Villages and Towns of Marsaghai Tehsil of District Kendrapara , Odisha

Marsaghai Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kendrapara District, Odisha India. Marsaghai teshil is one of the teshil of Kendrapara district Odisha. In Marsaghai Teshil there are 90 villages and 0 towns. Out of 90 villages in Marsaghai teshil in which Tikhiri is most populated village with population of 4685 and least populated village is Srirampur having population only 0. There are 0 town in Marsaghai sub-district which lies in Marsaghai administrative devision. Most populated town in Marsaghai Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Marsaghai teshil is 108163 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Marsaghai teshil is 956 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Marsaghai teshil is 85.66%.

Census Data of Marsaghai Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
108163 956 85.66%

Demographics details of Marsaghai Teshil

The population of Marsaghai sub district is 108163 people, among them about 55305 are male and 52858 are female. Total number of house holds in Marsaghai Teshil is 24732. Total Literates persons are 83579 in which total male literates are 45860 and female literates are 37719. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 10589, among them 5445 are boys and 5144 are girls.

Marsaghai Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMarsaghai
State NameOdisha
District NameKendrapara
Total Population108163
Total No of House Holds24732
Total Male Population55305
Total Female Population52858
0-6 Age group Total Population10589
0-6 Age group Male Population5445
0-6 Age group Male Population5144
Total Person Literates83579
Total Male Literates45860
Total Male Literates37719
Total Person Illiterates24584
Total Male Illiterates9445
Total Male Illiterates15139
Scheduled Cast Persons23820
Scheduled Cast Males12173
Scheduled Cast Females11647
Scheduled Tribe Persons172
Scheduled Tribe Males289
Scheduled Tribe Females172

Marsaghai Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 97624 0
Population (%) 90.26 % 0 %
Male Population 51055 0
Female Population 46569 0
Sex Ratio 912 0
Child Population (0-6) 6014 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 865 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.49% 0%
Households in 22487 0
Literates 69493 0
Literacy % 80.43% 0%
Male Literacy 87.76% 0%
Female Literacy 72.44% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Marsaghai Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 108052 55250 52802 99.9% 85.58%
Muslim 24 15 9 0.02% 0.02%
Christian 19 11 8 0.02% 0.01%
Sikh 11 3 8 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 3 3 0 0% 0%
Jain 2 1 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 52 22 30 0.05% 0.04%

Workers profile of Marsaghai Teshil

Marsaghai has 34359 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 30032 male and 4327 female population are working population. Full time workers in Marsaghai teshil are 26690 and 7669 are marginal (part time) workers.

Marsaghai Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 34359 30032 4327
Main Workers 26690 24846 1844
Main Workers Cultivators 11659 11435 224
Agriculture Labourer 4745 4397 348
Household Industries 995 859 136
Other Workers 9291 8155 1136
Marginal Workers 7669 5186 2483
Non Working Persons 73804 25273 48531

List of villages in Teshil-Marsaghai , District-Kendrapara , Odisha as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Tikhiri Marsaghai 4685
2 Silipur Marsaghai 4111
3 Juna Marsaghai 4098
4 Teragan Marsaghai 3309
5 Karanja Marsaghai 3137
6 Patalipanka Marsaghai 3132
7 Jadupur Marsaghai 2982
8 Ostara Marsaghai 2596
9 Jay chandrapur Marsaghai 2237
10 Badakul Marsaghai 2193
11 Garajanga Marsaghai 2100
12 Sanagan Marsaghai 2093
13 Badapal Marsaghai 1986
14 Nuagan Marsaghai 1980
15 Gararomita Marsaghai 1953
16 Athabatia Marsaghai 1914
17 Kuanrpal Marsaghai 1856
18 Manikunda Marsaghai 1827
19 Kasoti Marsaghai 1739
20 Dumuka Marsaghai 1696
21 Balikuda Marsaghai 1669
22 Beruhan Marsaghai 1637
23 Dasi pur Marsaghai 1614
24 Dhaniapada Marsaghai 1544
25 Narayanpur Marsaghai 1508
26 Benupal Marsaghai 1454
27 Ameipal Marsaghai 1396
28 Gatanai(Nuasahi) Marsaghai 1395
29 Puruso tamapur Marsaghai 1387
30 Kusun pur Marsaghai 1383
31 Hindulia Marsaghai 1378
32 Badagan Marsaghai 1322
33 Hatia Marsaghai 1316
34 SamantSingharpur Marsaghai 1276
35 Adam pur Marsaghai 1275
36 Girang Marsaghai 1256
37 Tulasi pur Marsaghai 1254
38 Kalagarh Marsaghai 1245
39 Samjori Marsaghai 1167
40 Dahimachha Marsaghai 1134
41 Palaspur Marsaghai 1103
42 Gopinathpur Marsaghai 1100
43 Madhuraganda Khamar Marsaghai 1086
44 Koratapanga Marsaghai 1076
45 Dara bachha Marsaghai 1074
46 Khurusia Marsaghai 1068
47 Manitiri Marsaghai 1067
48 Subala Marsaghai 1067
49 Haladia Marsaghai 1059
50 Kan pur Marsaghai 1023
51 Bagadia Marsaghai 1013
52 Chhanda Marsaghai 998
53 Bhagabanpur Marsaghai 995
54 Bandhakud Marsaghai 946
55 Mahanangala Marsaghai 943
56 Masakani Marsaghai 933
57 Balisuan Marsaghai 905
58 Nuagan Marsaghai 890
59 Karamakul Marsaghai 887
60 Badaghai Marsaghai 742
61 Tekarapanga Marsaghai 736
62 NaladiaSasan Marsaghai 648
63 Kodakan Marsaghai 628
64 Gobardhanpur Marsaghai 599
65 NaladiaPalanda Marsaghai 596
66 Raghunathpur Marsaghai 579
67 Gokhapada Marsaghai 558
68 Aitipur Marsaghai 551
69 Dekani Marsaghai 519
70 Badapaldia Marsaghai 513
71 Khamaganbindha Marsaghai 501
72 Sereinpur Marsaghai 487
73 Balana Marsaghai 477
74 Khurusiapat Marsaghai 456
75 Purusottampur Marsaghai 371
76 Raipur Marsaghai 319
77 Alifa Marsaghai 296
78 Gopalapur Marsaghai 120
79 Raula Marsaghai N/A
80 Belar Marsaghai N/A
81 Bauda Marsaghai N/A
82 Thantapalanda Marsaghai N/A
83 Naladia Marsaghai N/A
84 Ramachandrapur Marsaghai N/A
85 Paunsiapal Marsaghai N/A
86 Anantapur Marsaghai N/A
87 Taradeipur Marsaghai N/A
88 Nandanpur Marsaghai N/A
89 Madhusudanpur Marsaghai N/A
90 Srirampur Marsaghai N/A
