Villages and Towns of Kumargram Tehsil of District Jalpaiguri , West Bengal

Kumargram Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal India. Kumargram teshil is one of the teshil of Jalpaiguri district West Bengal. In Kumargram Teshil there are 53 villages and 3 towns. Out of 53 villages in Kumargram teshil in which Raydak Tea Garden is most populated village with population of 7610 and least populated village is Sachapho Forest having population only 96. There are 3 town in Kumargram sub-district which lies in Kumargram administrative devision. Most populated town in Kumargram Teshil is Laskarpara (CT) with population of 7137.

Total population of Kumargram teshil is 199609 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Kumargram teshil is 946 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Kumargram teshil is 72.42%.

Census Data of Kumargram Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
199609 946 72.42%

Demographics details of Kumargram Teshil

The population of Kumargram sub district is 199609 people, among them about 102592 are male and 97017 are female. Total number of house holds in Kumargram Teshil is 44997. Total Literates persons are 127335 in which total male literates are 71202 and female literates are 56133. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 23771, among them 12184 are boys and 11587 are girls.

Kumargram Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKumargram
State NameWest Bengal
District NameJalpaiguri
Total Population199609
Total No of House Holds44997
Total Male Population102592
Total Female Population97017
0-6 Age group Total Population23771
0-6 Age group Male Population12184
0-6 Age group Male Population11587
Total Person Literates127335
Total Male Literates71202
Total Male Literates56133
Total Person Illiterates72274
Total Male Illiterates31390
Total Male Illiterates40884
Scheduled Cast Persons71417
Scheduled Cast Males37128
Scheduled Cast Females34289
Scheduled Tribe Persons29640
Scheduled Tribe Males30237
Scheduled Tribe Females29640

Kumargram Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 293267 33291
Population (%) 146.92 % 16.68 %
Male Population 151337 16848
Female Population 141930 16443
Sex Ratio 938 976
Child Population (0-6) 19315 1533
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 942 936
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.79% 9.52%
Households in 68419 8131
Literates 192951 25921
Literacy % 75.44% 86.06%
Male Literacy 81.38% 90.25%
Female Literacy 69.11% 81.78%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kumargram Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 164226 84739 79487 82.27% 60.9%
Muslim 8656 4411 4245 4.34% 2.83%
Christian 23901 11971 11930 11.97% 7.77%
Sikh 85 47 38 0.04% 0.04%
Buddhist 1584 776 808 0.79% 0.54%
Jain 37 23 14 0.02% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 710 371 339 0.36% 0.17%
Religion not stated 410 254 156 0.21% 0.15%

Workers profile of Kumargram Teshil

Kumargram has 79099 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 55546 male and 23553 female population are working population. Full time workers in Kumargram teshil are 54081 and 25018 are marginal (part time) workers.

Kumargram Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 79099 55546 23553
Main Workers 54081 42654 11427
Main Workers Cultivators 10113 9309 804
Agriculture Labourer 12136 9373 2763
Household Industries 1410 1001 409
Other Workers 30422 22971 7451
Marginal Workers 25018 12892 12126
Non Working Persons 120510 47046 73464

List of Town/City of Kumargram Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Kumargram with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jalpaiguri is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Laskarpara (CT) 7137 926
2 Dakhin Rampur (CT) 6392 938
3 Uttar Kamakhyaguri (CT) 12022 961

List of villages in Teshil-Kumargram, District-Jalpaiguri , West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Raydak Tea Garden Kumargram 7610
2 Dakhin Narathali Kumargram 7433
3 Sankos Tea Garden Kumargram 6643
4 New Lands Tea Garden Kumargram 6369
5 Narathali Kumargram 6337
6 Kumargram Tea Garden Kumargram 6328
7 Kumargram Kumargram 5384
8 Jayanti Tea Garden Kumargram 5098
9 Madhya Narathali Kumargram 4958
10 Kartika Tea Garden Kumargram 4779
11 Madhya Kamakhyaguri Kumargram 4759
12 Paschim Narathali Kumargram 4665
13 Purbba Chakchaka Kumargram 4523
14 Barabisa Kumargram 4433
15 Madhya Haldibari Kumargram 4252
16 Telipara Kumargram 4139
17 Bhalka Kumargram 3946
18 Purbba Narathali Kumargram 3882
19 Dakhin Kamakhyaguri Kumargram 3824
20 Dakshin Chengmari Kumargram 3779
21 Chuota Daldali Kumargram 3756
22 Pukharigaon Kumargram 3673
23 Rahimabad Tea Garden Kumargram 3570
24 Ghaksapara Kumargram 3130
25 Paschim Chengmari Kumargram 3110
26 Narakhata Kumargram 3036
27 Tuturi Tea Garden Kumargram 2882
28 Pakriguri Kumargram 2857
29 Turturi Khanda Kumargram 2844
30 Purbba Salbari Kumargram 2818
31 Uttar Haldibari Kumargram 2810
32 Chunia Jhora Tea Garden Kumargram 2772
33 Baruipara Kumargram 2548
34 Paschim Chak Chaka Kumargram 2547
35 Bara Daldal Kumargram 2449
36 Amarpur Kumargram 2423
37 Majher Dabri Kumargram 2307
38 Uttar Narathali Kumargram 2213
39 Jaydedpur Kumargram 2149
40 Radhanagar Kumargram 2080
41 Gachaimari Kumargram 2036
42 Dakshin Haldibari Kumargram 1950
43 Chengmari Kumargram 1658
44 Dhumpara Forest Kumargram 1439
45 Bhalka Forest Kumargram 1438
46 Phaskhawa Tea Garden Kumargram 1202
47 Paglarhat Kumargram 1157
48 Raydak Forest Kumargram 865
49 Jayanti Tea Garden II Kumargram 842
50 Hemaguri Kumargram 802
51 Dhantali Kumargram 768
52 Lalchandpur Kumargram 690
53 Sachapho Forest Kumargram 96
