Villages and Towns of Ormanjhi Tehsil of District Ranchi, Jharkhand

Ormanjhi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Ranchi District, Jharkhand India. Ormanjhi teshil is one of the teshil of Ranchi district Jharkhand. In Ormanjhi Teshil there are 90 villages and 1 towns. Out of 90 villages in Ormanjhi teshil in which Ormanjhi is most populated village with population of 3956 and least populated village is Sidarmuta having population only 0. There are 1 town in Ormanjhi sub-district which lies in Ormanjhi administrative devision. Most populated town in Ormanjhi Teshil is Irba (CT) with population of 5210.

Total population of Ormanjhi teshil is 94137 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Ormanjhi teshil is 944 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Ormanjhi teshil is 67.53%.

Census Data of Ormanjhi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
94137 944 67.53%

Demographics details of Ormanjhi Teshil

The population of Ormanjhi sub district is 94137 people, among them about 48416 are male and 45721 are female. Total number of house holds in Ormanjhi Teshil is 17767. Total Literates persons are 53812 in which total male literates are 32061 and female literates are 21751. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 14448, among them 7403 are boys and 7045 are girls.

Ormanjhi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameOrmanjhi
State NameJharkhand
District NameRanchi
Total Population94137
Total No of House Holds17767
Total Male Population48416
Total Female Population45721
0-6 Age group Total Population14448
0-6 Age group Male Population7403
0-6 Age group Male Population7045
Total Person Literates53812
Total Male Literates32061
Total Male Literates21751
Total Person Illiterates40325
Total Male Illiterates16355
Total Male Illiterates23970
Scheduled Cast Persons3974
Scheduled Cast Males2063
Scheduled Cast Females1911
Scheduled Tribe Persons16629
Scheduled Tribe Males17105
Scheduled Tribe Females16629

Ormanjhi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 63053 0
Population (%) 66.98 % 0 %
Male Population 31319 0
Female Population 31734 0
Sex Ratio 1013 0
Child Population (0-6) 5243 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 965 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.34% 0%
Households in 11963 0
Literates 31804 0
Literacy % 60.29% 0%
Male Literacy 70.93% 0%
Female Literacy 49.89% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Ormanjhi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 49932 25702 24230 53.04% 35.96%
Muslim 19983 10447 9536 21.23% 15.94%
Christian 457 219 238 0.49% 0.37%
Sikh 6 2 4 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 3 2 1 0% 0%
Jain 1 0 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 23606 11975 11631 25.08% 15.16%
Religion not stated 149 69 80 0.16% 0.08%

Workers profile of Ormanjhi Teshil

Ormanjhi has 36978 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 24150 male and 12828 female population are working population. Full time workers in Ormanjhi teshil are 23618 and 13360 are marginal (part time) workers.

Ormanjhi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 36978 24150 12828
Main Workers 23618 17863 5755
Main Workers Cultivators 8055 5602 2453
Agriculture Labourer 2140 1554 586
Household Industries 723 478 245
Other Workers 12700 10229 2471
Marginal Workers 13360 6287 7073
Non Working Persons 57159 24266 32893

List of Town/City of Ormanjhi Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Ormanjhi with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Ranchi is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Irba (CT) 5210 897

List of villages in Teshil-Ormanjhi, District-Ranchi, Jharkhand as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Ormanjhi Ormanjhi 3956
2 Kute Ormanjhi 3751
3 Chakla Ormanjhi 3450
4 Karma Ormanjhi 3407
5 Baridihi Ormanjhi 3325
6 Anandi Ormanjhi 2935
7 Barwe Ormanjhi 2634
8 Kuchu Ormanjhi 2371
9 Chandra Ormanjhi 2361
10 Kulhi Ormanjhi 2015
11 Chultupalu Ormanjhi 1980
12 Rukka Ormanjhi 1907
13 Harchanda Ormanjhi 1894
14 Dardag Ormanjhi 1834
15 Mayapur Ormanjhi 1771
16 Dahu Ormanjhi 1760
17 Pancha Ormanjhi 1713
18 Kamta Ormanjhi 1669
19 Sadma Ormanjhi 1488
20 Hindebilli Ormanjhi 1439
21 Charo Ormanjhi 1409
22 Ichadag Ormanjhi 1392
23 Hutup Ormanjhi 1294
24 Guru Ormanjhi 1186
25 Piska Ormanjhi 1149
26 Gagari Ormanjhi 1143
27 Mandro(Mandroh) Ormanjhi 1083
28 Tunahuli Ormanjhi 1066
29 Santi Ormanjhi 1046
30 Kurum Ormanjhi 1039
31 Tapa Ormanjhi 1033
32 Jaidiha Ormanjhi 1027
33 Jidu Ormanjhi 952
34 Sildiri Ormanjhi 930
35 Gunja Ormanjhi 897
36 Madkama(Madhukama) Ormanjhi 882
37 Khatanga Ormanjhi 827
38 Hatwal Ormanjhi 808
39 Palu Ormanjhi 805
40 Ukrid Ormanjhi 773
41 Chapabar(Chapawar) Ormanjhi 762
42 Datma(Utma) Ormanjhi 761
43 Manatu Ormanjhi 745
44 Bhusur Ormanjhi 745
45 Koilari Ormanjhi 738
46 Chetarbari Ormanjhi 734
47 Hochai Ormanjhi 722
48 Jirabar (Jirawar) Ormanjhi 706
49 Bartua Ormanjhi 697
50 Ulatu Ormanjhi 682
51 Sanri Ormanjhi 668
52 Dundun Ormanjhi 601
53 Ganeshpur Ormanjhi 591
54 Hesatu Ormanjhi 549
55 Jawabera Ormanjhi 531
56 Khudiya Ormanjhi 519
57 Pundag Ormanjhi 514
58 Bijang Ormanjhi 501
59 Bargainbanda Ormanjhi 500
60 Gurgain Ormanjhi 471
61 Matatu (Manatu) Ormanjhi 462
62 Piparbanda Ormanjhi 440
63 Bundu Ormanjhi 439
64 Ara Ormanjhi 427
65 Muta Ormanjhi 426
66 Banlotwa Ormanjhi 418
67 Kukui Ormanjhi 408
68 Chapra Kocha Ormanjhi 407
69 Hethnagru Ormanjhi 402
70 Dunde Ormanjhi 375
71 Lotwa Ormanjhi 373
72 Halbadi Ormanjhi 360
73 Hindebili Ormanjhi 342
74 Tirla Ormanjhi 325
75 Jhiri Ormanjhi 291
76 Rola Ormanjhi 244
77 Lupunga Ormanjhi 217
78 Saher Ormanjhi 187
79 Sawaiya Ormanjhi 185
80 Baghinbanda Ormanjhi 175
81 Parsa Toli Ormanjhi 173
82 Koalu (Qalu) Ormanjhi 168
83 Uparnagru Ormanjhi 161
84 Keram Ormanjhi 150
85 Kesharbera Ormanjhi 95
86 Tirla Ormanjhi 72
87 Dhakjiban Ormanjhi 67
88 Hurputoli(Haruptoli) Ormanjhi N/A
89 Jaruadihi Ormanjhi N/A
90 Sidarmuta Ormanjhi N/A
