Villages and Towns of Nadbai Tehsil of District Bharatpur, Rajasthan

Nadbai Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bharatpur District, Rajasthan India. Nadbai teshil is one of the teshil of Bharatpur district Rajasthan. In Nadbai Teshil there are 123 villages and 1 towns. Out of 123 villages in Nadbai teshil in which Kawai is most populated village with population of 5137 and least populated village is Chak Chhatar having population only 0. There are 1 town in Nadbai sub-district which lies in Nadbai administrative devision. Most populated town in Nadbai Teshil is Nadbai (M) with population of 26411.

Total population of Nadbai teshil is 215136 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Nadbai teshil is 873 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Nadbai teshil is 74.18%.

Census Data of Nadbai Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
215136 873 74.18%

Demographics details of Nadbai Teshil

The population of Nadbai sub district is 215136 people, among them about 114870 are male and 100266 are female. Total number of house holds in Nadbai Teshil is 35799. Total Literates persons are 135467 in which total male literates are 86007 and female literates are 49460. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 32521, among them 17498 are boys and 15023 are girls.

Nadbai Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameNadbai
State NameRajasthan
District NameBharatpur
Total Population215136
Total No of House Holds35799
Total Male Population114870
Total Female Population100266
0-6 Age group Total Population32521
0-6 Age group Male Population17498
0-6 Age group Male Population15023
Total Person Literates135467
Total Male Literates86007
Total Male Literates49460
Total Person Illiterates79669
Total Male Illiterates28863
Total Male Illiterates50806
Scheduled Cast Persons54401
Scheduled Cast Males29030
Scheduled Cast Females25371
Scheduled Tribe Persons2411
Scheduled Tribe Males2770
Scheduled Tribe Females2411

Nadbai Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 130238 33666
Population (%) 60.54 % 15.65 %
Male Population 70925 18097
Female Population 59313 15569
Sex Ratio 836 860
Child Population (0-6) 12994 2737
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 874 852
Child Percentage (0-6) 18.7% 17.67%
Households in 21544 5605
Literates 70191 18715
Literacy % 66.29% 67.52%
Male Literacy 78.91% 78.25%
Female Literacy 51.04% 55.08%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Nadbai Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 212370 113422 98948 98.71% 73.25%
Muslim 1749 915 834 0.81% 0.5%
Christian 89 48 41 0.04% 0.03%
Sikh 56 30 26 0.03% 0.02%
Buddhist 118 58 60 0.05% 0.04%
Jain 628 333 295 0.29% 0.3%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 126 64 62 0.06% 0.04%

Workers profile of Nadbai Teshil

Nadbai has 100311 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 57058 male and 43253 female population are working population. Full time workers in Nadbai teshil are 62576 and 37735 are marginal (part time) workers.

Nadbai Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 100311 57058 43253
Main Workers 62576 47521 15055
Main Workers Cultivators 35734 26897 8837
Agriculture Labourer 9036 5639 3397
Household Industries 969 603 366
Other Workers 16837 14382 2455
Marginal Workers 37735 9537 28198
Non Working Persons 114825 57812 57013

List of Town/City of Nadbai Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Nadbai with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bharatpur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Nadbai (M) 26411 877

