Villages and Towns of Mahendragarh Tehsil of District Mahendragarh, Haryana

Mahendragarh Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Mahendragarh District, Haryana India. Mahendragarh teshil is one of the teshil of Mahendragarh district Haryana. In Mahendragarh Teshil there are 149 villages and 2 towns. Out of 149 villages in Mahendragarh teshil in which Satnali(7) is most populated village with population of 10013 and least populated village is Bir Jatwas(93) having population only 21. There are 2 town in Mahendragarh sub-district which lies in Mahendragarh administrative devision. Most populated town in Mahendragarh Teshil is Mahendragarh (MC) with population of 29128.

Total population of Mahendragarh teshil is 404381 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mahendragarh teshil is 899 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mahendragarh teshil is 78.27%.

Census Data of Mahendragarh Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
404381 899 78.27%

Demographics details of Mahendragarh Teshil

The population of Mahendragarh sub district is 404381 people, among them about 212891 are male and 191490 are female. Total number of house holds in Mahendragarh Teshil is 77111. Total Literates persons are 277469 in which total male literates are 165742 and female literates are 111727. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 49889, among them 28155 are boys and 21734 are girls.

Mahendragarh Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMahendragarh
State NameHaryana
District NameMahendragarh
Total Population404381
Total No of House Holds77111
Total Male Population212891
Total Female Population191490
0-6 Age group Total Population49889
0-6 Age group Male Population28155
0-6 Age group Male Population21734
Total Person Literates277469
Total Male Literates165742
Total Male Literates111727
Total Person Illiterates126912
Total Male Illiterates47149
Total Male Illiterates79763
Scheduled Cast Persons69146
Scheduled Cast Males36564
Scheduled Cast Females32582
Scheduled Tribe Persons0
Scheduled Tribe Males0
Scheduled Tribe Females0

Mahendragarh Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 362264 42117
Population (%) 89.58 % 10.42 %
Male Population 190767 22124
Female Population 171497 19993
Sex Ratio 899 904
Child Population (0-6) 25391 2188
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 770 792
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.4% 11.76%
Households in 69316 7795
Literates 246820 30649
Literacy % 77.78% 82.47%
Male Literacy 89.65% 90.28%
Female Literacy 64.86% 73.97%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mahendragarh Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 401553 211393 190160 99.3% 77.85%
Muslim 2310 1214 1096 0.57% 0.34%
Christian 131 73 58 0.03% 0.02%
Sikh 105 53 52 0.03% 0.02%
Buddhist 15 11 4 0% 0%
Jain 42 20 22 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 5 5 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 220 122 98 0.05% 0.03%

Workers profile of Mahendragarh Teshil

Mahendragarh has 150831 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 101912 male and 48919 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mahendragarh teshil are 95245 and 55586 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mahendragarh Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 150831 101912 48919
Main Workers 95245 77974 17271
Main Workers Cultivators 44066 35057 9009
Agriculture Labourer 6249 4952 1297
Household Industries 2278 1758 520
Other Workers 42652 36207 6445
Marginal Workers 55586 23938 31648
Non Working Persons 253550 110979 142571

List of Town/City of Mahendragarh Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Mahendragarh with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Mahendragarh is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Mahendragarh (MC) 29128 891
2 Kanina (MC) 12989 932

