Villages and Towns of Nanoor Tehsil of District Birbhum, West Bengal

Nanoor Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Birbhum District, West Bengal India. Nanoor teshil is one of the teshil of Birbhum district West Bengal. In Nanoor Teshil there are 137 villages and 1 towns. Out of 137 villages in Nanoor teshil in which Chandidas Nanur is most populated village with population of 8399 and least populated village is Chak Muitin having population only 0. There are 1 town in Nanoor sub-district which lies in Nanoor administrative devision. Most populated town in Nanoor Teshil is Parota (CT) with population of 5267.

Total population of Nanoor teshil is 218654 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Nanoor teshil is 949 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Nanoor teshil is 69.45%.

Census Data of Nanoor Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
218654 949 69.45%

Demographics details of Nanoor Teshil

The population of Nanoor sub district is 218654 people, among them about 112185 are male and 106469 are female. Total number of house holds in Nanoor Teshil is 51305. Total Literates persons are 133769 in which total male literates are 74095 and female literates are 59674. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 26040, among them 13221 are boys and 12819 are girls.

Nanoor Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameNanoor
State NameWest Bengal
District NameBirbhum
Total Population218654
Total No of House Holds51305
Total Male Population112185
Total Female Population106469
0-6 Age group Total Population26040
0-6 Age group Male Population13221
0-6 Age group Male Population12819
Total Person Literates133769
Total Male Literates74095
Total Male Literates59674
Total Person Illiterates84885
Total Male Illiterates38090
Total Male Illiterates46795
Scheduled Cast Persons71153
Scheduled Cast Males36346
Scheduled Cast Females34807
Scheduled Tribe Persons2621
Scheduled Tribe Males2600
Scheduled Tribe Females2621

Nanoor Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 85370 30554
Population (%) 39.04 % 13.97 %
Male Population 44308 16170
Female Population 41062 14384
Sex Ratio 927 890
Child Population (0-6) 5309 1526
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 917 951
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.92% 10.24%
Households in 18939 6652
Literates 55135 20945
Literacy % 73.33% 76.37%
Male Literacy 81.22% 84.28%
Female Literacy 64.82% 67.42%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Nanoor Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 141490 72526 68964 64.71% 45.72%
Muslim 76457 39280 37177 34.97% 23.58%
Christian 443 234 209 0.2% 0.08%
Sikh 33 18 15 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 8 6 2 0% 0%
Jain 7 4 3 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 22 12 10 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 194 105 89 0.09% 0.04%

Workers profile of Nanoor Teshil

Nanoor has 81488 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 67065 male and 14423 female population are working population. Full time workers in Nanoor teshil are 61513 and 19975 are marginal (part time) workers.

Nanoor Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 81488 67065 14423
Main Workers 61513 54638 6875
Main Workers Cultivators 18386 17920 466
Agriculture Labourer 26097 22793 3304
Household Industries 1427 803 624
Other Workers 15603 13122 2481
Marginal Workers 19975 12427 7548
Non Working Persons 137166 45120 92046

List of Town/City of Nanoor Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Nanoor with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Birbhum is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Parota (CT) 5267 958

