Villages and Towns of Murarai - Ii Tehsil of District Birbhum, West Bengal

Murarai - Ii Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Birbhum District, West Bengal India. Murarai - Ii teshil is one of the teshil of Birbhum district West Bengal. In Murarai - Ii Teshil there are 0 villages and 1 towns. Out of 0 villages in Murarai - Ii teshil in which is most populated village with population of and least populated village is having population only . There are 1 town in Murarai - Ii sub-district which lies in Murarai - Ii administrative devision. Most populated town in Murarai - Ii Teshil is Kashimnagar (CT) with population of 9796.

Total population of Murarai - Ii teshil is 222033 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Murarai - Ii teshil is 965 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Murarai - Ii teshil is 58.28%.

Census Data of Murarai - Ii Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
222033 965 58.28%

Demographics details of Murarai - Ii Teshil

The population of Murarai - Ii sub district is 222033 people, among them about 112987 are male and 109046 are female. Total number of house holds in Murarai - Ii Teshil is 52059. Total Literates persons are 109260 in which total male literates are 59886 and female literates are 49374. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 34558, among them 17623 are boys and 16935 are girls.

Murarai - Ii Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMurarai - Ii
State NameWest Bengal
District NameBirbhum
Total Population222033
Total No of House Holds52059
Total Male Population112987
Total Female Population109046
0-6 Age group Total Population34558
0-6 Age group Male Population17623
0-6 Age group Male Population16935
Total Person Literates109260
Total Male Literates59886
Total Male Literates49374
Total Person Illiterates112773
Total Male Illiterates53101
Total Male Illiterates59672
Scheduled Cast Persons40051
Scheduled Cast Males20575
Scheduled Cast Females19476
Scheduled Tribe Persons591
Scheduled Tribe Males603
Scheduled Tribe Females591

Murarai - Ii Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 186107 9242
Population (%) 83.82 % 4.16 %
Male Population 95444 4697
Female Population 90663 4545
Sex Ratio 950 968
Child Population (0-6) 11092 492
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 961 1031
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.69% 10.48%
Households in 44337 2215
Literates 118127 6722
Literacy % 71.87% 81.25%
Male Literacy 78.6% 85.78%
Female Literacy 64.78% 76.54%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Murarai - Ii Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 55302 28291 27011 24.91% 14.28%
Muslim 166526 84587 81939 75% 43.95%
Christian 144 74 70 0.06% 0.04%
Sikh 8 5 3 0% 0%
Buddhist 2 1 1 0% 0%
Jain 2 1 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 1 0 1 0% 0%
Religion not stated 48 28 20 0.02% 0.01%

Workers profile of Murarai - Ii Teshil

Murarai - Ii has 78579 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 62353 male and 16226 female population are working population. Full time workers in Murarai - Ii teshil are 55956 and 22623 are marginal (part time) workers.

Murarai - Ii Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 78579 62353 16226
Main Workers 55956 48172 7784
Main Workers Cultivators 8823 8543 280
Agriculture Labourer 29599 28241 1358
Household Industries 5118 1411 3707
Other Workers 12416 9977 2439
Marginal Workers 22623 14181 8442
Non Working Persons 143454 50634 92820

List of Town/City of Murarai - Ii Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Murarai - Ii with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Birbhum is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kashimnagar (CT) 9796 919
