Villages and Towns of Koyyuru Tehsil of District Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Koyyuru Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh India. Koyyuru teshil is one of the teshil of Visakhapatnam district Andhra Pradesh. In Koyyuru Teshil there are 162 villages and 0 towns. Out of 162 villages in Koyyuru teshil in which Adakula is most populated village with population of 3946 and least populated village is Chatarai having population only 0. There are 0 town in Koyyuru sub-district which lies in Koyyuru administrative devision. Most populated town in Koyyuru Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Koyyuru teshil is 50639 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Koyyuru teshil is 1022 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Koyyuru teshil is 48.83%.

Census Data of Koyyuru Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
50639 1022 48.83%

Demographics details of Koyyuru Teshil

The population of Koyyuru sub district is 50639 people, among them about 25047 are male and 25592 are female. Total number of house holds in Koyyuru Teshil is 13570. Total Literates persons are 21987 in which total male literates are 12678 and female literates are 9309. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 5611, among them 2854 are boys and 2757 are girls.

Koyyuru Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKoyyuru
State NameAndhra Pradesh
District NameVisakhapatnam
Total Population50639
Total No of House Holds13570
Total Male Population25047
Total Female Population25592
0-6 Age group Total Population5611
0-6 Age group Male Population2854
0-6 Age group Male Population2757
Total Person Literates21987
Total Male Literates12678
Total Male Literates9309
Total Person Illiterates28652
Total Male Illiterates12369
Total Male Illiterates16283
Scheduled Cast Persons546
Scheduled Cast Males266
Scheduled Cast Females280
Scheduled Tribe Persons20807
Scheduled Tribe Males20406
Scheduled Tribe Females20807

Koyyuru Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 37241 0
Population (%) 73.54 % 0 %
Male Population 18686 0
Female Population 18555 0
Sex Ratio 993 0
Child Population (0-6) 2044 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 953 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.72% 0%
Households in 10811 0
Literates 19240 0
Literacy % 57.86% 0%
Male Literacy 62.93% 0%
Female Literacy 52.79% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Koyyuru Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 49868 24645 25223 98.48% 47.9%
Muslim 289 171 118 0.57% 0.48%
Christian 395 188 207 0.78% 0.38%
Sikh 7 3 4 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 0 0 0 0% 0%
Jain 2 2 0 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 4 2 2 0.01% 0%
Religion not stated 74 36 38 0.15% 0.06%

Workers profile of Koyyuru Teshil

Koyyuru has 29553 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 15328 male and 14225 female population are working population. Full time workers in Koyyuru teshil are 14859 and 14694 are marginal (part time) workers.

Koyyuru Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 29553 15328 14225
Main Workers 14859 8638 6221
Main Workers Cultivators 4215 2957 1258
Agriculture Labourer 9200 4796 4404
Household Industries 169 103 66
Other Workers 1275 782 493
Marginal Workers 14694 6690 8004
Non Working Persons 21086 9719 11367

