Villages and Towns of Kumarkhand Tehsil of District Madhepura, Bihar

Kumarkhand Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Madhepura District, Bihar India. Kumarkhand teshil is one of the teshil of Madhepura district Bihar. In Kumarkhand Teshil there are 71 villages and 0 towns. Out of 71 villages in Kumarkhand teshil in which Siripur is most populated village with population of 31628 and least populated village is Lachhmipur Bhagwati Milik having population only 0. There are 0 town in Kumarkhand sub-district which lies in Kumarkhand administrative devision. Most populated town in Kumarkhand Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Kumarkhand teshil is 243629 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Kumarkhand teshil is 910 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Kumarkhand teshil is 51.59%.

Census Data of Kumarkhand Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
243629 910 51.59%

Demographics details of Kumarkhand Teshil

The population of Kumarkhand sub district is 243629 people, among them about 127577 are male and 116052 are female. Total number of house holds in Kumarkhand Teshil is 50860. Total Literates persons are 101328 in which total male literates are 62673 and female literates are 38655. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 47211, among them 24501 are boys and 22710 are girls.

Kumarkhand Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameKumarkhand
State NameBihar
District NameMadhepura
Total Population243629
Total No of House Holds50860
Total Male Population127577
Total Female Population116052
0-6 Age group Total Population47211
0-6 Age group Male Population24501
0-6 Age group Male Population22710
Total Person Literates101328
Total Male Literates62673
Total Male Literates38655
Total Person Illiterates142301
Total Male Illiterates64904
Total Male Illiterates77397
Scheduled Cast Persons46972
Scheduled Cast Males24355
Scheduled Cast Females22617
Scheduled Tribe Persons1054
Scheduled Tribe Males1156
Scheduled Tribe Females1054

Kumarkhand Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 206774 0
Population (%) 84.87 % 0 %
Male Population 108437 0
Female Population 98337 0
Sex Ratio 907 0
Child Population (0-6) 23238 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 924 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 21.62% 0%
Households in 40046 0
Literates 78399 0
Literacy % 48.37% 0%
Male Literacy 59.91% 0%
Female Literacy 35.59% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kumarkhand Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 198544 104181 94363 81.49% 43.61%
Muslim 43772 22689 21083 17.97% 7.72%
Christian 194 109 85 0.08% 0.04%
Sikh 19 12 7 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 14 7 7 0.01% 0%
Jain 14 9 5 0.01% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 9 7 2 0% 0%
Religion not stated 1063 563 500 0.44% 0.21%

Workers profile of Kumarkhand Teshil

Kumarkhand has 102894 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 62741 male and 40153 female population are working population. Full time workers in Kumarkhand teshil are 47891 and 55003 are marginal (part time) workers.

Kumarkhand Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 102894 62741 40153
Main Workers 47891 34801 13090
Main Workers Cultivators 16228 12758 3470
Agriculture Labourer 26143 18251 7892
Household Industries 1292 608 684
Other Workers 4228 3184 1044
Marginal Workers 55003 27940 27063
Non Working Persons 140735 64836 75899

List of villages in Teshil-Kumarkhand, District-Madhepura, Bihar as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Siripur Kumarkhand 31628
2 Bishunpur Sundar Kumarkhand 24542
3 Belsarh Kumarkhand 13049
4 Kumar Khand Kumarkhand 11650
5 Israin Khurd Kumarkhand 10314
6 Ramnagar Mahesh Kumarkhand 10231
7 Israin Kalan Kumarkhand 10181
8 Belari Kumarkhand 10067
9 Sukhasan Kumarkhand 8763
10 Rahta Kumarkhand 8229
11 Puraini Kumarkhand 8184
12 Mangarwara Kumarkhand 7714
13 Bishunpur Korlahi Kumarkhand 6852
14 Lachhmipur Chandi Asthan Kumarkhand 5964
15 Lachhmipur Bhagwati Kumarkhand 5925
16 Parmanandpur Kumarkhand 5896
17 Kankar Kumarkhand 4913
18 Belsandi Kumarkhand 3857
19 Chainpur Kumarkhand 3686
20 Mangarwarakhas Mahal Kumarkhand 3629
21 Kewatgawan Kumarkhand 3542
22 Sihpur Kumarkhand 3339
23 Parmanandpur Chakla Kumarkhand 3317
24 Zorawarganj Kumarkhand 3270
25 Sarhadgatti Kumarkhand 2789
26 Sahoriabala Kumarkhand 2775
27 Sikrahti Kumarkhand 2522
28 Garhia Kumarkhand 2431
29 Guria Kumarkhand 2312
30 Khutharajai Kumarkhand 2250
31 Ghordaul Kumarkhand 1980
32 Bhawanipur Jagir Kumarkhand 1976
33 Hanumannagar Chakla Kumarkhand 1799
34 Nainpatti Kumarkhand 1470
35 Datta sardar chakla Kumarkhand 1353
36 Bhawanipur Kumarkhand 1228
37 Gopipur Israin Kumarkhand 1226
38 Babhantoli Kumarkhand 1004
39 Hanumannagar Kumarkhand 863
40 Rampatti Kumarkhand 740
41 Bishunpur Korlahi Chakla Kumarkhand 662
42 Siripur Milik Kumarkhand 646
43 Hanumannagar Kumarkhand 628
44 Lachhmipur Milik Kumarkhand 583
45 Baghmara Kumarkhand 480
46 Sarhadgatti alias chakla kalan Kumarkhand 433
47 Ramnagar Mahesh Chakla Kumarkhand 429
48 Sihpur Chakla Kumarkhand 409
49 Majhaul Kumarkhand 321
50 Chainpur Milik Kumarkhand 310
51 Guria Milik Kumarkhand 305
52 Rangpatti Kumarkhand 260
53 Ram Chaura Kumarkhand 193
54 Hirapatti Kumarkhand 190
55 Guria Milik Kumarkhand 187
56 Sikrahti Milik Kumarkhand 62
57 Chakla Gulam Abbas Kumarkhand 55
58 Garhia Milik Kumarkhand 16
59 Sarhad Kumarkhand N/A
60 Sarhadgatti alias kalan sardar Kumarkhand N/A
61 Garhia Milik Kumarkhand N/A
62 Guria Milik Kumarkhand N/A
63 Bishunpur Korlahi Arazi Kumarkhand N/A
64 Israin Kalan Khas Mahal Kumarkhand N/A
65 Mangarwara Milik Kumarkhand N/A
66 Belsandi Milik Kumarkhand N/A
67 Nawalganj Mainpur Kumarkhand N/A
68 Rahta Chakla Kumarkhand N/A
69 Purainikararia Chakla Kumarkhand N/A
70 Lachhmipur Bhagwati Kumarkhand N/A
71 Lachhmipur Bhagwati Milik Kumarkhand N/A
