Villages and Towns of Mudhol Tehsil of District Bagalkot , Karnataka

Mudhol Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bagalkot District, Karnataka India. Mudhol teshil is one of the teshil of Bagalkot district Karnataka. In Mudhol Teshil there are 78 villages and 1 towns. Out of 78 villages in Mudhol teshil in which Belagali is most populated village with population of 17460 and least populated village is Byadar-Aralikatti having population only 137. There are 1 town in Mudhol sub-district which lies in Mudhol administrative devision. Most populated town in Mudhol Teshil is Mudhol (TMC) with population of 52199.

Total population of Mudhol teshil is 285915 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mudhol teshil is 1000 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mudhol teshil is 65.28%.

Census Data of Mudhol Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
285915 1000 65.28%

Demographics details of Mudhol Teshil

The population of Mudhol sub district is 285915 people, among them about 142961 are male and 142954 are female. Total number of house holds in Mudhol Teshil is 55234. Total Literates persons are 158395 in which total male literates are 90219 and female literates are 68176. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 43268, among them 22210 are boys and 21058 are girls.

Mudhol Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMudhol
State NameKarnataka
District NameBagalkot
Total Population285915
Total No of House Holds55234
Total Male Population142961
Total Female Population142954
0-6 Age group Total Population43268
0-6 Age group Male Population22210
0-6 Age group Male Population21058
Total Person Literates158395
Total Male Literates90219
Total Male Literates68176
Total Person Illiterates127520
Total Male Illiterates52742
Total Male Illiterates74778
Scheduled Cast Persons54324
Scheduled Cast Males26338
Scheduled Cast Females27986
Scheduled Tribe Persons6426
Scheduled Tribe Males6213
Scheduled Tribe Females6426

Mudhol Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 117561 36719
Population (%) 41.12 % 12.84 %
Male Population 59383 18321
Female Population 58178 18398
Sex Ratio 980 1004
Child Population (0-6) 5459 1519
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 934 940
Child Percentage (0-6) 8.98% 8.54%
Households in 26531 8492
Literates 91211 30468
Literacy % 85.24% 90.72%
Male Literacy 90.9% 94.7%
Female Literacy 79.49% 86.79%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mudhol Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 257630 128747 128883 90.11% 58.52%
Muslim 25764 12950 12814 9.01% 6.08%
Christian 204 114 90 0.07% 0.06%
Sikh 161 87 74 0.06% 0.03%
Buddhist 34 16 18 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 1318 680 638 0.46% 0.4%
Other religions and persuasions 5 1 4 0% 0%
Religion not stated 799 366 433 0.28% 0.19%

Workers profile of Mudhol Teshil

Mudhol has 129253 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 77777 male and 51476 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mudhol teshil are 116152 and 13101 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mudhol Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 129253 77777 51476
Main Workers 116152 72633 43519
Main Workers Cultivators 41743 29814 11929
Agriculture Labourer 46600 21466 25134
Household Industries 1919 1343 576
Other Workers 25890 20010 5880
Marginal Workers 13101 5144 7957
Non Working Persons 156662 65184 91478

List of Town/City of Mudhol Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Mudhol with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bagalkot is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Mudhol (TMC) 52199 1003

List of villages in Teshil-Mudhol, District-Bagalkot , Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Belagali Mudhol 17460
2 Lokapur Mudhol 12790
3 Shirol Mudhol 12171
4 Mugalkhod Mudhol 8642
5 Saidapur Mudhol 7713
6 Mantur Mudhol 7681
7 Dhavaleshwar Mudhol 7392
8 Kulali Mudhol 6646
9 Nagaral Mudhol 6122
10 Malali Mudhol 5760
11 Halagali Mudhol 5450
12 Kesrakoppa Mudhol 4604
13 Uttur Mudhol 4341
14 Metgud Mudhol 3993
15 Ingalagi Mudhol 3954
16 Budni(P.M) Mudhol 3349
17 Soragoan Mudhol 3317
18 Madhabhavi Mudhol 3306
19 Marapur Mudhol 3147
20 Baragi Mudhol 3121
21 Malapur Mudhol 3082
22 Kasba Jambgi(B.K) Mudhol 3001
23 Bisanal Mudhol 2967
24 Melligeri Mudhol 2922
25 Alagundi(B.K) Mudhol 2921
26 Machaknur Mudhol 2918
27 Hebbal Mudhol 2911
28 Ranjanagi Mudhol 2775
29 Chinchakhandi(B.K) Mudhol 2771
30 Nandagoan Mudhol 2729
31 Vajjaramatti Mudhol 2639
32 Bhantnur Mudhol 2638
33 Akkimaradi Mudhol 2634
34 Vantigodi Mudhol 2593
35 Yadahalli Mudhol 2586
36 Petlur Mudhol 2506
37 Chikkur Mudhol 2501
38 Mirji Mudhol 2490
39 Rugi Mudhol 2467
40 Muddapur Mudhol 2318
41 Dadanatti Mudhol 2313
42 Sanganatti Mudhol 2301
43 Ningapur Mudhol 2160
44 Gulgal Jambagi Mudhol 2140
45 Mudhol(Rural) Mudhol 2104
46 Jeeragal Mudhol 1736
47 Bidri Mudhol 1701
48 Zunjarakopp Mudhol 1695
49 Halaki Mudhol 1651
50 Varchagal Mudhol 1644
51 Chinchakhandi(K.D) Mudhol 1627
52 Channal Mudhol 1614
53 Antapur Mudhol 1577
54 Laxanatti Mudhol 1550
55 Chitrabanukoti Mudhol 1459
56 Jaliber Mudhol 1446
57 Hosakoti Mudhol 1364
58 Budni(P.D) Mudhol 1304
59 Badnur Mudhol 1238
60 Jambgi(K.D) Mudhol 1169
61 Chawadapur Mudhol 1164
62 Budni Khurd Mudhol 1120
63 Naganapur Mudhol 1102
64 Budni (B.K.) Mudhol 1054
65 Timmapur Mudhol 1042
66 Junnur Mudhol 1025
67 Jadar-Aralikatti Mudhol 949
68 Jalikatti(B.K) Mudhol 912
69 Jalikatti(K.D) Mudhol 903
70 Marikatti Mudhol 882
71 Mallapur(P.J) Mudhol 828
72 Mallapur(P.L) Mudhol 809
73 Kanasageri Mudhol 656
74 Palkimanya Mudhol 637
75 Kishori Mudhol 635
76 Bommanbudni Mudhol 481
77 Mahalingapur(Rural) Mudhol 259
78 Byadar-Aralikatti Mudhol 137
