Villages and Towns of Muddebihal Tehsil of District Bijapur, Karnataka

Muddebihal Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bijapur District, Karnataka India. Muddebihal teshil is one of the teshil of Bijapur district Karnataka. In Muddebihal Teshil there are 153 villages and 2 towns. Out of 153 villages in Muddebihal teshil in which Nalatawad is most populated village with population of 13150 and least populated village is Talikoti (Rural) having population only 0. There are 2 town in Muddebihal sub-district which lies in Muddebihal administrative devision. Most populated town in Muddebihal Teshil is Muddebihal (TMC) with population of 34217.

Total population of Muddebihal teshil is 290691 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Muddebihal teshil is 985 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Muddebihal teshil is 68.51%.

Census Data of Muddebihal Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
290691 985 68.51%

Demographics details of Muddebihal Teshil

The population of Muddebihal sub district is 290691 people, among them about 146459 are male and 144232 are female. Total number of house holds in Muddebihal Teshil is 53544. Total Literates persons are 170665 in which total male literates are 100841 and female literates are 69824. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 41574, among them 21333 are boys and 20241 are girls.

Muddebihal Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMuddebihal
State NameKarnataka
District NameBijapur
Total Population290691
Total No of House Holds53544
Total Male Population146459
Total Female Population144232
0-6 Age group Total Population41574
0-6 Age group Male Population21333
0-6 Age group Male Population20241
Total Person Literates170665
Total Male Literates100841
Total Male Literates69824
Total Person Illiterates120026
Total Male Illiterates45618
Total Male Illiterates74408
Scheduled Cast Persons56846
Scheduled Cast Males28642
Scheduled Cast Females28204
Scheduled Tribe Persons4786
Scheduled Tribe Males4822
Scheduled Tribe Females4786

Muddebihal Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 111010 30014
Population (%) 38.19 % 10.33 %
Male Population 57013 15130
Female Population 53997 14884
Sex Ratio 947 984
Child Population (0-6) 6727 1742
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 956 922
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.86% 12.1%
Households in 23094 6472
Literates 74888 21432
Literacy % 76.53% 81.24%
Male Literacy 84.25% 87.26%
Female Literacy 68.37% 75.17%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Muddebihal Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 243454 122729 120725 83.75% 56.69%
Muslim 44798 22581 22217 15.41% 11.1%
Christian 235 110 125 0.08% 0.06%
Sikh 57 31 26 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 44 21 23 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 1006 499 507 0.35% 0.33%
Other religions and persuasions 35 18 17 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 1062 470 592 0.37% 0.28%

Workers profile of Muddebihal Teshil

Muddebihal has 127611 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 77878 male and 49733 female population are working population. Full time workers in Muddebihal teshil are 100987 and 26624 are marginal (part time) workers.

Muddebihal Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 127611 77878 49733
Main Workers 100987 66341 34646
Main Workers Cultivators 27188 21861 5327
Agriculture Labourer 34315 15244 19071
Household Industries 3583 2124 1459
Other Workers 35901 27112 8789
Marginal Workers 26624 11537 15087
Non Working Persons 163080 68581 94499

List of Town/City of Muddebihal Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Muddebihal with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bijapur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Muddebihal (TMC) 34217 991
2 Talikota (TMC) 31693 988

