Villages and Towns of Mulchera Tehsil of District Gadchiroli, Maharashtra

Mulchera Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra India. Mulchera teshil is one of the teshil of Gadchiroli district Maharashtra. In Mulchera Teshil there are 68 villages and 0 towns. Out of 68 villages in Mulchera teshil in which Vivekanandpur is most populated village with population of 3151 and least populated village is Lasamaheti having population only 0. There are 0 town in Mulchera sub-district which lies in Mulchera administrative devision. Most populated town in Mulchera Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Mulchera teshil is 45787 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mulchera teshil is 954 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mulchera teshil is 77.98%.

Census Data of Mulchera Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
45787 954 77.98%

Demographics details of Mulchera Teshil

The population of Mulchera sub district is 45787 people, among them about 23438 are male and 22349 are female. Total number of house holds in Mulchera Teshil is 10072. Total Literates persons are 31833 in which total male literates are 17822 and female literates are 14011. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 4963, among them 2588 are boys and 2375 are girls.

Mulchera Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMulchera
State NameMaharashtra
District NameGadchiroli
Total Population45787
Total No of House Holds10072
Total Male Population23438
Total Female Population22349
0-6 Age group Total Population4963
0-6 Age group Male Population2588
0-6 Age group Male Population2375
Total Person Literates31833
Total Male Literates17822
Total Male Literates14011
Total Person Illiterates13954
Total Male Illiterates5616
Total Male Illiterates8338
Scheduled Cast Persons2726
Scheduled Cast Males1348
Scheduled Cast Females1378
Scheduled Tribe Persons7258
Scheduled Tribe Males7576
Scheduled Tribe Females7258

Mulchera Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 89162 25449
Population (%) 194.73 % 55.58 %
Male Population 44594 12764
Female Population 44568 12685
Sex Ratio 999 994
Child Population (0-6) 4587 1241
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 960 913
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.08% 10.22%
Households in 22511 6090
Literates 55191 18763
Literacy % 68.84% 82.12%
Male Literacy 77.48% 87.72%
Female Literacy 60.24% 76.54%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mulchera Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 41772 21479 20293 91.23% 71.1%
Muslim 159 69 90 0.35% 0.26%
Christian 97 43 54 0.21% 0.19%
Sikh 10 7 3 0.02% 0.02%
Buddhist 1579 796 783 3.45% 2.79%
Jain 3 3 0 0.01% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 1700 834 866 3.71% 2.79%
Religion not stated 467 207 260 1.02% 0.82%

Workers profile of Mulchera Teshil

Mulchera has 22673 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 13259 male and 9414 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mulchera teshil are 11977 and 10696 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mulchera Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 22673 13259 9414
Main Workers 11977 7956 4021
Main Workers Cultivators 6757 4698 2059
Agriculture Labourer 3095 1774 1321
Household Industries 145 93 52
Other Workers 1980 1391 589
Marginal Workers 10696 5303 5393
Non Working Persons 23114 10179 12935

List of villages in Teshil-Mulchera, District-Gadchiroli, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Vivekanandpur Mulchera 3151
2 Gomani Mulchera 1696
3 Lagam Mulchera 1538
4 Sundarnagar Mulchera 1507
5 Deshbandhugram Mulchera 1402
6 Adpalli Chak Mulchera 1381
7 Shantigram Mulchera 1278
8 Mulchera Mulchera 1268
9 Lagamchak Mulchera 1219
10 Gitali Mulchera 1212
11 Shrinagar Mulchera 1124
12 Kalinagar Mulchera 1088
13 Koparlli Chak Mulchera 1078
14 Khudirampalli Mulchera 1027
15 Bolepalli Mulchera 1017
16 Bhawanipur Mulchera 991
17 Kanchanpur Mulchera 962
18 Adpallimal Mulchera 931
19 Yella Mulchera 928
20 Mallera Mulchera 909
21 Gandhinagar Mulchera 896
22 Harinagar Mulchera 886
23 Shrirampur Mulchera 870
24 Vishvanathnagar Mulchera 813
25 Laxmipur Mulchera 792
26 Govindpur Mulchera 786
27 Bhagwantnagar Mulchera 717
28 Mathuranagar Mulchera 698
29 Vijaynagar Mulchera 679
30 Dhannur Mulchera 660
31 Mohurli Mulchera 657
32 Ambatpalli Mulchera 613
33 Dewada Mulchera 555
34 Chichela Mulchera 545
35 Kothari Mulchera 544
36 Nagulwahi Mulchera 529
37 Devnagar Mulchera 524
38 Kodigaon Mulchera 521
39 Marpalli Mulchera 515
40 Ganeshnagar Mulchera 493
41 Rengewahi Mulchera 465
42 Chutgurta Chak Mulchera 458
43 Wengnur Mulchera 455
44 Mukali Tola Mulchera 442
45 Machhigatta Mulchera 429
46 Bandukpalli Mulchera 411
47 Dampur Mulchera 391
48 Tarunnagar Mulchera 368
49 Lohara Mulchera 355
50 Koparlli Mal Mulchera 335
51 Kolpalli Mulchera 316
52 Tumargunda Mulchera 304
53 Udaynagar Mulchera 246
54 Pulligudam Mulchera 232
55 Garanji Mulchera 228
56 Hetalkasa Mulchera 219
57 Ambela Mulchera 197
58 Mukali Mulchera 162
59 Kolsapur Mulchera 148
60 Baraswada Mulchera 139
61 Gatta Mulchera 107
62 Adangepalli Mulchera 100
63 Surgaon Mulchera 85
64 Morkhandi Rith Mulchera 82
65 Fuskimal Mulchera 79
66 Fuski Chak Mulchera 22
67 Gangapur Mulchera 12
68 Lasamaheti Mulchera N/A
