875
18 Kharab Kotputli 4531
19 Paniyala Kotputli 4476
20 Taskola Kotputli 4224
21 Gordhanpura Kotputli 4198
22 Amai Kotputli 3969
23 Torda Goojran Kotputli 3887
24 Basri (Rural) Kotputli 3856
25 Gonera Kotputli 3626
26 Gopalpura Kotputli 3590
27 Sundarpura Kotputli 3571
28 Koojota Kotputli 3563
29 Purushottampura Kotputli 3469
30 Pawana Aheer Kotputli 3300
31 Theekariya Kotputli 3298
32 Molahera Kotputli 3254
33 Daduka Kotputli 3175
34 Beri Kotputli 3110
35 Deota Kotputli 3042
36 Khera Nihalpura Kotputli 2948
37 Sangtera Kotputli 2818
38 Buchara Kotputli 2782
39 Shuklawas Kotputli 2757
40 Ladakawas Kotputli 2710
41 Kansli Kotputli 2674
42 Rampura Kotputli 2638
43 Kayampura Was Kotputli 2635
44 Kirarod Kotputli 2609
45 Nangal Panditpura Kotputli 2593
46 Banar Kotputli 2554
47 Mohanpura Kotputli 2521
48 Fatehpura Kalan Kotputli 2509
49 Raikaranpura Kotputli 2508
50 Kalyanpura Khurd Kotputli 2502
51 Pootli Kotputli 2443
52 Mordha Kotputli 2439
53 Basai Kotputli 2280
54 Kanwarpura Kotputli 2269
55 Jodhpura Kotputli 2233
56 Panch Pahari Kotputli 2225
57 Bhaloji Kotputli 2210
58 Kalyanpura Kalan Kotputli 2171
59 Ramsinghpura Kotputli 2165
60 Sudarpura Kotputli 2155
61 Chimanpura Kotputli 2118
62 Lalana Kotputli 2106
63 Sujatnagar Kotputli 2057
64 Lunaji Kotputli 2038
65 Barabas (Rural) Kotputli 2035
66 Tapri Kotputli 2016
67 Bheevji Kotputli 2014
68 Kherki Veerbhan Kotputli 1999
69 Malpura Kotputli 1998
70 Kherki Mukkar Kotputli 1969
71 Kuhara Kotputli 1944
72 Tordabrahmanan Kotputli 1934
73 Dwarikapura Kotputli 1906
74 Fatehpura Khurd Kotputli 1905
75 Ajeetpura Kalan Kotputli 1891
76 Keshwana Rajput Kotputli 1875
77 Nangal Checheeka Kotputli 1863
78 Churi Kotputli 1857
79 Tulsipura Kotputli 1826
80 Khurdi Kotputli 1820
81 Beethloda Kotputli 1819
82 Bakhrana Kotputli 1798
83 Rooppura Kotputli 1794
84 Chhardara Kotputli 1770
85 Gopipura Kotputli 1698
86 Banka Kotputli 1691
87 Kooner Kotputli 1684
88 Jaisinghpura Kotputli 1681
89 Karwas Kotputli 1665
90 Shiv Nagar Kotputli 1654
91 Karaudi Kotputli 1633
92 Rughnathpura Kotputli 1593
93 Jeengor Kotputli 1587
94 Dudawas Kotputli 1547
95 Panditpura Kotputli 1478
96 Bamanwas Kotputli 1470
97 Pejooka Kotputli 1463
98 Dhadha Kotputli 1449
99 Amarpura Kotputli 1435
100 Kalyanpura Kotputli 1406
101 Aspura Kotputli 1402
102 Navrangpura Kotputli 1359
103 Shyamnagar Kotputli 1341
104 Panera Kotputli 1327
105 Ramgarh Kotputli 1294
106 Mahrampur Nawab Kotputli 1279
107 Poorannagar Kotputli 1277
108 Jagdishpura Kotputli 1194
109 Kharkhari Kotputli 1178
110 Buchahera (Rural) Kotputli 1177
111 Pawala Rajput Kotputli 1153
112 Chand Doli Kotputli 1148
113 Pichani Kotputli 1140
114 Talwa Kotputli 1138
115 Hansiyawas Kotputli 1126
116 Ramnagar Kotputli 1121
117 Jahidpura Kotputli 1089
118 Manjukot Kotputli 1080
119 Kiratpura Kotputli 1059
120 Kaloohera Kotputli 1058
121 Dhawali Kotputli 1055
122 Gulabgarh Kotputli 1054
123 Mahrampur Rajput Kotputli 1033
124 Rahera Kotputli 938
125 Nagriwas Kotputli 931
126 Chaturbhuj Kotputli 921
127 Beenjahera Kotputli 911
128 Chacha Nehru Nagar Kotputli 909
129 Tamoriwas Kotputli 870
130 Shekhupur Kotputli 838
131 Bhojawas Kotputli 819
132 Ajeetpura Khurd Kotputli 776
133 Padma Ki Dhani Kotputli 729
134 Chanchaki Kotputli 711
135 Gandhi Nagar Kotputli 675
136 Meerapur Kotputli 649
137 Kakrana Kotputli 624
138 Gurha Kotputli 524
139 Hasanpura Kotputli 518
140 Narsinghpura Kotputli 512
141 Nawal Kushal Pura Kotputli 431
142 Keshwanagujar Kotputli 425
143 Bhopatpura Kotputli 386
144 Balawas (Rural) Kotputli 149
