Villages and Towns of Mhow Tehsil of District Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Mhow Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Indore District, Madhya Pradesh India. Mhow teshil is one of the teshil of Indore district Madhya Pradesh. In Mhow Teshil there are 172 villages and 5 towns. Out of 172 villages in Mhow teshil in which Kodriya is most populated village with population of 14830 and least populated village is Telan Mal having population only 0. There are 5 town in Mhow sub-district which lies in Mhow administrative devision. Most populated town in Mhow Teshil is Mhow Cantt (CB) with population of 81702.

Total population of Mhow teshil is 361937 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mhow teshil is 915 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mhow teshil is 75.78%.

Census Data of Mhow Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
361937 915 75.78%

Demographics details of Mhow Teshil

The population of Mhow sub district is 361937 people, among them about 189046 are male and 172891 are female. Total number of house holds in Mhow Teshil is 68714. Total Literates persons are 235883 in which total male literates are 136212 and female literates are 99671. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 50644, among them 26366 are boys and 24278 are girls.

Mhow Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMhow
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameIndore
Total Population361937
Total No of House Holds68714
Total Male Population189046
Total Female Population172891
0-6 Age group Total Population50644
0-6 Age group Male Population26366
0-6 Age group Male Population24278
Total Person Literates235883
Total Male Literates136212
Total Male Literates99671
Total Person Illiterates126054
Total Male Illiterates52834
Total Male Illiterates73220
Scheduled Cast Persons49835
Scheduled Cast Males25415
Scheduled Cast Females24420
Scheduled Tribe Persons42477
Scheduled Tribe Males44733
Scheduled Tribe Females42477

Mhow Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 63176 26289
Population (%) 17.45 % 7.26 %
Male Population 32068 13229
Female Population 31108 13060
Sex Ratio 970 987
Child Population (0-6) 4776 1858
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 930 963
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.59% 14.41%
Households in 12994 5085
Literates 32111 15504
Literacy % 59.51% 68.9%
Male Literacy 70.51% 76.61%
Female Literacy 48.25% 61.12%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mhow Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 311366 163035 148331 86.03% 65.05%
Muslim 43959 22495 21464 12.15% 8.96%
Christian 3629 1821 1808 1% 0.98%
Sikh 1477 905 572 0.41% 0.41%
Buddhist 620 360 260 0.17% 0.15%
Jain 584 286 298 0.16% 0.17%
Other religions and persuasions 68 28 40 0.02% 0.02%
Religion not stated 234 116 118 0.06% 0.05%

Workers profile of Mhow Teshil

Mhow has 151717 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 103464 male and 48253 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mhow teshil are 127749 and 23968 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mhow Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 151717 103464 48253
Main Workers 127749 93059 34690
Main Workers Cultivators 26986 18200 8786
Agriculture Labourer 37974 21342 16632
Household Industries 2259 1677 582
Other Workers 60530 51840 8690
Marginal Workers 23968 10405 13563
Non Working Persons 210220 85582 124638

List of Town/City of Mhow Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Mhow with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Indore is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Mhow Cantt (CB) 81702 862
2 Manpur (NP) 7621 923
3 Santer (CT) 6540 946
4 Gujarkheda (CT) 5409 888
5 Mhowgaon (NP) 30012 900

