Villages and Towns of Mal Tehsil of District Jalpaiguri , West Bengal

Mal Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal India. Mal teshil is one of the teshil of Jalpaiguri district West Bengal. In Mal Teshil there are 103 villages and 3 towns. Out of 103 villages in Mal teshil in which Bagrakot Tea Garden is most populated village with population of 9971 and least populated village is Chengmari Forest having population only 0. There are 3 town in Mal sub-district which lies in Mal administrative devision. Most populated town in Mal Teshil is Dakshin Odlabari (CT) with population of 4997.

Total population of Mal teshil is 299556 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mal teshil is 973 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mal teshil is 66.31%.

Census Data of Mal Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
299556 973 66.31%

Demographics details of Mal Teshil

The population of Mal sub district is 299556 people, among them about 151826 are male and 147730 are female. Total number of house holds in Mal Teshil is 64310. Total Literates persons are 172753 in which total male literates are 97994 and female literates are 74759. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 39025, among them 19817 are boys and 19208 are girls.

Mal Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMal
State NameWest Bengal
District NameJalpaiguri
Total Population299556
Total No of House Holds64310
Total Male Population151826
Total Female Population147730
0-6 Age group Total Population39025
0-6 Age group Male Population19817
0-6 Age group Male Population19208
Total Person Literates172753
Total Male Literates97994
Total Male Literates74759
Total Person Illiterates126803
Total Male Illiterates53832
Total Male Illiterates72971
Scheduled Cast Persons80400
Scheduled Cast Males41463
Scheduled Cast Females38937
Scheduled Tribe Persons51692
Scheduled Tribe Males51664
Scheduled Tribe Females51692

Mal Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 261784 61661
Population (%) 87.39 % 20.58 %
Male Population 134526 31510
Female Population 127258 30151
Sex Ratio 946 957
Child Population (0-6) 16503 3266
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 959 961
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.35% 10.81%
Households in 59266 14715
Literates 166468 43498
Literacy % 72.55% 79.09%
Male Literacy 79.62% 84.28%
Female Literacy 65.06% 73.67%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mal Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 207524 105610 101914 69.28% 46.19%
Muslim 58592 29840 28752 19.56% 12.96%
Christian 24958 12149 12809 8.33% 5.37%
Sikh 101 54 47 0.03% 0.02%
Buddhist 3755 1840 1915 1.25% 0.98%
Jain 25 17 8 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 4100 2096 2004 1.37% 0.68%
Religion not stated 501 220 281 0.17% 0.09%

Workers profile of Mal Teshil

Mal has 113658 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 77710 male and 35948 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mal teshil are 83705 and 29953 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mal Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 113658 77710 35948
Main Workers 83705 62010 21695
Main Workers Cultivators 12165 11286 879
Agriculture Labourer 14642 12078 2564
Household Industries 1061 846 215
Other Workers 55837 37800 18037
Marginal Workers 29953 15700 14253
Non Working Persons 185898 74116 111782

List of Town/City of Mal Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Mal with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jalpaiguri is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Dakshin Odlabari (CT) 4997 979
2 Lataguri (CT) 4981 979
3 Odlabari (CT) 14194 976