List of villages in Teshil-Muddebihal, District-Bijapur, Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Nalatawad Muddebihal 13150
2 Minajagi Muddebihal 4817
3 Basarkod Muddebihal 4746
4 Nagabenal Muddebihal 4426
5 Konnur Muddebihal 4131
6 Salawadagi Muddebihal 3760
7 Tamadaddi Muddebihal 3723
8 Kuntoji Muddebihal 3527
9 Bidarkundi Muddebihal 3410
10 Balaganur Muddebihal 3354
11 Dhavalagi Muddebihal 3233
12 Kalagi Muddebihal 3167
13 Tangadagi Muddebihal 3162
14 Hirur Muddebihal 3031
15 Madikeshirur Muddebihal 2923
16 Kolur Muddebihal 2846
17 Bhantnur Muddebihal 2789
18 Rudagi Muddebihal 2692
19 Tumbagi Muddebihal 2669
20 Hallur Muddebihal 2408
21 Yarazeri Muddebihal 2357
22 Balabatti Muddebihal 2319
23 Bilebhavi Muddebihal 2221
24 Sarur Muddebihal 2217
25 Navadagi Muddebihal 2210
26 Padeknur Muddebihal 2184
27 Kuchabal Muddebihal 2157
28 Yalgur Muddebihal 2073
29 Geddalamari Muddebihal 2056
30 Kodaganur Muddebihal 2032
31 Chavanbhavi Muddebihal 1983
32 Jettagi Muddebihal 1982
33 Kashinakunti Muddebihal 1942
34 Bavoor Muddebihal 1917
35 Hadalageri Muddebihal 1912
36 Ingalgeri Muddebihal 1907
37 Koppa Muddebihal 1888
38 Hiremural Muddebihal 1858
39 Advi Somnal Muddebihal 1763
40 Mudnal Muddebihal 1729
41 Hullur Muddebihal 1711
42 Bangaragund Muddebihal 1693
43 Nebageri Muddebihal 1691
44 Gotakhindaki Muddebihal 1685
45 Kesapur Muddebihal 1683
46 Budihal (P N ) Muddebihal 1669
47 Kavadimatti Muddebihal 1662
48 Shivapur Muddebihal 1655
49 Peerapur Muddebihal 1645
50 Hagaragund Muddebihal 1628
51 Rakkasagi Muddebihal 1614
52 Balawat Muddebihal 1609
53 Alur Muddebihal 1599
54 Bijjur Muddebihal 1585
55 Yaragalla Muddebihal 1576
56 Madinal Muddebihal 1563
57 Gudnal Muddebihal 1559
58 Gadi Somanal Muddebihal 1555
59 Bommanahalli Muddebihal 1462
60 Vanahalli Muddebihal 1455
61 Shellagi Muddebihal 1408
62 Maileshwar Muddebihal 1401
63 Hokrani Muddebihal 1398
64 Shirol Muddebihal 1394
65 Amaragol Muddebihal 1353
66 Alkoppa Muddebihal 1309
67 Advi Hulagabal Muddebihal 1259
68 Gonal S.Hirur Muddebihal 1256
69 Venkateshnagar Muddebihal 1240
70 Siddapur P.Talikoti Muddebihal 1229
71 Agasabal Muddebihal 1210
72 Lotageri Muddebihal 1203
73 Jammaladinni Muddebihal 1200
74 Vijayanagar Muddebihal 1170
75 Arasanal Muddebihal 1157
76 Mukihal Muddebihal 1156
77 Nerabenchi Muddebihal 1140
78 Abbihal Muddebihal 1133
79 Madari Muddebihal 1130
80 Devoor Muddebihal 1119
81 Ghalapuji Muddebihal 1099
82 Gundakarjagi Muddebihal 1094
83 Gundakanal Muddebihal 1081
84 Nagur Muddebihal 1077
85 Chalami Muddebihal 1075
86 Mudur Muddebihal 1074
87 Harnal Muddebihal 1065
88 Masuti Muddebihal 1057
89 Handargall Muddebihal 1056
90 Nagarabetta Muddebihal 1053
91 Hosahalli Muddebihal 1050
92 Taranal Muddebihal 1039
93 Hunakunti Muddebihal 1016
94 Fatepur P.Talikoti Muddebihal 1015
95 Chokavi Muddebihal 986
96 Wadawadagi Muddebihal 970
97 Handral Muddebihal 958
98 Devarhulagabal Muddebihal 944
99 Harindral Muddebihal 943
100 Kandaganur Muddebihal 939
101 Khilarahatti Muddebihal 885
102 Chirchankal Muddebihal 881
103 Maskanal Muddebihal 877
104 Gangur Muddebihal 876
105 Gudihal Muddebihal 846
106 Lingadalli Muddebihal 844
107 Karaganur Muddebihal 831
108 Malagaladinni Muddebihal 824
109 Tapalkatti Muddebihal 819
110 Aremural Muddebihal 789
111 Lakkundi Muddebihal 789
112 Bailkur Muddebihal 774
113 Takkalaki Muddebihal 774
114 Kaladevanahalli Muddebihal 763
115 Bolawad Muddebihal 745
116 Gudadinni Muddebihal 740
117 Are Shankar Muddebihal 712
118 Garasangi Muddebihal 710
119 Jainapur Muddebihal 685
120 Gonal (P.N.) Muddebihal 677
121 Karkur Muddebihal 659
122 Sultanpur Muddebihal 642
123 Budihal (P.Naltawad) Muddebihal 631
124 Hadagali Muddebihal 624
125 Mavinbhavi Muddebihal 619
126 Khanikeri Muddebihal 586
127 Nagaral Muddebihal 560
128 Jalapur Muddebihal 533
129 Banoshi Muddebihal 527
130 Donkamadu Muddebihal 511
131 Huvinahalli Muddebihal 504
132 Belur Muddebihal 491
133 Kunchaganur Muddebihal 462
134 Matakal Devanhalli Muddebihal 455
135 Guttihal Muddebihal 448
136 Baladinni Muddebihal 406
137 Jangamural Muddebihal 402
138 Jakkeral Muddebihal 380
139 Chondi Muddebihal 349
140 Kyatanadoni Muddebihal 335
141 Kamaldinni Muddebihal 328
142 Nadahalli Muddebihal 322
143 Wanakihal Muddebihal 321
144 Hadaginal Muddebihal 308
145 Gonal S.Handral Muddebihal 306
146 Inchagal Muddebihal 293
147 Kyatanal Muddebihal 262
148 Khanapur Muddebihal 250
149 Kapanur Muddebihal N/A
150 Ingalagi Muddebihal N/A
151 Bachihal Muddebihal N/A
152 Siddapur P.Naltawad Muddebihal N/A
153 Talikoti (Rural) Muddebihal N/A
