Villages and Towns of Ladpura Tehsil of District Kota, Rajasthan

Ladpura Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kota District, Rajasthan India. Ladpura teshil is one of the teshil of Kota district Rajasthan. In Ladpura Teshil there are 150 villages and 2 towns. Out of 150 villages in Ladpura teshil in which Mandana is most populated village with population of 8558 and least populated village is Jhamra having population only 0. There are 2 town in Ladpura sub-district which lies in Ladpura administrative devision. Most populated town in Ladpura Teshil is Kaithoon (M) with population of 24260.

Total population of Ladpura teshil is 1143792 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Ladpura teshil is 900 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Ladpura teshil is 81.17%.

Census Data of Ladpura Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
1143792 900 81.17%

Demographics details of Ladpura Teshil

The population of Ladpura sub district is 1143792 people, among them about 601950 are male and 541842 are female. Total number of house holds in Ladpura Teshil is 236889. Total Literates persons are 812242 in which total male literates are 465806 and female literates are 346436. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 143136, among them 75761 are boys and 67375 are girls.

Ladpura Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameLadpura
State NameRajasthan
District NameKota
Total Population1143792
Total No of House Holds236889
Total Male Population601950
Total Female Population541842
0-6 Age group Total Population143136
0-6 Age group Male Population75761
0-6 Age group Male Population67375
Total Person Literates812242
Total Male Literates465806
Total Male Literates346436
Total Person Illiterates331550
Total Male Illiterates136144
Total Male Illiterates195406
Scheduled Cast Persons207033
Scheduled Cast Males108033
Scheduled Cast Females99000
Scheduled Tribe Persons31784
Scheduled Tribe Males36626
Scheduled Tribe Females31784

Ladpura Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 152049 18837
Population (%) 13.29 % 1.65 %
Male Population 78573 9655
Female Population 73476 9182
Sex Ratio 935 951
Child Population (0-6) 12658 1257
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 903 908
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.85% 14.02%
Households in 31731 3819
Literates 74442 13017
Literacy % 58.18% 80.37%
Male Literacy 74.24% 91.25%
Female Literacy 41.11% 69.02%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Ladpura Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 926370 489719 436651 80.99% 65.72%
Muslim 179651 92458 87193 15.71% 12.2%
Christian 4303 2239 2064 0.38% 0.36%
Sikh 8835 4694 4141 0.77% 0.76%
Buddhist 182 102 80 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 22414 11658 10756 1.96% 2%
Other religions and persuasions 273 150 123 0.02% 0.02%
Religion not stated 1764 930 834 0.15% 0.1%

Workers profile of Ladpura Teshil

Ladpura has 388532 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 309977 male and 78555 female population are working population. Full time workers in Ladpura teshil are 340167 and 48365 are marginal (part time) workers.

Ladpura Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 388532 309977 78555
Main Workers 340167 284370 55797
Main Workers Cultivators 18970 15519 3451
Agriculture Labourer 12632 8130 4502
Household Industries 15137 9472 5665
Other Workers 293428 251249 42179
Marginal Workers 48365 25607 22758
Non Working Persons 755260 291973 463287

List of Town/City of Ladpura Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Ladpura with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Kota is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kaithoon (M) 24260 946
2 Kota (M Corp.) 1001694 895

