Villages and Towns of Lahul Tehsil of District Lahul & Spiti, Himachal Pradesh

Lahul Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Lahul & Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh India. Lahul teshil is one of the teshil of Lahul & Spiti district Himachal Pradesh. In Lahul Teshil there are 140 villages and 0 towns. Out of 140 villages in Lahul teshil in which Keylong (7/2) is most populated village with population of 1150 and least populated village is Chharzi (9/9) having population only 0. There are 0 town in Lahul sub-district which lies in Lahul administrative devision. Most populated town in Lahul Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Lahul teshil is 10218 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Lahul teshil is 887 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Lahul teshil is 76.08%.

Census Data of Lahul Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
10218 887 76.08%

Demographics details of Lahul Teshil

The population of Lahul sub district is 10218 people, among them about 5415 are male and 4803 are female. Total number of house holds in Lahul Teshil is 2222. Total Literates persons are 7255 in which total male literates are 4355 and female literates are 2900. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 682, among them 328 are boys and 354 are girls.

Lahul Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameLahul
State NameHimachal Pradesh
District NameLahul & Spiti
Total Population10218
Total No of House Holds2222
Total Male Population5415
Total Female Population4803
0-6 Age group Total Population682
0-6 Age group Male Population328
0-6 Age group Male Population354
Total Person Literates7255
Total Male Literates4355
Total Male Literates2900
Total Person Illiterates2963
Total Male Illiterates1060
Total Male Illiterates1903
Scheduled Cast Persons1109
Scheduled Cast Males558
Scheduled Cast Females551
Scheduled Tribe Persons3789
Scheduled Tribe Males3710
Scheduled Tribe Females3789

Lahul Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 10218 0
Population (%) 100 % 0 %
Male Population 5415 0
Female Population 4803 0
Sex Ratio 887 0
Child Population (0-6) 328 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 1079 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 6.67% 0%
Households in 2222 0
Literates 7255 0
Literacy % 76.08% 0%
Male Literacy 85.61% 0%
Female Literacy 65.18% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Lahul Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 3225 1948 1277 31.56% 23.84%
Muslim 31 16 15 0.3% 0.21%
Christian 41 23 18 0.4% 0.3%
Sikh 15 12 3 0.15% 0.14%
Buddhist 6895 3408 3487 67.48% 51.51%
Jain 1 1 0 0.01% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 1 1 0 0.01% 0%
Religion not stated 9 6 3 0.09% 0.08%

Workers profile of Lahul Teshil

Lahul has 7405 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 4035 male and 3370 female population are working population. Full time workers in Lahul teshil are 6544 and 861 are marginal (part time) workers.

Lahul Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 7405 4035 3370
Main Workers 6544 3492 3052
Main Workers Cultivators 4810 2175 2635
Agriculture Labourer 108 77 31
Household Industries 132 77 55
Other Workers 1494 1163 331
Marginal Workers 861 543 318
Non Working Persons 2813 1380 1433

