Villages and Towns of Para Tehsil of District Puruliya, West Bengal

Para Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Puruliya District, West Bengal India. Para teshil is one of the teshil of Puruliya district West Bengal. In Para Teshil there are 132 villages and 5 towns. Out of 132 villages in Para teshil in which Para is most populated village with population of 9697 and least populated village is Chaturbhujpur having population only 0. There are 5 town in Para sub-district which lies in Para administrative devision. Most populated town in Para Teshil is Kanki (P) (CT) with population of 6884.

Total population of Para teshil is 200621 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Para teshil is 942 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Para teshil is 65.62%.

Census Data of Para Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
200621 942 65.62%

Demographics details of Para Teshil

The population of Para sub district is 200621 people, among them about 103306 are male and 97315 are female. Total number of house holds in Para Teshil is 36548. Total Literates persons are 112377 in which total male literates are 70311 and female literates are 42066. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 29376, among them 14986 are boys and 14390 are girls.

Para Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePara
State NameWest Bengal
District NamePuruliya
Total Population200621
Total No of House Holds36548
Total Male Population103306
Total Female Population97315
0-6 Age group Total Population29376
0-6 Age group Male Population14986
0-6 Age group Male Population14390
Total Person Literates112377
Total Male Literates70311
Total Male Literates42066
Total Person Illiterates88244
Total Male Illiterates32995
Total Male Illiterates55249
Scheduled Cast Persons66751
Scheduled Cast Males34211
Scheduled Cast Females32540
Scheduled Tribe Persons5050
Scheduled Tribe Males5285
Scheduled Tribe Females5050

Para Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 135814 12342
Population (%) 67.7 % 6.15 %
Male Population 69141 6312
Female Population 66673 6030
Sex Ratio 964 955
Child Population (0-6) 11552 996
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 973 952
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.78% 16.55%
Households in 25499 2464
Literates 61708 5824
Literacy % 54.6% 56.54%
Male Literacy 72.53% 72.56%
Female Literacy 35.97% 39.79%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Para Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 159554 82157 77397 79.53% 53.94%
Muslim 36853 19027 17826 18.37% 10.17%
Christian 196 98 98 0.1% 0.09%
Sikh 64 28 36 0.03% 0.03%
Buddhist 11 4 7 0.01% 0%
Jain 408 216 192 0.2% 0.18%
Other religions and persuasions 3372 1694 1678 1.68% 1.16%
Religion not stated 163 82 81 0.08% 0.06%

Workers profile of Para Teshil

Para has 72247 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 53531 male and 18716 female population are working population. Full time workers in Para teshil are 36504 and 35743 are marginal (part time) workers.

Para Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 72247 53531 18716
Main Workers 36504 32220 4284
Main Workers Cultivators 7860 7203 657
Agriculture Labourer 7021 5697 1324
Household Industries 1215 863 352
Other Workers 20408 18457 1951
Marginal Workers 35743 21311 14432
Non Working Persons 128374 49775 78599

List of Town/City of Para Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Para with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Puruliya is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kanki (P) (CT) 6884 950
2 Chapari (CT) 6556 939
3 Dubra (CT) 5506 921
4 Santaldih Thermal Power Project-Town (CT) 2507 829
5 Shankara (CT) 11171 948

List of villages in Teshil-Para, District-Puruliya, West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Para Para 9697
2 Anara Para 5517
3 Jorberya Para 5030
4 Phusrabaid Para 4205
5 Palma Para 3900
6 Sarulya Para 3505
7 Lipanya Para 3503
8 Bhagaband Para 3433
9 Asurbandh Para 3357
10 Tentulhiti Para 3341
11 Jabarra Para 3244
12 Jaynagar Alias Udaypur Para 2944
13 Jhanpara Para 2830
14 Tetalda Para 2824
15 Rahardi Para 2674
16 Chitra Para 2449
17 Hariharpur Para 2426
18 Bahara Para 2241
19 Pareshya Para 2186
20 Donrda Para 2184
21 Rigudi Para 2156
22 Barairga Para 2109
23 Bagalia Para 2088
24 Deuli Para 2044
25 Kaliasota Para 2034
26 Nadiha Para 2029
27 Ranipur Para 1991
28 Bhanuridi Para 1966
29 Amchatar Para 1942
30 Gurguria Para 1941
31 Rautara Para 1870
32 Parasiri Para 1837
33 Ramkrishnapur alias Nutandi Para 1821
34 Bamanbad Para 1796
35 Bhalagara Para 1746
36 Tadgram Para 1709
37 Patpur Para 1557
38 Bagalmari Para 1552
39 Parbahal Para 1542
40 Kelahi Para 1541
41 Ketlapur Alias Nutandi Para 1533
42 Kaluhar Para 1498
43 Baishyakuli Para 1490
44 Pabra Para 1478
45 Dhulabad Para 1448
46 Sanar Para 1426
47 Bhandar Kuli Para 1380
48 Rangamatya Para 1353
49 Haraktor Para 1309
50 Turradi Para 1300
51 Gahira Para 1231
52 Fatepur Para 1221
53 Charpatya Para 1187
54 Kalla Para 1142
55 Dheria Para 1136
56 Amlatora Para 1129
57 Fatepur Para 1128
58 Kankdiha Para 1128
59 Intakora Para 1112
60 Alkusa Para 1069
61 Shyampur (P) Para 1068
62 Kushgora Gopinathpur Para 1037
63 Rampur Para 1015
64 Anantapur Para 1007
65 Pirma Para 1003
66 Sharbarya Para 999
67 Dumardiha Para 965
68 Balichasa Para 934
69 Udaypur Para 933
70 Malanchadi Para 917
71 Churmi Para 899
72 Layara Para 891
73 Palaskura Para 877
74 Chalania Para 871
75 Chaukunya Para 868
76 Kashiberia Para 861
77 Dhadkidi Para 854
78 Gobindapur Para 846
79 Mapuidi Para 846
80 Kinisayar Para 844
81 Madhabpur Para 812
82 Panruka Para 807
83 Panara Para 749
84 Hatimara Para 726
85 Thakurdi Para 676
86 Sidhabari Para 657
87 Durgamahal Para 632
88 Bhatdi Para 629
89 Sidhpur Para 593
90 Sindurpur Para 590
91 Pathakdi Para 582
92 Putulia Para 577
93 Dayaramdi Para 572
94 Bhatpahari Para 542
95 Maldi Para 539
96 Koldi Para 531
97 Hurra Para 502
98 Kantabani Para 494
99 Dhagora Para 460
100 Chautala Para 362
101 Beryadi Para 301
102 Chaktor Para 282
103 Rameshwardi Para 268
104 Chalka Para 215
105 Goaladi Para 214
106 Manipur Para 192
107 Kharikabad Para 183
108 Ekanja Para 164
109 Mahuda Para 157
110 Garyabhita Para 152
111 Bara Bandya Para 151
112 Tentulyabaid Para 146
113 Dalahitanr Para 142
114 Bamandiha Para 138
115 Reshyagara Para 131
116 Chhotairga Para 111
117 Agar Para 14
118 Shyampur Para 10
119 Chitadi Para N/A
120 Ganahar Para N/A
121 Rangamatya Para N/A
122 Paranpur Para N/A
123 Shukmay Chak Para N/A
124 Gopalpur Para N/A
125 Telidi Para N/A
126 Dubeagar Para N/A
127 Pialsola Para N/A
128 Chungari Para N/A
129 Birkicha Para N/A
130 Kenkchia Para N/A
131 Taltor Para N/A
132 Chaturbhujpur Para N/A
