Villages and Towns of Mysore Tehsil of District Mysore, Karnataka

Mysore Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Mysore District, Karnataka India. Mysore teshil is one of the teshil of Mysore district Karnataka. In Mysore Teshil there are 140 villages and 9 towns. Out of 140 villages in Mysore teshil in which Harohalli is most populated village with population of 9660 and least populated village is Madapura having population only 0. There are 9 town in Mysore sub-district which lies in Mysore administrative devision. Most populated town in Mysore Teshil is Elwala (CT) with population of 9826.

Total population of Mysore teshil is 1281768 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Mysore teshil is 986 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Mysore teshil is 82.5%.

Census Data of Mysore Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
1281768 986 82.5%

Demographics details of Mysore Teshil

The population of Mysore sub district is 1281768 people, among them about 645316 are male and 636452 are female. Total number of house holds in Mysore Teshil is 299853. Total Literates persons are 952290 in which total male literates are 500411 and female literates are 451879. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 127441, among them 65157 are boys and 62284 are girls.

Mysore Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameMysore
State NameKarnataka
District NameMysore
Total Population1281768
Total No of House Holds299853
Total Male Population645316
Total Female Population636452
0-6 Age group Total Population127441
0-6 Age group Male Population65157
0-6 Age group Male Population62284
Total Person Literates952290
Total Male Literates500411
Total Male Literates451879
Total Person Illiterates329478
Total Male Illiterates144905
Total Male Illiterates184573
Scheduled Cast Persons166333
Scheduled Cast Males83797
Scheduled Cast Females82536
Scheduled Tribe Persons46830
Scheduled Tribe Males47041
Scheduled Tribe Females46830

Mysore Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 55775 42180
Population (%) 4.35 % 3.29 %
Male Population 28260 21671
Female Population 27515 20509
Sex Ratio 974 946
Child Population (0-6) 2772 2072
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 986 912
Child Percentage (0-6) 9.87% 10.3%
Households in 12647 9767
Literates 44121 34507
Literacy % 87.77% 91.2%
Male Literacy 93.14% 94.41%
Female Literacy 82.24% 87.82%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Mysore Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 1025927 517513 508414 80.04% 65.77%
Muslim 208242 104599 103643 16.25% 13.22%
Christian 30613 14329 16284 2.39% 2.3%
Sikh 915 510 405 0.07% 0.06%
Buddhist 727 450 277 0.06% 0.05%
Jain 10809 5511 5298 0.84% 0.81%
Other religions and persuasions 202 110 92 0.02% 0.01%
Religion not stated 4333 2294 2039 0.34% 0.28%

Workers profile of Mysore Teshil

Mysore has 498661 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 376622 male and 122039 female population are working population. Full time workers in Mysore teshil are 429310 and 69351 are marginal (part time) workers.

Mysore Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 498661 376622 122039
Main Workers 429310 335050 94260
Main Workers Cultivators 34075 29005 5070
Agriculture Labourer 17784 11134 6650
Household Industries 9787 5998 3789
Other Workers 367664 288913 78751
Marginal Workers 69351 41572 27779
Non Working Persons 783107 268694 514413

List of Town/City of Mysore Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Mysore with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Mysore is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Elwala (CT) 9826 989
2 Mysore (M Corp. + OG) 920550 997
3 Bhogadi (CT) 9041 954
4 Belvata (CT) 8605 965
5 Koorgalli (CT) 7065 901
6 Kadakola (CT) 6436 994
7 Hinkal (CT) 23162 958
8 Hutagalli (CT) 18308 906
9 Srirampura (CT) 11234 987

