Villages and Towns of Lohara Tehsil of District Osmanabad, Maharashtra

Lohara Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Osmanabad District, Maharashtra India. Lohara teshil is one of the teshil of Osmanabad district Maharashtra. In Lohara Teshil there are 47 villages and 0 towns. Out of 47 villages in Lohara teshil in which Jewali is most populated village with population of 10886 and least populated village is Kolnur pandari having population only 526. There are 0 town in Lohara sub-district which lies in Lohara administrative devision. Most populated town in Lohara Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Lohara teshil is 116712 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Lohara teshil is 937 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Lohara teshil is 76.68%.

Census Data of Lohara Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
116712 937 76.68%

Demographics details of Lohara Teshil

The population of Lohara sub district is 116712 people, among them about 60258 are male and 56454 are female. Total number of house holds in Lohara Teshil is 26232. Total Literates persons are 78534 in which total male literates are 44431 and female literates are 34103. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 14293, among them 7534 are boys and 6759 are girls.

Lohara Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameLohara
State NameMaharashtra
District NameOsmanabad
Total Population116712
Total No of House Holds26232
Total Male Population60258
Total Female Population56454
0-6 Age group Total Population14293
0-6 Age group Male Population7534
0-6 Age group Male Population6759
Total Person Literates78534
Total Male Literates44431
Total Male Literates34103
Total Person Illiterates38178
Total Male Illiterates15827
Total Male Illiterates22351
Scheduled Cast Persons18278
Scheduled Cast Males9422
Scheduled Cast Females8856
Scheduled Tribe Persons656
Scheduled Tribe Males667
Scheduled Tribe Females656

Lohara Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 44543 28287
Population (%) 38.16 % 24.24 %
Male Population 22291 15309
Female Population 22252 12978
Sex Ratio 998 848
Child Population (0-6) 2364 1236
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 962 854
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.41% 9.48%
Households in 9836 5005
Literates 31622 23348
Literacy % 79.24% 91.19%
Male Literacy 88.62% 94.78%
Female Literacy 69.89% 86.94%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Lohara Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 103169 53309 49860 88.4% 68.23%
Muslim 11198 5712 5486 9.59% 6.93%
Christian 33 14 19 0.03% 0.02%
Sikh 22 13 9 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 1283 676 607 1.1% 0.84%
Jain 137 74 63 0.12% 0.11%
Other religions and persuasions 9 6 3 0.01% 0%
Religion not stated 861 454 407 0.74% 0.54%

Workers profile of Lohara Teshil

Lohara has 54239 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 33074 male and 21165 female population are working population. Full time workers in Lohara teshil are 47126 and 7113 are marginal (part time) workers.

Lohara Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 54239 33074 21165
Main Workers 47126 30352 16774
Main Workers Cultivators 15597 11293 4304
Agriculture Labourer 22806 12790 10016
Household Industries 1356 529 827
Other Workers 7367 5740 1627
Marginal Workers 7113 2722 4391
Non Working Persons 62473 27184 35289

List of villages in Teshil-Lohara, District-Osmanabad, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Jewali Lohara 10886
2 Lohara Bk. Lohara 8661
3 Sastur Lohara 7255
4 Makani Lohara 6873
5 Ashta kasar Lohara 6190
6 Achaler Lohara 5935
7 Kanegaon Lohara 5659
8 Tawshigad Lohara 4257
9 Dhanori Lohara 3882
10 Bhatangali Lohara 3114
11 Khed Lohara 3035
12 Holi Lohara 2947
13 Toramba Lohara 2866
14 Nagur Lohara 2735
15 Hippargarava Lohara 2566
16 Salegaon Lohara 2526
17 Kasti Bk. Lohara 2360
18 Bhosga Lohara 2270
19 Wadgaon Lohara 2201
20 Mardi Lohara 1733
21 Kondjigad Lohara 1671
22 Lohara Kh. Lohara 1516
23 Karanjgaon Lohara 1484
24 Hipparga sayyad Lohara 1401
25 Arni Lohara 1371
26 Udatpur Lohara 1316
27 Wadgaonwadi Lohara 1307
28 Dastapur Lohara 1305
29 Harali Lohara 1252
30 Rajegaon Lohara 1242
31 Undargaon Lohara 1236
32 Kasti Kh. Lohara 1219
33 Ekondi lohara Lohara 1046
34 Murshadpur Lohara 1044
35 Chincholi kate Lohara 1024
36 Malegaon Lohara 979
37 Karwanji Lohara 951
38 Vilaspur pandhari Lohara 909
39 Nagral Lohara 880
40 Bendkal Lohara 849
41 Belwadi Lohara 765
42 Kamalpur Lohara 727
43 Mogha kh Lohara 726
44 Chincholi rebe Lohara 680
45 Phanepur Lohara 668
46 Mogha bk. Lohara 667
47 Kolnur pandari Lohara 526