List of villages in Teshil-Koyyuru, District-Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Adakula Koyyuru 3946
2 Koyyuru Koyyuru 2287
3 Kommika Koyyuru 2152
4 Rajendrapalem Koyyuru 1581
5 Mampa Koyyuru 1437
6 Revallu Koyyuru 1393
7 Ravanapalle Koyyuru 1351
8 Sarabhanna Palem Koyyuru 1230
9 Balaram Koyyuru 1228
10 Nadimpalem Koyyuru 1221
11 Kantharam Koyyuru 1136
12 Pakalajeedi Koyyuru 868
13 Pedamakavaram Koyyuru 850
14 U.Cheedipalem Koyyuru 794
15 Balarevulu Koyyuru 734
16 Ratnampeta Koyyuru 730
17 Singavaram Koyyuru 725
18 Pothavaram Koyyuru 720
19 Valugudem Koyyuru 707
20 Pokalapalem Koyyuru 643
21 Chintalapudi Koyyuru 611
22 Yerrinaidu Pakalu Koyyuru 608
23 Downuru Koyyuru 563
24 Ginjarthi Koyyuru 545
25 Gangavaram Koyyuru 543
26 Anthada Koyyuru 516
27 Yerragonda Koyyuru 513
28 Kothapalle Koyyuru 482
29 Mattam Bhimavaram Koyyuru 464
30 Padi Koyyuru 464
31 Annavaram Koyyuru 463
32 Nallabilli Koyyuru 462
33 Chittempadu Koyyuru 438
34 Ramarajupalem Koyyuru 434
35 Bangarammapeta Koyyuru 412
36 Nadimpalem Koyyuru 409
37 Doddavaram Koyyuru 408
38 Cheedipalem Koyyuru 397
39 Gadabapalem Koyyuru 393
40 Yeddumamidi Singhadara Koyyuru 386
41 Nallagonda Koyyuru 385
42 Surendrapalem Koyyuru 376
43 Kondasantha Koyyuru 370
44 Kondagokira Koyyuru 368
45 Mallavaram Koyyuru 356
46 Punukuru Koyyuru 336
47 Budaralla Koyyuru 335
48 Bheemavaram Koyyuru 309
49 Gummadimanupalem Koyyuru 303
50 Marriwada Koyyuru 295
51 Kinaparthi Koyyuru 295
52 Pittalapadu Koyyuru 285
53 Velagalapalem Koyyuru 277
54 Ramannapalem Koyyuru 272
55 Tulabada Koyyuru 271
56 Garimanda Koyyuru 268
57 Mulapeta Koyyuru 262
58 Ravulakota Koyyuru 256
59 Gopavaram Koyyuru 255
60 Nimmalagondi Koyyuru 248
61 Kumbarlubanda Koyyuru 242
62 Lubbarthi Koyyuru 237
63 Mukudupalle Koyyuru 236
64 Marripalem Koyyuru 235
65 Seekayipalem Koyyuru 227
66 Vanthamarri Koyyuru 221
67 Solabu Koyyuru 216
68 Rajupeta Koyyuru 208
69 Kinchavanipalem Koyyuru 206
70 Chintuvanipalem Koyyuru 205
71 Panasalapadu Koyyuru 204
72 Kannavaram Koyyuru 199
73 Pedalanka Kothuru Koyyuru 197
74 Gudapalle Koyyuru 196
75 Dharmavaram Koyyuru 188
76 Cheedikota Koyyuru 183
77 Rellalapalem Koyyuru 179
78 Valasampeta Koyyuru 173
79 Mandipalle Koyyuru 172
80 Lusam Koyyuru 172
81 Koppukonda Koyyuru 172
82 Valasarajupadu Koyyuru 170
83 Kindangi Koyyuru 164
84 Rabbasingi Koyyuru 160
85 Nimmalapalem Koyyuru 157
86 Teegalametta Koyyuru 155
87 Ravimanupalem Koyyuru 146
88 Kothuru Koyyuru 146
89 Ganugula Koyyuru 145
90 Chowdipalle Koyyuru 144
91 Ganerlapalem Koyyuru 143
92 Kithalova Koyyuru 139
93 Ravimanupakalu Koyyuru 134
94 Gummalapalem Koyyuru 131
95 Ramapuram Koyyuru 127
96 Mulagalametta Koyyuru 125
97 Battapanukulu Koyyuru 124
98 Thallapalem Koyyuru 123
99 Nallagonda Koyyuru 122
100 Bonkulapalem Koyyuru 122
101 Pidugurai Koyyuru 114
102 Pidathamamidi Koyyuru 111
103 Puttakota Koyyuru 108
104 Suramanda Koyyuru 108
105 Balusukura Pakalu Koyyuru 108
106 Kommanuru Koyyuru 106
107 Kamparegulu Koyyuru 100
108 Nimmagedda Koyyuru 99
109 Sakulapalem Koyyuru 91
110 Marripakalu Koyyuru 89
111 Daddugula Koyyuru 89
112 Katragedda Koyyuru 85
113 Jerrigondi Koyyuru 83
114 Kathiralloddi Koyyuru 82
115 Battumetta Koyyuru 79
116 Paradesipakalu Koyyuru 71
117 Nakkalapadu Koyyuru 65
118 Vudutha Koyyuru 64
119 Kothapalem Koyyuru 63
120 Daragedda Koyyuru 59
121 Ulligunta Koyyuru 53
122 Jogampeta Koyyuru 51
123 Godugula Manubanda Koyyuru 51
124 Tenkala Panukulu Koyyuru 47
125 Budaralla Kothuru Koyyuru 42
126 Suddalapalem Koyyuru 42
127 Lingapuram Koyyuru 38
128 Parlubanda Koyyuru 35
129 Balabadrapadu Koyyuru 33
130 Gamakonda Koyyuru 33
131 Dibbalapalem Koyyuru 28
132 Sanivarappadu Koyyuru 27
133 Domalagondi Koyyuru 26
134 Lankaveedhi Koyyuru 18
135 Kothagadabapalem Koyyuru 17
136 Gollivalasa Koyyuru 13
137 Peddinipalem Koyyuru N/A
138 Koyyuru Pathapadu Koyyuru N/A
139 Santha Kirlampadu Koyyuru N/A
140 Bangarupalem Koyyuru N/A
141 Mogalidoddi Koyyuru N/A
142 Bennavaram Koyyuru N/A
143 Bangarayyapadu Koyyuru N/A
144 Agraharam Koyyuru N/A
145 Thadichetlapalem Koyyuru N/A
146 Thotaluru Koyyuru N/A
147 Ramannapalem Koyyuru N/A
148 Jammavaram Koyyuru N/A
149 Bandivalasa Koyyuru N/A
150 Gantavari Kothagudem Koyyuru N/A
151 Chappidi Mamidi Koyyuru N/A
152 Bouthuvalasa Koyyuru N/A
153 Bointi Koyyuru N/A
154 Thatimanubanda Koyyuru N/A
155 Puturugedda Koyyuru N/A
156 Jonnamamidi Koyyuru N/A
157 Dhonipalem Koyyuru N/A
158 Tapplimamidi Koyyuru N/A
159 Sitharampadu Koyyuru N/A
160 Yerrabilli Koyyuru N/A
161 Rolangi Koyyuru N/A
162 Chatarai Koyyuru N/A