List of villages in Teshil-Nadbai, District-Bharatpur, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kawai Nadbai 5137
2 Bhadeera Nadbai 4913
3 Bachhamadi Nadbai 4772
4 Kareeli Nadbai 4128
5 Barauli Chhar Nadbai 4096
6 Mai Nadbai 3786
7 Hantra Nadbai 3730
8 Khangri Nadbai 3640
9 Raisees Nadbai 3637
10 Barauli Ran Nadbai 3597
11 Enchera Nadbai 3506
12 Jahangeerpur Nadbai 3373
13 Piprau Nadbai 3321
14 Roneeja Nadbai 3320
15 Kheri Devisingh Nadbai 3272
16 Karhi Nadbai 3241
17 Luhasa Nadbai 3092
18 Arauda Nadbai 2905
19 Dahra Nadbai 2828
20 Jharkai Nadbai 2791
21 Bailara Nadbai 2764
22 Katara Nadbai 2685
23 Unch Nadbai 2675
24 Akhaigarh Nadbai 2642
25 Talchhera Nadbai 2588
26 Lakhanpur Nadbai 2454
27 Nyotha Nadbai 2451
28 Nagla Mai Nadbai 2329
29 Bahramda Nadbai 2307
30 Gadauli Nadbai 2247
31 Pingora Nadbai 2182
32 Khatauti Nadbai 2162
33 Nam Nadbai 2151
34 Utarda Nadbai 2136
35 Kesra Nadbai 2134
36 Paharsar Nadbai 2069
37 Bhausinga Nadbai 2045
38 Gangroli Nadbai 1982
39 Hasanpur Nadbai 1973
40 Shahpur Nadbai 1928
41 Manjhi Nadbai 1909
42 Kailoori Nadbai 1881
43 Lalpur Nadbai 1803
44 Atari Nadbai 1716
45 Astal Nadbai 1651
46 Paraswara Nadbai 1640
47 Saindoli Nadbai 1636
48 Nayabas Nadbai 1593
49 Beekroo Nadbai 1519
50 Gagwana Nadbai 1519
51 Isapur Nadbai 1513
52 Gudawali Nadbai 1502
53 User Nadbai 1376
54 Budhwari Khurd Nadbai 1374
55 Badha Nadbai 1368
56 Lulhara Nadbai 1299
57 Barwara Nadbai 1269
58 Jhaurol Nadbai 1256
59 Peeli Nadbai 1250
60 Salimpur Nadbai 1233
61 Tohila Nadbai 1233
62 Dayawali Nadbai 1229
63 Gazipur Nadbai 1193
64 Kothen Khurd Nadbai 1180
65 Gobra Nadbai 1171
66 Chhatarpur Nadbai 1109
67 Alipur Nadbai 1098
68 Budhwari Kalan Nadbai 1057
69 Jogeepura Nadbai 1025
70 Khera Nadbai 1023
71 Nagla Bakhta Nadbai 1018
72 Chainpura Nadbai 1005
73 Honta Nadbai 925
74 Bharkau Nadbai 899
75 Beelauth Nadbai 878
76 Basaiya Kalan Nadbai 875
77 VIJAY PURA Nadbai 856
78 Noorpur Nadbai 853
79 Kheriya Jaga Nadbai 826
80 Harnera Nadbai 826
81 Sirsai Nadbai 808
82 NANGLA MIRCHUA Nadbai 801
83 Raina Nadbai 769
84 Sewla Nadbai 766
85 Manoharpur Khawaspur Nadbai 749
86 Khurrampur Nadbai 742
87 NAGLA DEPUTY Nadbai 734
88 Sundana Nadbai 729
89 Dhanipura Nadbai 708
90 Meda Choli Nadbai 678
91 Binua Nadbai 654
92 Bajhera Nadbai 654
93 Chitari Bhootpura Nadbai 652
95 Nagla Khatauti Nadbai 625
96 Aganpura Nadbai 553
97 NANGLA BANJARA Nadbai 550
98 Milkipura Nadbai 541
99 Nagla Bhaua Nadbai 500
100 Wajidpura Nadbai 479
101 GHERA Nadbai 472
102 Karomeo Nadbai 452
103 Kheriya Brahman Nadbai 449
104 Mahrampur Nadbai 441
105 Kasganj Nadbai 427
106 Basaiya Abhai Nadbai 423
107 Kothen Kalan Nadbai 412
108 Cheetaheri Kashi Nadbai 376
109 Lalchah Nadbai 340
110 Guwarua Nadbai 325
111 Nagla Kurwariya Nadbai 318
112 NANGLA DUNAI Nadbai 298
113 Nagla Paharkhan Nadbai 271
114 Chidarua Nadbai 217
115 Kehripura Nadbai 192
116 Wasaiya Jat Nadbai 151
117 Samantpura Nadbai 114
118 Nagla Indarman Nadbai 78
119 Kolupura Nadbai 72
120 Nagla Gopal Nadbai N/A
121 Chak Bhikki Nadbai N/A
122 Chak Nihal Nadbai N/A
123 Chak Chhatar Nadbai N/A
