Villages and Towns of Mauda Tehsil of District Nagpur, Maharashtra

Mauda Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Nagpur District, Maharashtra India. Mauda teshil is one of the teshil of Nagpur district Maharashtra. In Mauda Teshil there are 123 villages and 1 towns. Out of 123 villages in Mauda teshil in which Tarsa is most populated village with population of 4678 and least populated village is Kargaon(rithi) having population only 0. There are 1 town in Mauda sub-district which lies in Mauda administrative devision. Most populated town in Mauda Teshil is Mouda (CT) with population of 14606.

Total population of Mauda teshil is 139776 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mauda teshil is 935 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mauda teshil is 82.47%.

Census Data of Mauda Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
139776 935 82.47%

Demographics details of Mauda Teshil

The population of Mauda sub district is 139776 people, among them about 72219 are male and 67557 are female. Total number of house holds in Mauda Teshil is 31730. Total Literates persons are 102422 in which total male literates are 56709 and female literates are 45713. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 15580, among them 8001 are boys and 7579 are girls.

Mauda Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMauda
State NameMaharashtra
District NameNagpur
Total Population139776
Total No of House Holds31730
Total Male Population72219
Total Female Population67557
0-6 Age group Total Population15580
0-6 Age group Male Population8001
0-6 Age group Male Population7579
Total Person Literates102422
Total Male Literates56709
Total Male Literates45713
Total Person Illiterates37354
Total Male Illiterates15510
Total Male Illiterates21844
Scheduled Cast Persons18019
Scheduled Cast Males9221
Scheduled Cast Females8798
Scheduled Tribe Persons4814
Scheduled Tribe Males5224
Scheduled Tribe Females4814

Mauda Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 131767 22821
Population (%) 94.27 % 16.33 %
Male Population 66334 11514
Female Population 65433 11307
Sex Ratio 986 982
Child Population (0-6) 7237 1105
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 963 936
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.78% 10.01%
Households in 31662 5213
Literates 94946 17675
Literacy % 80.76% 86.07%
Male Literacy 88.91% 92.02%
Female Literacy 72.52% 80.04%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mauda Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 125719 64943 60776 89.94% 73.86%
Muslim 1744 956 788 1.25% 1.11%
Christian 349 202 147 0.25% 0.24%
Sikh 58 38 20 0.04% 0.04%
Buddhist 11313 5802 5511 8.09% 6.9%
Jain 31 17 14 0.02% 0.02%
Other religions and persuasions 122 55 67 0.09% 0.06%
Religion not stated 440 206 234 0.31% 0.25%

Workers profile of Mauda Teshil

Mauda has 72761 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 43869 male and 28892 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mauda teshil are 59470 and 13291 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mauda Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 72761 43869 28892
Main Workers 59470 38111 21359
Main Workers Cultivators 19019 13065 5954
Agriculture Labourer 28636 14977 13659
Household Industries 1051 832 219
Other Workers 10764 9237 1527
Marginal Workers 13291 5758 7533
Non Working Persons 67015 28350 38665

List of Town/City of Mauda Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Mauda with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Nagpur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Mouda (CT) 14606 931

