Villages and Towns of Latehar Tehsil of District Latehar, Jharkhand

Latehar Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Latehar District, Jharkhand India. Latehar teshil is one of the teshil of Latehar district Jharkhand. In Latehar Teshil there are 166 villages and 1 towns. Out of 166 villages in Latehar teshil in which Nawagarh is most populated village with population of 4059 and least populated village is Uparpochra having population only 0. There are 1 town in Latehar sub-district which lies in Latehar administrative devision. Most populated town in Latehar Teshil is Latehar (NP) with population of 26981.

Total population of Latehar teshil is 144495 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Latehar teshil is 968 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Latehar teshil is 61.8%.

Census Data of Latehar Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
144495 968 61.8%

Demographics details of Latehar Teshil

The population of Latehar sub district is 144495 people, among them about 73433 are male and 71062 are female. Total number of house holds in Latehar Teshil is 27057. Total Literates persons are 73006 in which total male literates are 43345 and female literates are 29661. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 26355, among them 13469 are boys and 12886 are girls.

Latehar Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameLatehar
State NameJharkhand
District NameLatehar
Total Population144495
Total No of House Holds27057
Total Male Population73433
Total Female Population71062
0-6 Age group Total Population26355
0-6 Age group Male Population13469
0-6 Age group Male Population12886
Total Person Literates73006
Total Male Literates43345
Total Male Literates29661
Total Person Illiterates71489
Total Male Illiterates30088
Total Male Illiterates41401
Scheduled Cast Persons24241
Scheduled Cast Males12270
Scheduled Cast Females11971
Scheduled Tribe Persons30987
Scheduled Tribe Males30885
Scheduled Tribe Females30987

Latehar Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 52068 0
Population (%) 36.03 % 0 %
Male Population 26952 0
Female Population 25116 0
Sex Ratio 932 0
Child Population (0-6) 4858 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 959 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 18.27% 0%
Households in 7977 0
Literates 28499 0
Literacy % 66.97% 0%
Male Literacy 81.33% 0%
Female Literacy 51.47% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Latehar Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 90675 46401 44274 62.75% 39.75%
Muslim 18576 9503 9073 12.86% 8.37%
Christian 2745 1360 1385 1.9% 1.7%
Sikh 12 8 4 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 76 41 35 0.05% 0.03%
Jain 2 1 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 31485 15676 15809 21.79% 11.59%
Religion not stated 924 443 481 0.64% 0.34%

Workers profile of Latehar Teshil

Latehar has 59532 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 35338 male and 24194 female population are working population. Full time workers in Latehar teshil are 23099 and 36433 are marginal (part time) workers.

Latehar Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 59532 35338 24194
Main Workers 23099 16561 6538
Main Workers Cultivators 6323 4217 2106
Agriculture Labourer 5907 3650 2257
Household Industries 729 513 216
Other Workers 10140 8181 1959
Marginal Workers 36433 18777 17656
Non Working Persons 84963 38095 46868

List of Town/City of Latehar Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Latehar with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Latehar is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Latehar (NP) 26981 907

