Villages and Towns of Orai Tehsil of District Jalaun , Uttar Pradesh

Orai Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jalaun District, Uttar Pradesh India. Orai teshil is one of the teshil of Jalaun district Uttar Pradesh. In Orai Teshil there are 157 villages and 2 towns. Out of 157 villages in Orai teshil in which Ait is most populated village with population of 12586 and least populated village is Haidalpur having population only 0. There are 2 town in Orai sub-district which lies in Orai administrative devision. Most populated town in Orai Teshil is Kotra (NP) with population of 8390.

Total population of Orai teshil is 396782 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Orai teshil is 870 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Orai teshil is 76.89%.

Census Data of Orai Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
396782 870 76.89%

Demographics details of Orai Teshil

The population of Orai sub district is 396782 people, among them about 212182 are male and 184600 are female. Total number of house holds in Orai Teshil is 69716. Total Literates persons are 267343 in which total male literates are 158908 and female literates are 108435. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 49083, among them 26402 are boys and 22681 are girls.

Orai Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameOrai
State NameUttar Pradesh
District NameJalaun
Total Population396782
Total No of House Holds69716
Total Male Population212182
Total Female Population184600
0-6 Age group Total Population49083
0-6 Age group Male Population26402
0-6 Age group Male Population22681
Total Person Literates267343
Total Male Literates158908
Total Male Literates108435
Total Person Illiterates129439
Total Male Illiterates53274
Total Male Illiterates76165
Scheduled Cast Persons110682
Scheduled Cast Males59561
Scheduled Cast Females51121
Scheduled Tribe Persons170
Scheduled Tribe Males186
Scheduled Tribe Females170

Orai Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 276449 88015
Population (%) 69.67 % 22.18 %
Male Population 148807 47266
Female Population 127642 40749
Sex Ratio 858 862
Child Population (0-6) 22208 5064
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 897 865
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.24% 12.41%
Households in 51912 16528
Literates 157137 61920
Literacy % 67.06% 80.32%
Male Literacy 78.01% 87.57%
Female Literacy 54.2% 71.9%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Orai Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 345970 185457 160513 87.19% 68.59%
Muslim 48084 25302 22782 12.12% 7.79%
Christian 471 245 226 0.12% 0.09%
Sikh 257 135 122 0.06% 0.06%
Buddhist 609 314 295 0.15% 0.09%
Jain 190 104 86 0.05% 0.05%
Other religions and persuasions 93 54 39 0.02% 0.02%
Religion not stated 1108 571 537 0.28% 0.2%

Workers profile of Orai Teshil

Orai has 137818 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 107466 male and 30352 female population are working population. Full time workers in Orai teshil are 98122 and 39696 are marginal (part time) workers.

Orai Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 137818 107466 30352
Main Workers 98122 83257 14865
Main Workers Cultivators 26431 23961 2470
Agriculture Labourer 20697 16274 4423
Household Industries 4870 3554 1316
Other Workers 46124 39468 6656
Marginal Workers 39696 24209 15487
Non Working Persons 258964 104716 154248

List of Town/City of Orai Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Orai with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jalaun is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kotra (NP) 8390 867
2 Orai (NPP + OG) 190575 881

