Villages and Towns of Lonar Tehsil of District Buldana, Maharashtra

Lonar Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Buldana District, Maharashtra India. Lonar teshil is one of the teshil of Buldana district Maharashtra. In Lonar Teshil there are 90 villages and 1 towns. Out of 90 villages in Lonar teshil in which Sultanpur is most populated village with population of 8688 and least populated village is Bhiwapur having population only 0. There are 1 town in Lonar sub-district which lies in Lonar administrative devision. Most populated town in Lonar Teshil is Lonar (M Cl) with population of 23416.

Total population of Lonar teshil is 152351 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Lonar teshil is 922 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Lonar teshil is 78.29%.

Census Data of Lonar Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
152351 922 78.29%

Demographics details of Lonar Teshil

The population of Lonar sub district is 152351 people, among them about 79269 are male and 73082 are female. Total number of house holds in Lonar Teshil is 33081. Total Literates persons are 103221 in which total male literates are 59796 and female literates are 43425. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 20506, among them 11337 are boys and 9169 are girls.

Lonar Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameLonar
State NameMaharashtra
District NameBuldana
Total Population152351
Total No of House Holds33081
Total Male Population79269
Total Female Population73082
0-6 Age group Total Population20506
0-6 Age group Male Population11337
0-6 Age group Male Population9169
Total Person Literates103221
Total Male Literates59796
Total Male Literates43425
Total Person Illiterates49130
Total Male Illiterates19473
Total Male Illiterates29657
Scheduled Cast Persons27304
Scheduled Cast Males14143
Scheduled Cast Females13161
Scheduled Tribe Persons2886
Scheduled Tribe Males3077
Scheduled Tribe Females2886

Lonar Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 173409 34136
Population (%) 113.82 % 22.41 %
Male Population 90286 17647
Female Population 83123 16489
Sex Ratio 921 934
Child Population (0-6) 12531 2080
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 825 835
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.19% 13.39%
Households in 36534 6743
Literates 121799 24929
Literacy % 80.91% 84.32%
Male Literacy 89.78% 90.25%
Female Literacy 71.43% 78.08%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Lonar Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 118370 61733 56637 77.7% 60.63%
Muslim 14593 7518 7075 9.58% 7.78%
Christian 122 56 66 0.08% 0.06%
Sikh 67 33 34 0.04% 0.04%
Buddhist 17731 9162 8569 11.64% 8.88%
Jain 1051 536 515 0.69% 0.69%
Other religions and persuasions 3 1 2 0% 0%
Religion not stated 414 230 184 0.27% 0.2%

Workers profile of Lonar Teshil

Lonar has 78501 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 43643 male and 34858 female population are working population. Full time workers in Lonar teshil are 68596 and 9905 are marginal (part time) workers.

Lonar Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 78501 43643 34858
Main Workers 68596 39549 29047
Main Workers Cultivators 26310 15327 10983
Agriculture Labourer 33104 17003 16101
Household Industries 755 410 345
Other Workers 8427 6809 1618
Marginal Workers 9905 4094 5811
Non Working Persons 73850 35626 38224

List of Town/City of Lonar Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Lonar with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Buldana is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Lonar (M Cl) 23416 933

List of villages in Teshil-Lonar, District-Buldana, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Sultanpur Lonar 8688
2 Bibi Lonar 4986
3 Kingaon Jatu Lonar 3825
4 Pangradola Lonar 3796
5 Weni Lonar 3363
6 Shara Lonar 3182
7 Anjani Kh. Lonar 3032
8 Wadhav Lonar 2928
9 Khalegaon Lonar 2810
10 Hirdav Lonar 2795
11 Khurampur Lonar 2595
12 Sawargaon Mundhe Lonar 2582
13 Pimpalner Lonar 2490
14 Wadgaon Tejan Lonar 2457
15 Mendwa Lonar 2430
16 Titavi Lonar 2359
17 Tambola Lonar 2339
18 Deulgaon Kundpal Lonar 2321
19 Wazar Lonar 2136
20 Bhumrala Lonar 2077
21 Shivni Pisa Lonar 2021
22 Ajispur Lonar 1991
23 Jambul Lonar 1987
24 Gundha Lonar 1971
25 Gandhari Lonar 1936
26 Raigaon Lonar 1805
27 Yevati Lonar 1769
28 Sarasawati Lonar 1737
29 Dabha Lonar 1736
30 Deulgaon Waisa Lonar 1732
31 Chincholi Sangle Lonar 1720
32 Parda Pr.lonar Lonar 1590
33 Chikhala Lonar 1575
34 Nandra Lonar 1537
35 Palaskhed Lonar 1478
36 Gunjkhed Lonar 1457
37 Gaikhed Lonar 1422
38 Dhayfal Lonar 1300
39 Bibkhed Lonar 1295
40 Sawargaon Teli Lonar 1245
41 Gotra Lonar 1244
42 Somthana Lonar 1204
43 Pimpri Khandare Lonar 1185
44 Pardi Pr.mehkar Lonar 1185
45 Hatta Lonar 1168
46 Maharchikna Lonar 1165
47 Karegaon Lonar 1159
48 Koyali Lonar 1148
49 Pimpalkhuta Lonar 1144
50 Kinhi Lonar 1124
51 Pahur Lonar 1086
52 Ardav Lonar 1065
53 Chorpangra Lonar 999
54 Khaparkhed Lonar 988
55 Udanapur Lonar 959
56 Matmal Lonar 955
57 Dhanora Lonar 938
58 Govardhan Nagar Lonar 923
59 Dhad Lonar 923
60 Mohotkhed Lonar 913
61 Hiwarakhand Lonar 876
62 Devanagar Lonar 862
63 Bagulkhed Lonar 827
64 Bramhan Chikna Lonar 775
65 Borkhedi Lonar 748
66 Shivni Jat Lonar 724
67 Sonuna Lonar 687
68 Khandala Lonar 623
69 Rajni Lonar 607
70 Shindi Lonar 554
71 Vasantnagar Lonar 482
72 Kundlas Lonar 482
73 Yesapur Lonar 416
74 Kaulkhed Lonar 416
75 Bhanapur Lonar 382
76 Jafrabad Lonar 303
77 Nijampur Lonar 290
78 Matarkhed Lonar 260
79 Kasari Lonar 232
80 Madhi Lonar 225
81 Walhur Lonar 177
82 Gunjapur Lonar 15
83 Tandulwadi Lonar 2
84 Banda Lonar N/A
85 Narsapur Lonar N/A
86 Pardi Pr.lonar Lonar N/A
87 kamaljapur Lonar N/A
88 Ambhora Lonar N/A
89 Pathra Lonar N/A
90 Bhiwapur Lonar N/A