List of villages in Teshil-Ladpura, District-Kota, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Mandana Ladpura 8558
2 Kasar Ladpura 4472
3 Bhimpura Ladpura 4423
4 Kewal Nagar Ladpura 3774
5 Borabas Ladpura 3643
6 Kishanpura Takiya Ladpura 3250
7 Arand Khera Ladpura 3076
8 Rasoolpur Ladpura 2790
9 Kolana @ Laxmipura Ladpura 2718
10 Baniyani Ladpura 2678
11 Tather Ladpura 2644
12 Rangpur Ladpura 2456
13 Mawasa Ladpura 2044
14 Arampura Ladpura 2023
15 Ladpura Kaithoon Ladpura 1973
16 Baori Khera Ladpura 1785
17 Manasgaon Ladpura 1680
18 Mandalya Ladpura 1659
19 Khera Ladpura 1651
20 Gandi Phali Ladpura 1569
21 Jakhora Ladpura 1560
22 Galana Ladpura 1466
23 Shyampura Ladpura 1443
24 Deeppura Ladpura 1417
25 Barodiya Ladpura 1381
26 Ghaghtana Ladpura 1312
27 Hanotya Ladpura 1205
28 Arlya Jageer Ladpura 1204
29 Godalyaheri Ladpura 1192
30 Dolya Ladpura 1180
31 Abhaipur Ladpura 1152
32 Jalkhera Ladpura 1143
33 Prahladpura Ladpura 1139
34 Kadihera Ladpura 1123
35 Ranwatha Ladpura 1101
36 Dhani Ladpura 1100
37 Ramrajpura Ladpura 1025
38 Deolimachhiyan Ladpura 956
39 Rajpura Ladpura 948
40 Girdharpura Ladpura 944
41 Morpa Ladpura 901
42 Bhagwanpura Ladpura 894
43 Shankarpura Ladpura 864
44 Kishanpura Kaithoon Ladpura 848
45 Bhojpura Ladpura 832
46 Gaonri Ladpura 830
47 Aranya Ladpura 830
48 Mandirgarh Ladpura 816
49 Ummedpura Ladpura 788
50 Dobara Ladpura 783
51 Dahra Ladpura 758
52 Bhanwariya Ladpura 724
53 Gangaycha Ladpura 714
54 Chand Baori Ladpura 697
55 Notana Ladpura 696
56 Sohan Pura Ladpura 690
57 Motipura Ladpura 686
58 Pachankui Ladpura 674
59 Kalya Kheri Ladpura 672
60 Jheetiya @ Ramnagar Ladpura 667
61 Singh Pura Ladpura 662
62 Bakshpura Ladpura 654
63 Nagpura Ladpura 651
64 Keetalhera Ladpura 633
65 Chareenda Ladpura 605
66 Gopalpura Ladpura 577
67 Kethori Ladpura 567
68 Sarangpur Ladpura 556
69 Ram Kherli Ladpura 553
70 Pachpahar Ladpura 528
71 Jamoonya Ladpura 519
72 Jodhpura Ladpura 515
73 Seemalheri Ladpura 504
74 Charan Heri Ladpura 499
75 Renkyakheri Ladpura 483
76 Mohan Pura Ladpura 435
77 Balapura Ladpura 424
78 Tholpura Ladpura 424
79 Kherli Pande Ladpura 423
80 Parlya Ladpura 422
81 Ramnagar Ladpura 417
82 Alniya Ladpura 417
83 Bheenlot Ladpura 411
84 Ranipura Ladpura 410
85 Jampura Ladpura 398
86 Beel Kheri Ladpura 384
87 Brajeshpura Ladpura 383
88 Pipalda Shekhan Ladpura 366
89 Daulatpura Ladpura 345
90 Kishanpura Ladpura 343
91 Peepal Heri Ladpura 341
92 Chaipura Ladpura 334
93 Hirapur Ladpura 324
94 Haripura Ladpura 289
95 Jaspura Ladpura 285
96 Padampura Ladpura 279
97 Kolipura Ladpura 270
98 Phata Khera Ladpura 249
99 Khanpuriya Ladpura 248
100 Mukundpura Ladpura 246
101 Dadwara Ladpura 244
102 Keshopura Ladpura 222
103 Neemkheri Ladpura 214
104 Boriyakheri Ladpura 213
105 Nayagaon Ladpura 213
106 Kanwarpura Ladpura 211
107 Akhawa Ladpura 189
108 Damodarpura Ladpura 159
109 Kothala Ladpura 148
110 Rooparel Ladpura 140
111 Chhipan Heri Ladpura 103
112 Vijaipura Ladpura 95
113 Chhatrapura Ladpura 51
114 Prithvipura Ladpura 17
115 Kharli Baori Ladpura 15
116 Laxmipura Ladpura 6
117 Udpura Ladpura 4
118 Rooppura Ladpura N/A
119 Nechalpura Ladpura N/A
120 Chorda Ladpura N/A
121 Chandresal Ladpura N/A
122 Rel Ladpura N/A
123 Tholanpur Ladpura N/A
124 Kotbaori Ladpura N/A
125 Ghodon Ka Gaon Ladpura N/A
126 Ratariya Ladpura N/A
127 Deopura Ladpura N/A
128 Neemkhera Ladpura N/A
129 Shyodanpura Ladpura N/A
130 Rooppura Ladpura N/A
131 Borkui Ladpura N/A
132 Bachhriya Ladpura N/A
133 Bugchach Kalan Ladpura N/A
134 Bugchach Khurd Ladpura N/A
135 Ummedpura Ladpura N/A
136 Haripura Ladpura N/A
137 Sabalpura Ladpura N/A
138 Motipura Ladpura N/A
139 Bhagwanpura Ladpura N/A
140 Amarpura Ladpura N/A
141 Khangarpura Ladpura N/A
142 Dohnya Ladpura N/A
143 Indrapura Ladpura N/A
144 Narayanpura Ladpura N/A
145 Ganeshpura Ladpura N/A
146 Ama Ka Pani Ladpura N/A
147 Rojhala Ladpura N/A
148 Zalimpura Ladpura N/A
149 Manpura Ladpura N/A
150 Jhamra Ladpura N/A
