Villages and Towns of Maynaguri Tehsil of District Jalpaiguri , West Bengal

Maynaguri Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal India. Maynaguri teshil is one of the teshil of Jalpaiguri district West Bengal. In Maynaguri Teshil there are 85 villages and 2 towns. Out of 85 villages in Maynaguri teshil in which Saptibari is most populated village with population of 23693 and least populated village is Panishala having population only 0. There are 2 town in Maynaguri sub-district which lies in Maynaguri administrative devision. Most populated town in Maynaguri Teshil is Dakshin Khagrabari (CT) with population of 7469.

Total population of Maynaguri teshil is 329032 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Maynaguri teshil is 935 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Maynaguri teshil is 75.63%.

Census Data of Maynaguri Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
329032 935 75.63%

Demographics details of Maynaguri Teshil

The population of Maynaguri sub district is 329032 people, among them about 170030 are male and 159002 are female. Total number of house holds in Maynaguri Teshil is 76492. Total Literates persons are 217359 in which total male literates are 121785 and female literates are 95574. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 41633, among them 21468 are boys and 20165 are girls.

Maynaguri Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMaynaguri
State NameWest Bengal
District NameJalpaiguri
Total Population329032
Total No of House Holds76492
Total Male Population170030
Total Female Population159002
0-6 Age group Total Population41633
0-6 Age group Male Population21468
0-6 Age group Male Population20165
Total Person Literates217359
Total Male Literates121785
Total Male Literates95574
Total Person Illiterates111673
Total Male Illiterates48245
Total Male Illiterates63428
Scheduled Cast Persons234287
Scheduled Cast Males121477
Scheduled Cast Females112810
Scheduled Tribe Persons2111
Scheduled Tribe Males2217
Scheduled Tribe Females2111

Maynaguri Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 244066 0
Population (%) 74.18 % 0 %
Male Population 126663 0
Female Population 117403 0
Sex Ratio 927 0
Child Population (0-6) 15322 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 936 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.15% 0%
Households in 60896 0
Literates 155074 0
Literacy % 72.33% 0%
Male Literacy 78.09% 0%
Female Literacy 66.1% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Maynaguri Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 296184 153213 142971 90.02% 68.6%
Muslim 32218 16503 15715 9.79% 6.87%
Christian 105 56 49 0.03% 0.03%
Sikh 33 19 14 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 193 100 93 0.06% 0.06%
Jain 43 22 21 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 9 4 5 0% 0%
Religion not stated 247 113 134 0.08% 0.05%

Workers profile of Maynaguri Teshil

Maynaguri has 120291 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 95414 male and 24877 female population are working population. Full time workers in Maynaguri teshil are 95835 and 24456 are marginal (part time) workers.

Maynaguri Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 120291 95414 24877
Main Workers 95835 84239 11596
Main Workers Cultivators 31695 29993 1702
Agriculture Labourer 28565 23265 5300
Household Industries 1348 1033 315
Other Workers 34227 29948 4279
Marginal Workers 24456 11175 13281
Non Working Persons 208741 74616 134125

List of Town/City of Maynaguri Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Maynaguri with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jalpaiguri is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Dakshin Khagrabari (CT) 7469 973
2 Mainaguri (CT) 30490 969

List of villages in Teshil-Maynaguri, District-Jalpaiguri , West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Saptibari Maynaguri 23693
2 Baikur Gourgram Maynaguri 10822
3 Padamati Maynaguri 8407
4 Dharmmapur Maynaguri 8353
5 Jabaramli Maynaguri 6688
6 Uttar Madhabdanga Maynaguri 6610
7 Uttar Marichbari Maynaguri 6174
8 Amguri Maynaguri 6134
9 Ulladabri Maynaguri 5722
10 Baulbari Maynaguri 5711
11 Jharbaragila Maynaguri 5502
12 Kumarpara Maynaguri 5336
13 Uttar Khagrabari Maynaguri 5076
14 Uttar Mauamari Maynaguri 4978
15 Penchahahi Maynaguri 4848
16 Betgara Maynaguri 4739
17 Singimari Maynaguri 4613
18 Kanthalbari Maynaguri 4591
19 Dakshin Ulladabari Maynaguri 4586
20 Tekatali Maynaguri 4507
21 Paschim Harmati Maynaguri 4344
22 Charchura Bhandar Maynaguri 4311
23 Bhatpatti Maynaguri 4250
24 Basilardanga Maynaguri 4248
25 Chura Bhandar Maynaguri 4064
26 Dwarikamari Maynaguri 4018
27 Bara Kamet Maynaguri 4009
28 Purbba Baragila Maynaguri 3937
29 Uttar Bhuskadanga Maynaguri 3920
30 Purbba Dehar Maynaguri 3906
31 Uttar Dangapara Maynaguri 3832
32 Dakshin Madhabdanga Maynaguri 3802
33 Panbari Maynaguri 3456
34 Hasludanga Maynaguri 3212
35 Charesbari Maynaguri 3170
36 Nirendrapur Maynaguri 3097
37 Purbba Salbari Maynaguri 3081
38 Gaurgram Maynaguri 3016
39 Barnes Maynaguri 2983
40 Dakshin Dangapara Maynaguri 2938
41 Bhangarhat Maynaguri 2933
42 Brahmapur Maynaguri 2883
43 Satvendi Maynaguri 2847
44 Bhangamali Maynaguri 2842
45 Kaoagap Maynaguri 2808
46 Chapgar Maynaguri 2804
47 Purbba Baragharia Maynaguri 2795
48 Madhya Khagrabari Maynaguri 2786
49 Ratherhat Maynaguri 2786
50 Dakshin Bhuskadanga Maynaguri 2771
51 Chengmari Maynaguri 2713
52 Banglajhar Maynaguri 2700
53 Dhaolaguri Maynaguri 2693
54 Dakshin Baragila Maynaguri 2620
55 Paharpur Maynaguri 2579
56 Khaer Khal Maynaguri 2471
57 Bagjan Maynaguri 2449
58 Paitkakhocha Maynaguri 2382
59 Balasan Maynaguri 2300
60 Paschim Bara Gharia Maynaguri 2087
61 Uttar Kalamati Maynaguri 2076
62 Purbba Harmati Maynaguri 1992
63 Ramsai Maynaguri 1974
64 Chat Rarpar Maynaguri 1893
65 Dakshin Putimari Maynaguri 1882
66 Paschim Baragila Maynaguri 1873
67 Paschim Salbari Maynaguri 1821
68 Uttar Putimari Maynaguri 1806
69 Gartali Jalpes Maynaguri 1696
70 Dakshin Kalamati Maynaguri 1539
71 Kajaldighi Maynaguri 1514
72 Domohani Maynaguri 1507
73 Madhabdanga Maynaguri 1423
74 Purba Sisuabari Maynaguri 1353
75 Sisuabari Maynaguri 724
76 Nimna Tandu Forest Maynaguri 720
77 Jadabpur Tea Garden Maynaguri 710
78 Gopalganj Maynaguri 522
79 Purbba Dobbari Maynaguri 115
80 Forest Ramsai Maynaguri N/A
81 Dobbari Maynaguri N/A
82 Uttar Sisuabari Maynaguri N/A
83 Dakshin Marichbari Maynaguri N/A
84 Dakshin Sisuabari Maynaguri N/A
85 Panishala Maynaguri N/A