List of villages in Teshil-Mysore , District-Mysore, Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Harohalli Mysore 9660
2 Rammanahalli Mysore 9584
3 Udburu Mysore 9539
4 Belavadi Mysore 6995
5 Danagalli Mysore 6655
6 Kesare Mysore 6235
7 Varakodu Mysore 5420
8 Yadakola Mysore 5203
9 Maratikyathanahalli Mysore 5155
10 Vajamangala Mysore 4853
11 Hanchya Mysore 4743
12 Marballi Mysore 4694
13 Bandipalya Mysore 4357
14 Kuppaluru Mysore 4327
15 Doora Mysore 4273
16 Lalithadripura Mysore 4124
17 Kergalli Mysore 4068
18 Doddamaragowdanahalli Mysore 3913
19 Naganahalli Mysore 3902
20 Sindhuvalli Mysore 3878
21 Ayarahalli Mysore 3840
22 Someshwarapura Mysore 3716
23 Siddalingapura Mysore 3538
24 Mandakalli Mysore 3490
25 Nagawala Mysore 3312
26 Kuppegala Mysore 2865
27 Gopalapura Mysore 2821
28 Nadanahalli Mysore 2808
29 Koodanahalli Mysore 2750
30 Madagalli Mysore 2617
31 Doddakanya Mysore 2587
32 Chowdahalli Mysore 2449
33 Hadajana Mysore 2409
34 Duddagere Mysore 2408
35 Varuna Mysore 2350
36 Huyilalu Mysore 2295
37 Gurur Mysore 2292
38 Thoreyanakaturu Mysore 2283
39 Thaluru Mysore 2257
40 Harohalli Mysore 2248
41 Bhugathagalli Mysore 2235
42 Chikkahalli Mysore 2213
43 Shyadanahalli Mysore 2190
44 Choranahalli Mysore 2158
45 Hosahundi Mysore 2157
46 Mavinahalli Mysore 2118
47 Nagarthahalli Mysore 2022
48 Sarakariuthanahalli Mysore 1979
49 Jayapura Mysore 1954
50 Gungralchatra Mysore 1947
51 Dadadahalli Mysore 1865
52 Devalapura Mysore 1844
53 Mallahalli Mysore 1835
54 S. Kallahalli Mysore 1826
55 Kallurunaganahalli Mysore 1784
56 Maddur Mysore 1734
57 Chikkanahalli Mysore 1717
58 Dadadakallahalli Mysore 1695
59 Doddakaturu Mysore 1681
60 Bommenahalli Mysore 1675
61 Amachawadi Mysore 1667
62 Anandur Mysore 1632
63 Mosambayanahalli Mysore 1610
64 Arasinakere Mysore 1607
65 S.Hemmanahalli Mysore 1580
66 Madahalli Mysore 1575
67 Kalasthavadi Mysore 1567
68 Rattanahalli Mysore 1553
69 Murudagalli Mysore 1541
70 Kochanahalli Mysore 1489
71 Kiralu Mysore 1472
72 Chatnahalli Mysore 1468
73 Gujjegowdanapura Mysore 1408
74 Laxmipura Mysore 1391
75 Marasettihalli Mysore 1359
76 Mydanahalli Mysore 1358
77 Inam-Uthanahalli Mysore 1325
78 Jettihundi Mysore 1322
79 Yedahalli Mysore 1310
80 Keelanapura Mysore 1296
81 Shettinayakanahalli Mysore 1288
82 Karakanahalli Mysore 1261
83 Kamaravalli Mysore 1224
84 K.Hemmanahalli Mysore 1207
85 Jantagalli Mysore 1191
86 Pillahalli Mysore 1183
87 Yadahalli Mysore 1163
88 Puttegowdanahundi Mysore 1134
89 Kumarabeedu Mysore 1112
90 Kellahalli Mysore 1103
91 Dandikere Mysore 999
92 Yachegowdanahalli Mysore 976
93 Byathahalli Mysore 972
94 Mandanahalli Mysore 969
95 Hosahalli Mysore 937
96 Gumachanahalli Mysore 922
97 Yandahalli Mysore 917
98 Anagalli Mysore 876
99 Baradanapura Mysore 845
100 Mullur Mysore 828
101 Megalapura Mysore 796
102 Ballahalli Mysore 792
103 Gudumadanahalli Mysore 777
104 Undavadi Mysore 776
105 Daripura Mysore 739
106 Yelachahalli Mysore 735
107 Madhavagere Mysore 719
108 Chikkakanya Mysore 691
109 Nuggahalli Mysore 646
110 Marase Mysore 622
111 Kadanahalli Mysore 582
112 Megalapura Mysore 575
113 Devagalli Mysore 557
114 Kenchalagudu Mysore 551
115 Manikyapura Mysore 429
116 Kalalavadi Mysore 381
117 Gohalli Mysore 356
118 Kumbarahalli Mysore 227
119 Madaragalli Mysore 151
120 Chikkanahalli Mysore 139
121 Javanahalli Mysore 72
122 Kemmannupura Mysore 37
123 Halalu Mysore 12
124 Ramanahalli Mysore N/A
125 Cholenahalli Mysore N/A
126 Hosakote Mysore N/A
127 Kallinathapura Mysore N/A
128 Subramanyapura Mysore N/A
129 Kallurunaganahalli Kaval Mysore N/A
130 Hunnavalli Mysore N/A
131 Chandrabeedu Mysore N/A
132 Basavanahalli Mysore N/A
133 Ayyajayyanahundi Mysore N/A
134 Nanagalli Mysore N/A
135 Chikkakaturu Mysore N/A
136 Hongate Mysore N/A
137 Choganahalli Mysore N/A
138 Kuntanahalli Mysore N/A
139 Aragowdanahalli Mysore N/A
140 Madapura Mysore N/A