List of villages in Teshil-Mal, District-Jalpaiguri , West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bagrakot Tea Garden Mal 9971
2 Rangamati Tea Garden Mal 8607
3 Damdim Tea Garden Mal 8451
4 Dakshin Hanskhali Mal 7771
5 Lishriver Tea Garden Mal 6903
6 Haihaipathar Mal 6831
7 Bainguri Tea Garden Mal 6742
8 Jhar Matiali Mal 6493
9 Kranti Mal 5961
10 Gojaldoba Tea Garden Mal 5184
11 Ranichera Tea Garden Mal 5088
12 Jogesh Chandra Tea Garden Mal 4881
13 Tesimala Mal 4785
14 Syli Tea Garden Mal 4751
15 Uttar Matiali Mal 4371
16 Menglass Tea Garden Mal 4369
17 Patharjhora Tea Garden Mal 4335
18 Kumlai Tea Garden Mal 4299
19 Odlabari Tea Garden Mal 4284
20 Uttar Saripakuri Mal 4250
21 Uttar Khalpara Mal 4117
22 Anandapur Tea Garden Mal 4104
23 Washabari Tea Garden Mal 4101
24 Neoranadi Tea Garden Mal 4077
25 Dakshin Matiali Mal 4068
26 Bara Gharia Mal 4063
27 Kantadighi Kumarpara Mal 3823
28 Dhalabari Mal 3676
29 Dakshin Chak Maulani Mal 3531
30 New Clenco Tea Garden (P) Mal 3428
31 Nichchalsa Mal 3364
32 Damdimhat Mal 3190
33 Purbba Dolaicaon Mal 3144
34 Dakshin Khalpara Mal 3124
35 Uttar Majhgram Mal 3092
36 Kodalkati Mal 3067
37 Uttar Hanskhali Mal 3049
38 Haihai Pathar Tea Garden I(P) Mal 3030
39 Nipuchhapur Tea Garden Mal 2999
40 Dakshin Majhgram Mal 2982
41 Sisubari Tea Garden Mal 2932
42 Chak Maulani Mal 2776
43 Dakshin Saripakuri Mal 2679
44 Nipuchhapur Mal 2521
45 Basusuba Mal 2515
46 Paschim Dolaigaon Mal 2480
47 Adabari Mal 2478
48 Ellenbury Tea Garden Mal 2470
49 Demkajhora Mal 2462
50 Anandapur Mal 2457
51 Gochimari Mal 2445
52 Kumali Mal 2434
53 Jhar Majhgram Mal 2430
54 Gurjang Jhora Tea Garden Mal 2423
55 Nidam Jhora Tea Garden Mal 2407
56 Chapadanga Mal 2299
57 Manabari Tea Garden Mal 2147
58 Chengmarihat Mal 2008
59 Bidurerdanga Mal 2004
60 Dakshin Chengmari Mal 1974
61 Dalingkote Tea Garden Mal 1935
62 Purba Damdim Mal 1930
63 Apalchand Forest Mal 1928
64 Paschim Sangapara Mal 1797
65 Purbba Sangapara Mal 1796
66 Saogaon Tea Garden Mal 1783
67 Turibari Mal 1710
68 Khasjangal-I Mal 1591
69 Neora Mal 1543
70 Dakshin Kantadighi Kumarpara Mal 1446
71 Chengmari Dangapara Mal 1421
72 Manabari Mal 1351
73 Rajadanga Mal 1323
74 Neolabasti Mal 1309
75 Paschim Damdim Mal 1239
76 Tunbari Tea Garden (P) Mal 1204
77 Betbari Tea Garden Mal 1183
78 Kalagaity Tea Garden Mal 1100
79 Saogaon Mal 981
80 Malnadi Tea Garden Mal 965
81 Chikanmati Mal 962
82 Haihai Pathar Tea Garden II Mal 953
83 Targhera Mal 936
84 Purbba Mauamari Mal 868
85 Uttar Chengmari Mal 844
86 Golabari Mal 776
87 Hanskhali Mal 714
88 Apalchand Mal 553
89 Paschim Mauamari Mal 547
90 Uttar Phulbari Mal 442
91 Paschim Totgaon Mal 386
92 Kalagaity Mal 301
93 Purbba Totgaon Mal 290
94 Sundaribasti Mal 290
95 Purba Kantadighi Kumarpara Mal 115
96 Khasjangal-II Mal 64
97 Premganj Majhiali Mal 53
98 Purbba Premganj Mal 29
99 Paschim Premganj Mal 26
100 Mal Hati Forest Mal 3
101 Dakshin Phulbari Mal N/A
102 Sidabari Mal N/A
103 Chengmari Forest Mal N/A