List of villages in Teshil-Lahul, District-Lahul & Spiti, Himachal Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Keylong (7/2) Lahul 1150
2 Stingiri (7/13) Lahul 537
3 Gushal (11/1) Lahul 390
4 Gondhla (12/3) Lahul 329
5 Shansha (3/5) Lahul 320
6 Khangsar (8/4) Lahul 224
7 Shuiling (12/16) Lahul 221
8 Jispa (8/9) Lahul 202
9 Tholang (6/6) Lahul 200
10 Kirting (4/7) Lahul 199
11 Kardang (10/2) Lahul 195
12 Lot (5/4) Lahul 192
13 Goruma (3/4) Lahul 173
14 Darcha Sumdo (8/17) Lahul 172
15 Kolang (8/2) Lahul 171
16 Muling (11/5) Lahul 170
17 Darcha Dangma (8/18) Lahul 166
18 Biling (7/1) Lahul 160
19 Dimphuk (14/9) Lahul 149
20 Rape (2/2) Lahul 149
21 Jobrang (2/1) Lahul 146
22 Tinno (8/1) Lahul 125
23 Piukar (9/8) Lahul 118
24 Shashin (13/5) Lahul 113
25 Kawaring (7/15) Lahul 112
26 Rangbe (5/8) Lahul 109
27 Gumrang (7/4) Lahul 109
28 Mangoon (7/9) Lahul 107
29 Bargul (11/4) Lahul 100
30 Khawagling (13/7) Lahul 99
31 Tandi (6/13) Lahul 95
32 Yoche (8/19) Lahul 95
33 Khangsar (12/8) Lahul 95
34 Rashil (2/5) Lahul 83
35 Chhika-Be (8/11) Lahul 80
36 Khoksar (14/10) Lahul 78
37 Teling (14/8) Lahul 76
38 Duansha (4/5) Lahul 76
39 Lapshak (5/6) Lahul 75
40 Lindur (3/1) Lahul 72
41 Meh (8/5) Lahul 72
42 Malang (6/2) Lahul 70
43 Khinang (12/7) Lahul 70
44 Ropsang (13/1) Lahul 69
45 Gwajang (10/1) Lahul 67
46 Jagdang (13/6) Lahul 67
47 Dalang (12/1) Lahul 66
48 Bok (8/8) Lahul 65
49 Thorang (12/2) Lahul 65
50 Rarik (8/12) Lahul 60
51 Gemur (8/7) Lahul 60
52 Raling (12/14) Lahul 58
53 Girmus (7/5) Lahul 54
54 Shipting (11/3) Lahul 54
55 Purd (12/6) Lahul 53
56 Yang Kirting (4/6) Lahul 52
57 Tozing (5/11) Lahul 52
58 Jagle (12/11) Lahul 51
59 Meling (4/10) Lahul 49
60 Lingar (2/6) Lahul 49
61 Krozing (6/1) Lahul 47
62 Murticha (12/13) Lahul 47
63 Guskyar (7/6) Lahul 45
64 Kelad (8/3) Lahul 45
65 Rangyo (8/14) Lahul 44
66 Lapchang (9/3) Lahul 44
67 Gopa Thang (13/4) Lahul 44
68 Thapak (4/3) Lahul 40
69 Marbal (5/13) Lahul 40
70 Yurnath (7/7) Lahul 40
71 Kyor (7/10) Lahul 38
72 Yangrang (5/7) Lahul 37
73 Prasprag (9/2) Lahul 37
74 Wari (5/12) Lahul 36
75 Shurtang (13/10) Lahul 35
76 Ruring (4/11) Lahul 35
77 Phuktal (12/4) Lahul 35
78 Tiling (12/5) Lahul 35
79 Retil (13/8) Lahul 35
80 Shugu (12/10) Lahul 33
81 Rualing (4/8) Lahul 32
82 Karing (5/5) Lahul 31
83 Cheling (9/4) Lahul 30
84 Jungling (13/2) Lahul 30
85 Rapring (3/3) Lahul 29
86 Telangbe (4/9) Lahul 29
87 Phunkiyar (6/9) Lahul 29
88 Khangsar (13/3) Lahul 28
89 Khorpani (12/15) Lahul 27
90 Sakar (12/9) Lahul 26
91 Chhokar (13/13) Lahul 25
92 Gumling (7/8) Lahul 24
93 Topchiling (11/2) Lahul 24
94 Baryo (8/15) Lahul 23
95 Kewak (13/12) Lahul 22
96 Kothi (3/2) Lahul 22
97 Leh-Sumnam (6/12) Lahul 22
98 Bha-Sumnam (6/11) Lahul 22
99 Thola-Pyasu (9/6) Lahul 21
100 Bar (7/12) Lahul 20
101 Lingkyam (8/16) Lahul 17
102 Laling (14/7) Lahul 15
103 Yari-Khoksar (14/11) Lahul 15
104 Barbog (9/1) Lahul 15
105 Baring (5/14) Lahul 14
106 Yala Pyasu (9/5) Lahul 14
107 Bogcha (14/3) Lahul 13
108 Kangcha (12/12) Lahul 13
109 Jamyaling (14/6) Lahul 12
110 Parak (4/1) Lahul 12
111 Leh-Garang (6/3) Lahul 12
112 Kathal (13/11) Lahul 11
113 Rangcha (14/2) Lahul 11
114 Kharchud Yongma (14/5) Lahul 11
115 To-Karing (5/3) Lahul 10
116 Kharchad Kogma (14/4) Lahul 9
117 Yang Tozing (5/10) Lahul 9
118 Bha-Garang (5/15) Lahul 9
119 Sarkhang (14/1) Lahul 7
120 Tayul (7/11) Lahul 7
121 Labrang (13/9) Lahul 6
122 Dipe-Marang (6/5) Lahul 6
123 Jholing (9/7) Lahul 6
124 Bokta (6/10) Lahul 4
125 Bokar (7/3) Lahul 4
126 Tingal (8/10) Lahul 4
127 Kirkircha (4/4) Lahul 2
128 Melbak (4/2) Lahul 2
129 Muchhling (5/2) Lahul 2
130 Barnam (2/3) Lahul 1
131 Ghambari (2/4) Lahul 1
132 Gemur-Gompa (8/6) Lahul 1
133 Chhuwag Murti (5/1) Lahul N/A
134 Dangar (5/9) Lahul N/A
135 Nupe-Marang (6/4) Lahul N/A
136 Tila (6/8) Lahul N/A
137 Parandas (6/7) Lahul N/A
138 Dilbud (7/14) Lahul N/A
139 Mangsing (8/13) Lahul N/A
140 Chharzi (9/9) Lahul N/A