List of villages in Teshil-Mahendragarh, District-Mahendragarh, Haryana as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Satnali(7) Mahendragarh 10013
2 Dhanunda(12) Mahendragarh 8692
3 Bassai(47) Mahendragarh 7700
4 Khudana(41) Mahendragarh 7646
5 Pali(39) Mahendragarh 7136
6 Kheri(51) Mahendragarh 6457
7 Patharwa(2) Mahendragarh 6303
8 Nangal Sirohi(104) Mahendragarh 6100
9 Pathera(55) Mahendragarh 5927
10 Bhojawas(42) Mahendragarh 5484
11 Sehlang(9) Mahendragarh 5380
12 Bhagot(6) Mahendragarh 5288
13 Kharkhara(43) Mahendragarh 4833
14 Malra(57) Mahendragarh 4595
15 Barda(18) Mahendragarh 4241
16 Dongra Ahir(32) Mahendragarh 4204
17 Partal(39) Mahendragarh 4134
18 Nanwan(12) Mahendragarh 4080
19 Kakrala(21) Mahendragarh 4027
20 Karira(16) Mahendragarh 4011
21 Gudha(23) Mahendragarh 3970
22 Sihor(4) Mahendragarh 3885
23 Jarwa(4) Mahendragarh 3852
24 Buchawas(68) Mahendragarh 3829
25 Bharaf(17) Mahendragarh 3684
26 Dalenwas(23) Mahendragarh 3672
27 Bewal(30) Mahendragarh 3549
28 Bawania(28) Mahendragarh 3541
29 Shampura(1) Mahendragarh 3493
30 Duloth(30) Mahendragarh 3427
31 Mundia Khera(35) Mahendragarh 3410
32 Jhagroli(67) Mahendragarh 3389
33 Bawana(52) Mahendragarh 3357
34 Siana(49) Mahendragarh 3356
35 Degrota(13) Mahendragarh 3310
36 Pota(8) Mahendragarh 3287
37 Nautana(48) Mahendragarh 3230
38 Sundrah(38) Mahendragarh 3210
39 Rewasa (Part)(62) Mahendragarh 3186
40 Kotia(15) Mahendragarh 2996
41 Palri(38) Mahendragarh 2826
42 Surjanwas(73) Mahendragarh 2783
43 Kurahwata(37) Mahendragarh 2776
44 Jant(45) Mahendragarh 2696
45 Rajawas(26) Mahendragarh 2675
46 Beri(82) Mahendragarh 2660
47 Madhogarh(25) Mahendragarh 2572
48 Rasulpur(25) Mahendragarh 2512
49 Sesoth(61) Mahendragarh 2502
50 Budin(31) Mahendragarh 2469
51 Nimbi(107) Mahendragarh 2444
52 Lawan(58) Mahendragarh 2372
53 Dewas(79) Mahendragarh 2327
54 Kalwari(34) Mahendragarh 2312
55 Mandola(15) Mahendragarh 2304
56 Kharoli(105) Mahendragarh 2264
57 Khairana(36) Mahendragarh 2246
58 Khatod (90) Mahendragarh 2236
59 Sohla(29) Mahendragarh 2233
60 Dhador(28) Mahendragarh 2229
61 Sohari(6) Mahendragarh 2223
62 Chhithroli(11) Mahendragarh 2222
63 Deroli Jat(100) Mahendragarh 2219
64 Balana(27) Mahendragarh 2202
65 Majra Kalan(60) Mahendragarh 2194
66 Chitlang(78) Mahendragarh 2184
67 Bucholi(76) Mahendragarh 2158
68 Kothal Kalan(98) Mahendragarh 2156
69 Bhagdana(59) Mahendragarh 2151
70 Bas (3) Mahendragarh 2109
71 Aghiar(53) Mahendragarh 2103
72 Zerpur(16) Mahendragarh 2088
73 Sigra(65) Mahendragarh 2081
74 Chelawas(22) Mahendragarh 2080
75 Bairawas(110) Mahendragarh 2045
76 Akbarpur Nangal (69) Mahendragarh 2031
77 Kapoori(18) Mahendragarh 2003
78 Gomla(44) Mahendragarh 2002
79 Bhandor Unchi(80) Mahendragarh 1980
80 Gahra(3) Mahendragarh 1942
81 Sureti Pilania(22) Mahendragarh 1936
82 Jhook(56) Mahendragarh 1917
83 Garhi(42) Mahendragarh 1914
84 Unhani(13) Mahendragarh 1913
85 Rambas(19) Mahendragarh 1908
86 Janjriyawas(92) Mahendragarh 1886
87 Mori(41) Mahendragarh 1864
88 Dholi(40) Mahendragarh 1862
89 Dogra Jat(33) Mahendragarh 1826
90 Khaira (Part)(89) Mahendragarh 1815
91 Khatiwas(96) Mahendragarh 1811
92 Bachini(70) Mahendragarh 1801
93 Kherki(114) Mahendragarh 1776
94 Kothal Khurd(97) Mahendragarh 1737
95 Khatodra(34) Mahendragarh 1686
96 Bhurjat(46) Mahendragarh 1649
97 Koka(27) Mahendragarh 1642
98 Talwana(50) Mahendragarh 1631
99 Sureti Jakhar(19) Mahendragarh 1626
100 Nangal(26) Mahendragarh 1613
101 Majra Khurd(63) Mahendragarh 1607
102 Nimbira(33) Mahendragarh 1607
103 Nangal Mala(14) Mahendragarh 1593
104 Khera(72) Mahendragarh 1575
105 Mohamadpur(24) Mahendragarh 1553
106 Gulawala(115) Mahendragarh 1511
107 Nihalawas(112) Mahendragarh 1490
108 Meghanwas(75) Mahendragarh 1408
109 Bhalkhi(31) Mahendragarh 1406
110 Jatwas(94) Mahendragarh 1380
111 Jharli(10) Mahendragarh 1362
112 Israna(20) Mahendragarh 1326
113 Basri(5) Mahendragarh 1251
114 Bhandor Nichi(83) Mahendragarh 1237
115 Sigri(64) Mahendragarh 1226
116 Jonawas(95) Mahendragarh 1222
117 Dulana(77) Mahendragarh 1178
118 Jasawas(81) Mahendragarh 1167
119 Pal(109) Mahendragarh 1136
120 Dhana(21) Mahendragarh 1124
121 Mundain(29) Mahendragarh 1095
122 Adalpur(44) Mahendragarh 1070
123 Palh(111) Mahendragarh 1054
124 Nanagwas(99) Mahendragarh 1051
125 Balayacha(32) Mahendragarh 1049
126 Chhajiawas(106) Mahendragarh 1048
127 Gadania(108) Mahendragarh 1034
128 Jhigawan(37) Mahendragarh 1026
129 Ushmapur(17) Mahendragarh 1000
130 Kaimla(54) Mahendragarh 957
131 Paiga(88) Mahendragarh 953
132 Salimabad(86) Mahendragarh 915
133 Cham Dhera(85) Mahendragarh 840
134 Anawas(66) Mahendragarh 832
135 Uchat(5) Mahendragarh 742
136 Gagarwas(71) Mahendragarh 712
137 Birsinghwas(8) Mahendragarh 692
138 Sureti Maveryana(20) Mahendragarh 679
139 Gadarwas(24) Mahendragarh 639
140 Kanina (Rural)(14) Mahendragarh 628
141 Paharwas(91) Mahendragarh 609
142 Manpura(40) Mahendragarh 575
143 Devrali(36) Mahendragarh 533
144 Gomli(43) Mahendragarh 505
145 Kuksi(113) Mahendragarh 471
146 Bundebaj Nagar(84) Mahendragarh 442
147 Rathiwas(35) Mahendragarh 393
148 Bir Chitlang(74) Mahendragarh 32
149 Bir Jatwas(93) Mahendragarh 21
