Villages and Towns of Mikirbheta Tehsil of District Morigaon, Assam

Mikirbheta Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Morigaon District, Assam India. Mikirbheta teshil is one of the teshil of Morigaon district Assam. In Mikirbheta Teshil there are 65 villages and 0 towns. Out of 65 villages in Mikirbheta teshil in which Silpukhuri is most populated village with population of 7632 and least populated village is Ghurabak Pathar having population only 96. There are 0 town in Mikirbheta sub-district which lies in Mikirbheta administrative devision. Most populated town in Mikirbheta Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Mikirbheta teshil is 137213 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mikirbheta teshil is 1004 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mikirbheta teshil is 75.28%.

Census Data of Mikirbheta Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
137213 1004 75.28%

Demographics details of Mikirbheta Teshil

The population of Mikirbheta sub district is 137213 people, among them about 68466 are male and 68747 are female. Total number of house holds in Mikirbheta Teshil is 28410. Total Literates persons are 87284 in which total male literates are 45604 and female literates are 41680. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 21262, among them 10819 are boys and 10443 are girls.

Mikirbheta Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMikirbheta
State NameAssam
District NameMorigaon
Total Population137213
Total No of House Holds28410
Total Male Population68466
Total Female Population68747
0-6 Age group Total Population21262
0-6 Age group Male Population10819
0-6 Age group Male Population10443
Total Person Literates87284
Total Male Literates45604
Total Male Literates41680
Total Person Illiterates49929
Total Male Illiterates22862
Total Male Illiterates27067
Scheduled Cast Persons8064
Scheduled Cast Males3937
Scheduled Cast Females4127
Scheduled Tribe Persons12984
Scheduled Tribe Males12724
Scheduled Tribe Females12984

Mikirbheta Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 308111 90810
Population (%) 224.55 % 66.18 %
Male Population 157817 46256
Female Population 150294 44554
Sex Ratio 952 963
Child Population (0-6) 27228 4126
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 975 968
Child Percentage (0-6) 17.46% 9.24%
Households in 58927 19610
Literates 179027 73740
Literacy % 70.39% 89.47%
Male Literacy 76.12% 92.96%
Female Literacy 64.35% 85.84%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mikirbheta Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 70634 34737 35897 51.48% 44.51%
Muslim 66350 33611 32739 48.36% 30.65%
Christian 88 42 46 0.06% 0.05%
Sikh 4 3 1 0% 0%
Buddhist 4 2 2 0% 0%
Jain 2 0 2 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 2 1 1 0% 0%
Religion not stated 129 70 59 0.09% 0.06%

Workers profile of Mikirbheta Teshil

Mikirbheta has 48928 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 35397 male and 13531 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mikirbheta teshil are 34506 and 14422 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mikirbheta Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 48928 35397 13531
Main Workers 34506 29415 5091
Main Workers Cultivators 18417 16795 1622
Agriculture Labourer 4104 3208 896
Household Industries 1123 610 513
Other Workers 10862 8802 2060
Marginal Workers 14422 5982 8440
Non Working Persons 88285 33069 55216

List of villages in Teshil-Mikirbheta, District-Morigaon, Assam as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Silpukhuri Mikirbheta 7632
2 Kalikajari Mikirbheta 7266
3 Niz-Charai Bahi (Niz-Sarai Bahi) Mikirbheta 5381
4 Rangadoria Mikirbheta 4357
5 Bar Manipur Mikirbheta 4302
6 Barangabari Mikirbheta 4028
7 Bheh Guri Mikirbheta 3931
8 Paghali Mikirbheta 3483
9 Mulan Kamura Mikirbheta 3428
10 Jaluguti Mikirbheta 3369
11 Kahibari Mikirbheta 3271
12 Bar Bhagia Mikirbheta 3258
13 Takuna Bori Mikirbheta 3229
14 Thengkhali Mikirbheta 3111
15 Hakudangbori Mikirbheta 2798
16 Kalmoubari Mikirbheta 2796
17 Mikirgaon Mikirbheta 2783
18 Mikirbheta Mikirbheta 2767
19 Chari Punia (Charia Punia) Mikirbheta 2711
20 Khalapia Mikirbheta 2674
21 Barsaka Baha Mikirbheta 2651
22 Borigaon Mikirbheta 2396
23 Tarabori Mikirbheta 2365
24 Parali Guri Mikirbheta 2269
25 Tumukabori Mikirbheta 2227
26 Dangaria Gaon Mikirbheta 2156
27 Barsila Mikirbheta 2140
28 Niz-Mikirgaon Mikirbheta 2122
29 Bhakat Gaon Mikirbheta 1993
30 Etakali Sabukdhara Mikirbheta 1881
31 Rahdhala Mikirbheta 1824
32 Patua Kata Mikirbheta 1802
33 Bamun Bori Mikirbheta 1777
34 Kuji Satra Mikirbheta 1762
35 Majaorbori Mikirbheta 1759
36 Kahua Ati Mikirbheta 1702
37 Sataribori Mikirbheta 1657
38 Garmari Mikirbheta 1647
39 Kapahera Mikirbheta 1610
40 Ghumati Gaon Mikirbheta 1553
41 Parasu Tangani Mikirbheta 1543
42 Bhumuraguri Mikirbheta 1491
43 Sonaruguri Mikirbheta 1374
44 Hatibat Simaluguri Mikirbheta 1311
45 Haladhi Ati Mikirbheta 1248
46 Ga-Khajua Mikirbheta 1218
47 Kashadhara Sat Gaon (Kashadhara) Mikirbheta 1202
48 Boalguri Mikirbheta 1071
49 Sukdal Barbari Mikirbheta 973
50 Palahguri Mikirbheta 954
51 Baramara Pathar (Barama Pathar) Mikirbheta 927
52 Surat Bori Mikirbheta 899
53 Tarajan Mikirbheta 865
54 Deora Bori (Dura Bori) Mikirbheta 855
55 Dighali Pathar Mikirbheta 787
56 Tamulibori Mikirbheta 703
57 Simaluguri Mikirbheta 606
58 Sukdal Sarubari Mikirbheta 604
59 Pub Borigaon Mikirbheta 557
60 Tup Gaon Mikirbheta 463
61 Majgaon Mikirbheta 450
62 Bar Hulung Mikirbheta 447
63 Kasai Bori Mikirbheta 373
64 Chotamonipur Mikirbheta 328
65 Ghurabak Pathar Mikirbheta 96