List of villages in Teshil-Latehar, District-Latehar, Jharkhand as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Nawagarh Latehar 4059
2 Dihi Latehar 2985
3 Demu Latehar 2808
4 Bhusur Latehar 2502
5 Tarwadih Latehar 2358
6 Dhankara Latehar 2197
7 Keru Latehar 2163
8 Zalim Khurd Latehar 2109
9 Munger Latehar 2095
10 Hethpochra Latehar 2052
11 Parsahi Latehar 2003
12 Sasang Latehar 1983
13 Nindir Latehar 1825
14 Manan Chotag Latehar 1764
15 Ichak Latehar 1707
16 Patratu Latehar 1660
17 Sabano Latehar 1576
18 Goa Latehar 1561
19 Hotwag Latehar 1513
20 Nawari Latehar 1373
21 Ichak Latehar 1364
22 Sisi Latehar 1345
23 Bendi Latehar 1312
24 Bajkum Latehar 1288
25 Baritu Jagir Latehar 1261
26 Sukri Latehar 1257
27 Korhas Latehar 1235
28 Tubed Latehar 1225
29 Pandepur Latehar 1164
30 Hundru Latehar 1149
31 Karhuma Latehar 1111
32 Peshrar Latehar 1081
33 Aragunde Latehar 1071
34 Murup Latehar 1066
35 Temki Latehar 1057
36 Kaima Latehar 1012
37 Udaipura Latehar 1006
38 Kulgara Latehar 936
39 Bingara Latehar 913
40 Ledhpa Latehar 912
41 Nareshgarh Latehar 909
42 Kundri Latehar 904
43 Nawadih Alias Kalyanpur Latehar 895
44 Sohdag Latehar 888
45 Kura Latehar 876
46 Kalyanpur Latehar 874
47 Sotam Latehar 869
48 Manjar Latehar 861
49 Largari Latehar 851
50 Hutar Latehar 844
51 Tupu Khurd Latehar 827
52 Patratu Latehar 797
53 Dugila Latehar 792
54 Godna Latehar 791
55 Durangi Kalan Latehar 789
56 Jareang Latehar 788
57 Muka Latehar 767
58 Mangra Latehar 760
59 Jagaldaga Latehar 756
60 Gurgu Alias Irgu Latehar 734
61 Durangi Khurd Latehar 720
62 Bariatunisf Aliasbariatukhal Latehar 705
63 Zalim Kalan Latehar 686
64 Ghutua Latehar 684
65 Patariachotag Latehar 669
66 Luti Latehar 651
67 Pakrar Latehar 645
68 Kinamanr Latehar 644
69 Reheldag Latehar 636
70 Patratu Latehar 636
71 Jalta Latehar 633
72 Upartola Latehar 631
73 Lundi Latehar 620
74 Hosir Latehar 604
75 Hesla Latehar 589
76 Obar Latehar 571
77 Richughutu Latehar 557
78 Chope Latehar 543
79 Churia Latehar 541
80 Orwai Latehar 535
81 Lohisini Alias Tulbul Latehar 527
82 Hethbera Latehar 525
83 Thakurpara Latehar 508
84 Bishunpur Latehar 504
85 Jer Latehar 502
86 Negain Latehar 501
87 Rehal Latehar 496
88 Batat Kalan Latehar 475
89 Sakwar Latehar 472
90 Nawadih Latehar 471
91 Hesla Latehar 470
92 Labarpur Latehar 468
93 Labarpur Latehar 467
94 Kudag Latehar 462
95 Narayanpur Latehar 461
96 Kend Latehar 459
97 Batat Khurd Latehar 457
98 Kone Latehar 446
99 Hethtola Latehar 436
100 Kodag Latehar 434
101 Semariatanr Latehar 430
102 Oden Latehar 411
103 Baridih Latehar 409
104 Orea Latehar 399
105 Murgidih Latehar 394
106 Ambajharan Latehar 391
107 Hartua Latehar 386
108 Marabar Latehar 383
109 Bamhan Herua Latehar 373
110 Ulgara Latehar 367
111 Sinjo Latehar 359
112 Manikpura Latehar 353
113 Harkha Latehar 347
114 Patuki Latehar 343
115 Jaram Latehar 337
116 Karmachuan Latehar 327
117 Mankeri Khas Latehar 324
118 Tupu Kalan Latehar 324
119 Semaria Latehar 317
120 Ichabar Latehar 315
121 Khairajagir Latehar 293
122 Turidih Latehar 290
123 Hesiklbar Latehar 287
124 Datam Latehar 282
125 Kolherua Latehar 276
126 Rehra Latehar 267
127 Patratu Latehar 266
128 Uparbesra Latehar 259
129 Matnag Latehar 250
130 Dumariatanr Latehar 243
131 Bhalugari Latehar 234
132 Nawadih Latehar 231
133 Salaia Latehar 225
134 Rehea Latehar 220
135 Dhobia Tharan Latehar 218
136 Lawagara Latehar 212
137 Gulariatanr Latehar 208
138 Mankeri Jagir Latehar 177
139 Bachra Latehar 171
140 Kumhar Latehar 167
141 Bisrampur Latehar 156
142 Panruka Latehar 147
143 Kothila Latehar 140
144 Beraini Latehar 137
145 Alagdiha Latehar 135
146 Kamo Alias Kumu Latehar 135
147 Salodih Latehar 132
148 Ghanghri Latehar 128
149 Baheratanr Latehar 123
150 Giri Latehar 112
151 Dubiahi Latehar 99
152 Khaira Latehar 88
153 Hethtoli Latehar 49
154 Jogiadih Latehar 47
155 Sukhal Katha Latehar 37
156 Mahuatoli Latehar 31
157 Matkhar Latehar 30
158 Ambatikar Latehar 30
159 Tinia Khar Latehar 13
160 Rehrahi Latehar 5
161 Nawadih Latehar 4
162 Pachamba Latehar N/A
163 Parwatanr Latehar N/A
164 Parahiatola Latehar N/A
165 Saraidih Latehar N/A
166 Uparpochra Latehar N/A