List of villages in Teshil-Nanoor, District-Birbhum, West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Chandidas Nanur Nanoor 8399
2 Kirnahar Nanoor 7103
3 Brahmankhanda Nanoor 5842
4 Charkalgram Nanoor 5344
5 Papuri Nanoor 5148
6 Daskalgram Nanoor 4377
7 Sajnor Nanoor 4274
8 Baliguni Nanoor 4039
9 Pakurhans Nanoor 3999
10 Gomai Nanoor 3721
11 Saota Nanoor 3704
12 Hate Serandi Nanoor 3675
13 Belhati Nanoor 3586
14 Uchkaran Nanoor 3486
15 Debagram Nanoor 3040
16 Nawada Palandi Nanoor 3022
17 Banagram Nanoor 2887
18 Ramkrishnapur Nanoor 2771
19 Nabasta Nanoor 2665
20 Khujutipara Nanoor 2595
21 Atkula Nanoor 2503
22 Brahmandihi Nanoor 2491
23 Bara Nanoor 2448
24 Jalandi Nanoor 2433
25 Thupsara Nanoor 2419
26 Baitara Nanoor 2378
27 Nimra (CT) Nanoor 2354
28 Karea Nanoor 2349
29 Sakadda Nanoor 2333
30 Mohanpur Nanoor 2325
31 Palita Nanoor 2303
32 Santra Nanoor 2201
33 Goaldihi Nanoor 2174
34 Kule Nanoor 2099
35 Harmur Nanoor 2098
36 Sehala Nanoor 2038
37 Kuramba Ghosh Nanoor 1965
38 Chandipur Nanoor 1964
39 Khala Nanoor 1842
40 Bandar Nanoor 1839
41 Benga Chatra Nanoor 1802
42 Nurpur Nanoor 1781
43 Pundara Nanoor 1741
44 Patnil Nanoor 1731
45 Shakbaha Nanoor 1727
46 Madda Nanoor 1714
47 Jubutia Nanoor 1688
48 Feugram Nanoor 1582
49 Dongra Nanoor 1555
50 Rayen Nanoor 1555
51 Bheter Nanoor 1555
52 Sakulia Nanoor 1544
53 Sardanga Nanoor 1525
54 Gandhpur Nanoor 1496
55 Posla Nanoor 1470
56 Chhatingram Nanoor 1468
57 Nawanagar Nanoor 1438
58 Aligram Nanoor 1432
59 Rupur Nanoor 1397
60 Shibnagar Nanoor 1363
61 Belgram Nanoor 1326
62 Bhepur Nanoor 1298
63 Maheshgram Nanoor 1272
64 Srikrishnapur Nanoor 1243
65 Kurchandi Nanoor 1226
66 Balishwar Nanoor 1084
67 Angora Nanoor 1080
68 Beli Nanoor 1064
69 Gomra Nanoor 1050
70 Bergram Nanoor 1048
71 Kalikapur Nanoor 1043
72 Bamunia Nanoor 1043
73 Atgram Nanoor 1037
74 Sidhai Nanoor 1029
75 Madhpur Nanoor 1010
76 Ranipur Nanoor 1005
77 Kakunia Nanoor 988
78 Kumira Nanoor 986
79 Munigram Nanoor 985
80 Kurgram Nanoor 983
81 Husenpur Nanoor 949
82 Pena Nanoor 947
83 Santoshpur Nanoor 945
84 Mangalpur Nanoor 943
85 Tilutia Nanoor 934
86 Dhapdhara Nanoor 922
87 Garpara Nanoor 910
88 Balaipur Nanoor 899
89 Mandar Nanoor 894
90 Binara Nanoor 890
91 Palsa Nanoor 889
92 Muraripur Nanoor 874
93 Pilkhundi Nanoor 873
94 Chitgram Nanoor 860
95 Ukrundi Nanoor 835
96 Baliara Nanoor 833
97 Shrirampur Nanoor 823
98 Pratappur Chak Nanoor 815
99 Kalinagar Nanoor 811
100 Palitpur Nanoor 787
101 Muitin Nanoor 769
102 Nagdihi Nanoor 746
103 Ratanpur Nanoor 742
104 Akupur Nanoor 722
105 Kadda Nanoor 704
106 Shaspur Nanoor 699
107 Ranibazar Nanoor 699
108 Kaferpur Nanoor 688
109 Sadinagar Nanoor 665
110 Matipur Nanoor 633
111 Ramkrishnapur Nanoor 626
112 Parmasra Nanoor 595
113 Komaddang Nanoor 569
114 Sundarpur Nanoor 557
115 Datina Nanoor 555
116 Fazullapur Nanoor 500
117 Tikuri Nanoor 465
118 Sarisha Nanoor 435
119 Matinagar Nanoor 416
120 Patisara Nanoor 409
121 Jalchandi Nanoor 328
122 Rautara Nanoor 303
123 Chak Atgram Nanoor 239
124 Barasat Nanoor 199
125 Udaypur Nanoor 192
126 Palashi Nanoor 180
127 Banshpur Nanoor 177
128 Ghogan Nanoor 160
129 Gangnara Nanoor 155
130 Jugipur Nanoor 30
131 Panpara (P) Nanoor N/A
132 Purnia Nanoor N/A
133 Gauribera Nanoor N/A
134 Gangadasbati Nanoor N/A
135 Brajaballavpur Nanoor N/A
136 Bishahara Nanoor N/A
137 Chak Muitin Nanoor N/A
