Villages and Towns of Mahur Tehsil of District Dima Hasao, Assam

Mahur Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Dima Hasao District, Assam India. Mahur teshil is one of the teshil of Dima Hasao district Assam. In Mahur Teshil there are 135 villages and 1 towns. Out of 135 villages in Mahur teshil in which Saron is most populated village with population of 1494 and least populated village is Natop Leikek having population only 0. There are 1 town in Mahur sub-district which lies in Mahur administrative devision. Most populated town in Mahur Teshil is Mahur (TC) with population of 2121.

Total population of Mahur teshil is 33859 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mahur teshil is 957 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mahur teshil is 80.25%.

Census Data of Mahur Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
33859 957 80.25%

Demographics details of Mahur Teshil

The population of Mahur sub district is 33859 people, among them about 17305 are male and 16554 are female. Total number of house holds in Mahur Teshil is 5875. Total Literates persons are 22691 in which total male literates are 12396 and female literates are 10295. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 5583, among them 2822 are boys and 2761 are girls.

Mahur Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMahur
State NameAssam
District NameDima Hasao
Total Population33859
Total No of House Holds5875
Total Male Population17305
Total Female Population16554
0-6 Age group Total Population5583
0-6 Age group Male Population2822
0-6 Age group Male Population2761
Total Person Literates22691
Total Male Literates12396
Total Male Literates10295
Total Person Illiterates11168
Total Male Illiterates4909
Total Male Illiterates6259
Scheduled Cast Persons320
Scheduled Cast Males171
Scheduled Cast Females149
Scheduled Tribe Persons14362
Scheduled Tribe Males14594
Scheduled Tribe Females14362

Mahur Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 261368 0
Population (%) 771.93 % 0 %
Male Population 133698 0
Female Population 127670 0
Sex Ratio 955 0
Child Population (0-6) 23184 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 969 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 17.47% 0%
Households in 53614 0
Literates 157731 0
Literacy % 73.12% 0%
Male Literacy 79.85% 0%
Female Literacy 66.06% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mahur Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 10662 5478 5184 31.49% 23.27%
Muslim 282 182 100 0.83% 0.75%
Christian 21428 10886 10542 63.29% 53.08%
Sikh 26 19 7 0.08% 0.08%
Buddhist 220 113 107 0.65% 0.51%
Jain 19 7 12 0.06% 0.04%
Other religions and persuasions 878 446 432 2.59% 1.84%
Religion not stated 344 174 170 1.02% 0.69%

Workers profile of Mahur Teshil

Mahur has 14801 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 8617 male and 6184 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mahur teshil are 11799 and 3002 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mahur Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 14801 8617 6184
Main Workers 11799 7406 4393
Main Workers Cultivators 8545 4993 3552
Agriculture Labourer 108 56 52
Household Industries 181 102 79
Other Workers 2965 2255 710
Marginal Workers 3002 1211 1791
Non Working Persons 19058 8688 10370

List of Town/City of Mahur Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Mahur with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Dima Hasao is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Mahur (TC) 2121 763