List of villages in Teshil-Mauda, District-Nagpur, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Tarsa Mauda 4678
2 Aroli Mauda 4522
3 Chacher Mauda 4469
4 Khat Mauda 4280
5 Dhanla Mauda 4214
6 Kodamendhi Mauda 3819
7 Nimkheda Mauda 3611
8 Rewaral Mauda 3243
9 Mathani Mauda 3025
10 Chirwha Mauda 2797
11 Marodi Mauda 2477
12 Niharwani Mauda 2459
13 Dahegaon Mauda 2355
14 Kumbhari Mauda 2218
15 Gowari Mauda 2058
16 Mohadi Mauda 1917
17 Nerla Mauda 1615
18 Dharmapuri Mauda 1612
19 Indora Mauda 1497
20 Nandapuri Mauda 1433
21 Ajangaon Mauda 1418
22 Babadeo Mauda 1416
23 Adegaon Mauda 1394
24 Tanda Mauda 1388
25 Wirshi Mauda 1380
26 Mangli(Teli) Mauda 1275
27 Tuman Mauda 1245
28 Wakeshwar Mauda 1237
29 Kharda Mauda 1229
30 Pipari Mauda 1195
31 Dhani Mauda 1181
32 Bhendala Mauda 1172
33 Dhamangaon Mauda 1145
34 Morgaon Mauda 1137
35 Chicholi Mauda 1116
36 Dudhala Mauda 1094
37 Rajoli Mauda 1086
38 Ghotmundhari Mauda 1053
39 Nandgaon Mauda 1047
40 Sirsoli Mauda 1014
41 Dhanoli Mauda 1012
42 Rahadi Mauda 1001
43 Kotgaon Mauda 942
44 Panmara Mauda 929
45 Gangner Mauda 903
46 Nawargaon Mauda 889
47 Nisatkheda Mauda 866
48 Borgaon Mauda 842
49 Khandala Gujar Mauda 838
50 Nawegaon Mauda 832
51 Barshi Mauda 823
52 Zullar Mauda 812
53 Khandala Mauda 807
54 Ashti Mauda 775
55 Lapaka Mauda 751
56 Aisamba Mauda 745
57 Dahali Mauda 729
58 Narsala Mauda 722
59 Deomundhari Mauda 689
60 Pawaddauna Mauda 676
61 Wanjra Mauda 663
62 Isapur Mauda 660
63 Khopadi Mauda 654
64 Pardikala Mauda 648
65 Mahalgaon Mauda 643
66 Mahadula Mauda 641
67 Bhandewadi Mauda 633
68 Singori Mauda 624
69 Waygaon Mauda 602
70 Bhobhara(sundargaon) Mauda 599
71 Berdipar Mauda 595
72 Hingana Mauda 586
73 Tondli (Burj) Mauda 584
74 Khaparkheda (Gadi Patil Teli) Mauda 580
75 Sukli Mauda 571
76 Metshivadouli Mauda 570
77 Dholmara Mauda 563
78 Bori (ghiwari) Mauda 554
79 Korad Mauda 552
80 Tarodi Mauda 549
81 Ashti Mauda 541
82 Mohkhedi Mauda 541
83 Wagbodi Mauda 520
84 Chehadi Mauda 516
85 Batnor Mauda 499
86 Nanadevi Mauda 498
87 Kumbhapur Mauda 486
88 Adasa Mauda 482
89 Pimpalgaon Mauda 476
90 Salwa Mauda 466
91 Panjara Mauda 452
92 Nawegaon Mauda 441
93 Sawargaon Mauda 434
94 Mangli(Gosai) Mauda 427
95 Ijani Mauda 427
96 Pardi Kh Mauda 418
97 Chikhalabodi Mauda 417
98 Hiwara Mauda 415
99 Murmadi Mauda 412
100 Hiwara Mauda 393
101 Mangli (Chande) Mauda 372
102 Sigori Mauda 370
103 Charbha Mauda 336
104 Khandala Mauda 330
105 Nandgaon Mauda 328
106 Sawagi Mauda 314
107 Wadhana Mauda 314
108 Shiwani Mauda 307
109 Khaparkheda (Kirad) Mauda 289
110 Kirnapur Mauda 284
111 Kopara Mauda 281
112 Khidki Mauda 272
113 Shrikhanda Mauda 261
114 Bhowari Mauda 249
115 Kathalabodi Mauda 204
116 Sukali Mauda 170
117 Khaparkheda Mauda 28
118 Bhamawada Mauda 25
119 Tondli Rithi Mauda N/A
120 Indori(Rithi) Mauda N/A
121 Wagholi (Rithi) Mauda N/A
122 Borgaon(rithi) Mauda N/A
123 Kargaon(rithi) Mauda N/A