List of villages in Teshil-Orai, District-Jalaun , Uttar Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Ait Orai 12586
2 Dakore Orai 8957
3 Said Nagar Orai 5387
4 Mohammdabad Orai 4933
5 Hardoi Gujar Orai 4572
6 Jaisari Kalan Orai 4409
7 Kharusa Orai 3833
8 Air Orai 3798
9 Kusmiliya Orai 3703
10 Gadhhar Orai 3699
11 Dadari Orai 3437
12 Kharka Orai 3384
13 Kukar Gaon Orai 3321
14 Atariya Orai 3280
15 Mohana Orai 3261
16 Bandhauli Orai 3026
17 Dhagwan Kalan Orai 2841
18 Karmer Orai 2839
19 Dhurat Orai 2789
20 Barsar Orai 2662
21 Ruraaddu Orai 2635
22 Timron Orai 2608
23 Somai Orai 2563
24 Minora Orai Orai 2561
25 Bohadpura Orai 2523
26 Akorhi Orai 2498
27 Goran Orai 2419
28 Aunta Orai 2301
29 Chilli Orai 2175
30 Aindha Orai 2154
31 Chaursi Orai 2076
32 Bardh Orai 2066
33 Kurkuru Orai 2050
34 Imiliya Orai 1986
35 Bara Gaon Orai 1983
36 Bamohri Kalan Orai 1951
37 Kuthonda Orai 1917
38 Jalalpur Chirgawan Orai 1903
39 Gurha Orai 1839
40 Ragoli Orai 1830
41 Dhamni Buzurg Orai 1753
42 Jaisari Khurd Orai 1686
43 Binaura Orai 1649
44 Rirwa Orai 1560
45 Minorakalpi Orai 1554
46 Madora Orai 1541
47 Pachokhra Orai 1534
48 Sikari Vyas Orai 1533
49 Tikar Orai 1490
50 Kahta Orai 1462
51 Rahiya Orai 1440
52 Dhar Goan Orai 1431
53 Piya Nirjanpur Orai 1408
54 Ajnari Orai 1385
55 Barha Jalaun Orai 1360
56 Pur Orai 1350
57 Girthan Orai 1343
58 Kamtha Orai 1194
59 Bajida Orai 1189
60 Nunsai Orai 1157
61 Chakjagdeopur Orai 1141
62 Makrechha Orai 1095
63 Kuiyan Orai 1053
64 Usar Gaon Orai 961
65 Bhua Orai 948
66 Dhagwan Khurd Orai 936
67 Karwi Buzurg Orai 928
68 Kapasi Orai 914
69 Karsan Orai 910
70 Tikariya Orai 902
71 Magrayan Orai 897
72 Airi Orai 875
73 Riniyan Orai 860
74 Kurauna Orai 840
75 Ajnara Orai 838
76 Kakahra Orai 826
77 Mawai Maukhari Orai 823
78 Rampura Orai 806
79 Rageda Orai 797
80 Banphara Orai 791
81 Maukhri Orai 784
82 Sarsoki Orai 783
83 Simiriya Orai 780
84 Jaipura Orai 762
85 Malupura Orai 761
86 Daulatpura Kalpi Orai 757
87 Seorhi Orai 736
88 Etwan Jalaun Orai 695
89 Amguwan Orai 680
90 Bardar Orai 670
91 Kaitheri Orai 665
92 Kusmi Orai 647
93 Bhitara Orai 593
94 Khera Kalan Orai 576
95 Viyaspura Orai 554
96 Kankan Khera Orai 537
97 Ikhlashpur Orai 533
98 Jagatpur Buzurg Orai 518
99 Sei Orai 498
100 Badera Orai 468
101 Laikupur Orai 460
102 Khadani Orai 445
103 Narchha Orai 432
104 Rewa Orai 429
105 Lahura Orai 428
106 Birguan Orai 399
107 Kajupura Orai 388
108 Guta Khurd Orai 383
109 Nunbai Orai 372
110 Chawanpura Orai 365
111 Karwi Khurd Orai 330
112 Parwa Orai 291
113 Shahpura Orai 283
114 Phoolpura Orai 259
115 Karthara Orai 242
116 Tiktoli Orai 241
117 Intarora Orai 231
118 Daulatpura Orai Orai 198
119 Gora Khurd Orai 193
120 Sesa Orai 178
121 Ikahra Orai 119
122 Lahariya Rural Orai 88
123 Amrodh Orai 49
124 Bandha Orai 39
125 Hazratpura Orai 33
126 Kishora Orai 27
127 Chak Orai Orai 2
128 Sindholi Orai 1
129 Purwa Orai N/A
130 Pattiait Orai N/A
131 Sherandazpur Orai N/A
132 Babupura Orai N/A
133 Baghaura Rural Orai N/A
134 Orai Rural Orai N/A
135 Umrar Rural Orai N/A
136 Barha Orai Orai N/A
137 Dinupura Orai N/A
138 Bhatpura Orai N/A
139 Naktela Orai N/A
140 Suchena Orai N/A
141 Bajhera Orai N/A
142 Jhonka Orai N/A
143 Badanpura Orai N/A
144 Lidhaura Orai N/A
145 Husepura Orai N/A
146 Karokhara Orai N/A
147 Nada Orai N/A
148 Rajapur Orai N/A
149 Lalpura Orai N/A
150 Kotra Orai N/A
151 Hilgna Orai N/A
152 Nandha Orai N/A
153 Pahari Khera Orai N/A
154 Gurru Orai N/A
155 Rund Timron Orai N/A
156 Patti Air Orai N/A
157 Haidalpur Orai N/A