List of villages in Teshil-Mahur, District-Dima Hasao, Assam as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Saron Mahur 1494
2 Laisong Bagan Mahur 1235
3 Laisang Mahur 778
4 Tuolpui Mahur 764
5 Songbung Mahur 697
6 Nomjang Mahur 687
7 Pangmoul Mahur 678
8 Tilla Basti Mahur 602
9 Lasang (Laisang) Mahur 580
10 Kepeilo (Kepeito) Mahur 568
11 Muollien Mahur 550
12 P. Leikul Mahur 545
13 N. Songkhai Mahur 545
14 Changpijang Mahur 533
15 Baladhan Mahur 531
16 Mahur Garden Mahur 519
17 Lairi (Luri) Mahur 492
18 Tungje (Tunji) Mahur 482
19 N. Leikul Mahur 455
20 N. Ninglo Mahur 454
21 Hangrum -ll Mahur 431
22 Laisong Bagan Mahur 427
23 Chillei (Chidei) Mahur 426
24 Hangrum Mahur 398
25 Boro Ninglo Mahur 391
26 Ashalu Mahur 362
27 Hajaichak Mahur 346
28 Duijung Mahur 334
29 Boro Arkap Mahur 324
30 Boro Wapu Mahur 322
31 Choto Laisong Mahur 290
32 Impui (Ch) Mahur 286
33 Keraidelo Mahur 283
34 Mouchar (Mancher) Mahur 277
35 P. Hmarlushai (P. Hinarlushai) Mahur 277
36 Chotorongmailai Mahur 271
37 Boljung Mahur 259
38 Hewangberam Mahur 253
39 P. Songkhai Mahur 251
40 Tatepai (Taltepai) Mahur 250
41 Monigaon Mahur 248
42 Longkai Mahur 247
43 Purana Paisa Mahur 245
44 Tungje Pungo Mahur 241
45 Hekokang Mahur 240
46 Thoi Nagar Mahur 238
47 Khangnam (Khangram) Mahur 237
48 New Zoar Mahur 235
49 J. Hebran Mahur 234
50 Daoban Mahur 230
51 Khobul Mahur 229
52 Kholjung Mahur 222
53 Choto Neinglo (H) Mahur 221
54 Paipui Mahur 216
55 Hegele (Hegailo) Mahur 215
56 Muolnom Mahur 214
57 Pura Mahur 200
58 Samserpur Mahur 193
59 Khangmul (Naga) Mahur 193
60 N. Longkhai Mahur 190
61 Namjeurang Mahur 181
62 Dao Dung Mahur 181
63 Thingbung Mahur 174
64 Rambam Mahur 173
65 Taijol Mahur 172
66 Nehurelo Mahur 171
67 Khumlung (Khuonglung) Mahur 170
68 Nrimbangol (Christian) Mahur 170
69 Nchangjol (Anachangjol) Mahur 169
70 N. Hmaplushai (N. Hinarlushai) Mahur 168
71 Moti Riao Mahur 164
72 Nakajao Mahur 162
73 J. Tulpui Mahur 158
74 Khomunom Mahur 156
75 Choto Arkap Mahur 152
76 Walaodisa Mahur 145
77 Dingamkelo Mahur 142
78 N. Wari Mahur 139
79 Moti Hojai Mahur 138
80 Nrimbangol Mahur 135
81 N. Ngalsang Mahur 132
82 Gerem Labra Mahur 131
83 Isuilung Mahur 130
84 Lodi Kuki Mahur 130
85 Semidikor Mahur 129
86 Nanadisa Mahur 128
87 Boro Rongmailai Mahur 127
88 Ngente Mahur 119
89 Choto Neinglo (CH) Mahur 117
90 Laisong Porter Camp Mahur 116
91 Hejailo Mahur 116
92 T. Muolkoi Mahur 116
93 Gamvom Ll Mahur 116
94 Khangmul Mahur 114
95 Hasanghajik Mahur 112
96 Dijam Hagjer Mahur 111
97 Gadin Raji Mahur 109
98 Chuduning Mahur 106
99 Diyung Bathari Mahur 105
100 Impui (H) Mahur 105
101 Nguiyaberam Mahur 98
102 Natun Paisa Mahur 97
103 Sansari Mahur 93
104 Tumjanag Mahur 93
105 Hange (Naga) Mahur 92
106 Moti Lampu Mahur 91
107 Lodi Kachari Mahur 91
108 Longma Mahur 90
109 Riam Bathari Mahur 89
110 Gopikot Mahur 89
111 Jorai Bathari (Jorai Bhatkari) Mahur 87
112 Jungle Basti Mahur 86
113 Baojen (Banjare) Mahur 79
114 T. Vangkho Mahur 77
115 Nkiabunglo Mahur 77
116 Diyonkro Mahur 71
117 Dautuhaja Rly. Stn. Mahur 65
118 Nrianam Mahur 62
119 Longma Pt-III Mahur 61
120 Tuicham Mahur 58
121 Allephai Mahur 54
122 Moti Longmailai Mahur 47
123 Longma Gadain Mahur 46
124 Ngalsang Mahur 42
125 Patherkoi Mahur 38
126 Saitop Mahur 33
127 New Zion Mahur 32
128 Jenam (Tenam) Mahur 31
129 Boro Leikek Mahur 26
130 Choto Leikek Mahur 19
131 Migrengdisa Rly. Stn. Mahur N/A
132 Sobojai Mahur N/A
133 Dibaola Mahur N/A
134 Kanan Mahur N/A
135 Natop Leikek Mahur N/A