List of villages in Teshil-Mhow , District-Indore, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kodriya Mhow 14830
2 Datoda Mhow 11224
3 Simrol Mhow 9856
4 Gawali Palasya Mhow 9288
5 Harsola Mhow 8690
6 Banjari Mhow 8313
7 Bhagora Mhow 5259
8 Hasalpur Mhow 4371
9 Bhatkhedi Mhow 4366
10 Pigdambar Mhow 4247
11 Harnya Khedi Mhow 4207
12 Sonway Mhow 3969
13 Jamli Mhow 3924
14 Umariya Mhow 3355
15 Kelod Mhow 3283
16 Amba Chandan Mhow 3185
17 Choral Mhow 3184
18 Dongargaon Mhow 3091
19 Kamadpur Mhow 2989
20 Memdi Mhow 2708
21 Gangaliya Khedi Mhow 2612
22 Bheslay Mhow 2404
23 Sutar Khedi Mhow 2306
24 Neu Guradiya Mhow 2292
25 Basipipri Mhow 2254
26 Yashwantnagar Mhow 2233
27 Kankriya Mhow 2064
28 Tihi Mhow 1984
29 Joshi Guradiya Mhow 1871
30 Kawti Mhow 1855
31 Badgonda Mhow 1816
32 Sihod Mhow 1815
33 Khurdi Mhow 1705
34 Rajpura Mhow 1702
35 Mend Mhow 1546
36 Shivnagar Mhow 1520
37 Malendi Mhow 1453
38 Panda Mhow 1422
39 Kaneriya Mhow 1406
40 Gokanya Mhow 1402
41 Phafund Mhow 1394
42 Mangalya Mhow 1382
43 Durjanpura Mhow 1376
44 Gavhalu Mhow 1360
45 Khedi (Istmurar) Mhow 1338
46 Gajinda Mhow 1326
47 Bhicholi Mhow 1315
48 Nanded Mhow 1312
49 Borkhedi Mhow 1254
50 Jakhu Khedi Mhow 1209
51 Sitapat Mhow 1208
52 Awlay Mhow 1202
53 Nahar Khedi Mhow 1194
54 Kuwali Mhow 1189
55 Chikhli Mhow 1168
56 Chordiya Mhow 1157
57 Piplya Malhar Mhow 1141
58 Mendal Mhow 1118
59 Jafra Bad Mhow 1068
60 Godkuwa Mhow 1066
61 Jam Buzurg Mhow 1062
62 Bai Mhow 1047
63 Raikunda Mhow 1036
64 Gosi Kheda Mhow 1009
65 Mend Mazra Mhow 988
66 Kumti Mhow 975
67 Berchha Mhow 972
68 Nawada Mhow 958
69 Ashapur Mhow 955
70 Sejgarh Mhow 938
71 Shahda Mhow 921
72 Kulthana Mhow 896
73 Panjariya Mhow 879
74 Shrikhandi Mhow 863
75 Chhapariya Mhow 847
76 Rampuriya Mhow 838
77 Kalikirai Mhow 821
78 Sherpur Mhow 813
79 Nahar Khodra Mhow 813
80 Julwaniya Mhow 794
81 Chenpura Mhow 775
82 Bardari Mhow 772
83 Thawlay Mhow 751
84 Kesar Bardi Mhow 745
85 Sendal Mhow 735
86 Surtipura Mhow 731
87 Golkheda Mhow 719
88 Olani Mhow 687
89 Matlabpura Mhow 684
90 Badiya Mhow 673
91 Damali Mhow 665
92 Pipalya Lohar Mhow 661
93 Khurda Mhow 652
94 Tinchha Mhow 633
95 Kapar Kheda Mhow 622
96 Jamanya Mhow 621
97 Badkuwa Mhow 617
98 Kadwali Mhow 615
99 Umeth Mhow 615
100 Baika Mhow 611
101 Anwalipura Mhow 603
102 Bhilani Mhow 598
103 Kodiya Mhow 595
104 Gopalpura Mhow 594
105 Ghoda Khur Mhow 591
106 Rajpura Mhow 573
107 Silotiya Mhow 571
108 Akawi Mhow 566
109 Telanbardi Mhow 542
110 Buraliya Mhow 536
111 Kolani Mhow 531
112 Pipal Khut Mhow 517
113 Barkheda Mhow 514
114 Phut Talab Mhow 511
115 Ramgarh Palasghat Mhow 511
116 Gokanya Kund Mhow 510
117 Pipalya Mhow 510
118 Jam Khurd Mhow 505
119 Richhabardi Mhow 500
120 Rampuriya Khurd Mhow 499
121 Pathan Pipalya Mhow 480
122 Guwadi Mhow 479
123 Kurada Khedi Mhow 470
124 Ambada Mhow 444
125 Karadiya Mhow 442
126 Biram Mhow 434
127 Malipura Mhow 433
128 Undawa Mhow 413
129 Rampuriya Bujurg Mhow 411
130 Nandgaon Mhow 411
131 Kulamba Mhow 395
132 Gunjara Mhow 360
133 Utediya Mhow 357
134 Kushalgarh Mhow 344
135 Sherkund Mhow 336
136 Chasya Mhow 335
137 Lodhiya Mhow 312
138 Barkheda Mhow 310
139 Bhoj Karadiya Mhow 308
140 Ras Kundiya Mhow 300
141 Dhawadiya Mhow 250
142 Borkhedi Mhow 246
143 Badoda Sindh Mhow 233
144 Badgaon Mhow 208
145 Patal Pani Mhow 200
146 Ratwi Mhow 175
147 Nandlai Mhow 174
148 Ahilyapur Mhow 169
149 Gadaghat Mhow 166
150 Madhawpura Mhow 150
151 Bherughat Mhow 148
152 Nachanbor Mhow 137
153 Baradiya Mhow 117
154 Bhanbardi Mhow 110
155 Khudalpura Mhow 100
156 Borkhedi Mhow 99
157 Bhardala Mhow 94
158 Khedli Mhow 93
159 Anwaliya Mhow 85
160 Jhikadiya Khedi Mhow 84
161 Imalipura Mhow 73
162 Jamanya Mhow 34
163 Kekariya Dabri Mhow 31
164 Lalpura Mhow 28
165 Kharda Kheda Mhow 7
166 Ambapura Mhow 4
167 Mahudiya Buzurg Mhow N/A
168 Mahudiyapura Mhow N/A
169 Badarkha Mhow N/A
170 Nawadiya Mhow N/A
171 Sadalpura Mhow N/A
172 Telan Mal Mhow N/A
