Villages and Towns of Paranda Tehsil of District Osmanabad, Maharashtra

Paranda Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Osmanabad District, Maharashtra India. Paranda teshil is one of the teshil of Osmanabad district Maharashtra. In Paranda Teshil there are 96 villages and 1 towns. Out of 96 villages in Paranda teshil in which Jawala (n.) is most populated village with population of 4905 and least populated village is Wadi Rajuri having population only 0. There are 1 town in Paranda sub-district which lies in Paranda administrative devision. Most populated town in Paranda Teshil is Paranda (M Cl) with population of 18758.

Total population of Paranda teshil is 140148 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Paranda teshil is 902 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Paranda teshil is 75.33%.

Census Data of Paranda Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
140148 902 75.33%

Demographics details of Paranda Teshil

The population of Paranda sub district is 140148 people, among them about 73688 are male and 66460 are female. Total number of house holds in Paranda Teshil is 29554. Total Literates persons are 92708 in which total male literates are 53200 and female literates are 39508. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 17074, among them 9368 are boys and 7706 are girls.

Paranda Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameParanda
State NameMaharashtra
District NameOsmanabad
Total Population140148
Total No of House Holds29554
Total Male Population73688
Total Female Population66460
0-6 Age group Total Population17074
0-6 Age group Male Population9368
0-6 Age group Male Population7706
Total Person Literates92708
Total Male Literates53200
Total Male Literates39508
Total Person Illiterates47440
Total Male Illiterates20488
Total Male Illiterates26952
Scheduled Cast Persons16817
Scheduled Cast Males8643
Scheduled Cast Females8174
Scheduled Tribe Persons657
Scheduled Tribe Males719
Scheduled Tribe Females657

Paranda Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 343445 98923
Population (%) 245.06 % 70.58 %
Male Population 179714 50645
Female Population 163731 48278
Sex Ratio 911 953
Child Population (0-6) 24350 5264
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 877 894
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.3% 11.27%
Households in 68583 20054
Literates 223409 76058
Literacy % 75.03% 86.65%
Male Literacy 83.38% 91.78%
Female Literacy 65.92% 81.32%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Paranda Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 124458 65599 58859 88.8% 66.59%
Muslim 13390 6871 6519 9.55% 7.47%
Christian 68 38 30 0.05% 0.04%
Sikh 17 9 8 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 1235 644 591 0.88% 0.64%
Jain 676 361 315 0.48% 0.44%
Other religions and persuasions 79 37 42 0.06% 0.03%
Religion not stated 225 129 96 0.16% 0.11%

Workers profile of Paranda Teshil

Paranda has 73116 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 42365 male and 30751 female population are working population. Full time workers in Paranda teshil are 67445 and 5671 are marginal (part time) workers.

Paranda Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 73116 42365 30751
Main Workers 67445 40141 27304
Main Workers Cultivators 37207 22785 14422
Agriculture Labourer 20339 9906 10433
Household Industries 1486 838 648
Other Workers 8413 6612 1801
Marginal Workers 5671 2224 3447
Non Working Persons 67032 31323 35709

List of Town/City of Paranda Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Paranda with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Osmanabad is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Paranda (M Cl) 18758 941

List of villages in Teshil-Paranda, District-Osmanabad, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Jawala (n.) Paranda 4905
2 Sirsao Paranda 3245
3 Wakadi Paranda 3168
4 Chinchpur Bk. Paranda 3149
5 Donja Paranda 2863
6 Sonari Paranda 2856
7 Anala Paranda 2798
8 Asu Paranda 2745
9 Kandari Paranda 2577
10 Shirala Paranda 2492
11 Loni Paranda 2472
12 Tandul wadi Paranda 2280
13 Khasapuri Paranda 2217
14 Shelgaon Paranda 2209
15 Kukkadgaon Paranda 2149
16 Watephal Paranda 2148
17 Hingangaon Bk. Paranda 1979
18 Gharagaon Paranda 1961
19 Pandharewadi Paranda 1926
20 Kaundgaon Paranda 1916
21 Bhotra Paranda 1828
22 Pachpimpla Paranda 1747
23 Ingoda Paranda 1725
24 Rohkal Paranda 1677
25 Chinchpur Kh. Paranda 1663
26 Domgaon Paranda 1578
27 Pimpalwadi Paranda 1498
28 Awar pimpri Paranda 1456
29 Mugaon Paranda 1420
30 Bawachi Paranda 1404
31 Rajuri Paranda 1388
32 Deogaon kh. Paranda 1369
33 Nalgaon Paranda 1343
34 Wadner Paranda 1313
35 Bhandgaon Paranda 1275
36 Dhagpimpri Paranda 1211
37 Takali Paranda 1172
38 Aleshwar Paranda 1169
39 Arangaon Paranda 1159
40 Wangegavhan Paranda 1156
41 Pimparkhed Paranda 1150
42 Khanapur Paranda 1134
43 Lohara Paranda 1129
44 Khandeshwar wadi Paranda 1114
45 Deogaon Bk. Paranda 1104
46 Deulgaon Paranda 1092
47 Bhoinja Paranda 1091
48 Ratnapur Paranda 1086
49 Kokarwadi Paranda 1077
50 Undegaon Paranda 1075
51 Kumbhephal Paranda 1068
52 Jakate wadi Paranda 1060
53 Karla Paranda 1052
54 Rosa Paranda 1028
55 Malkapur Paranda 1018
56 Sakat kh. Paranda 997
57 Jake Pimpri Paranda 962
58 Parewadi Paranda 948
59 Kangalgaon Paranda 940
60 Hingangaon kh. Paranda 867
61 Manik nagar Paranda 841
62 Bangalwadi Paranda 840
63 Saranwadi Paranda 833
64 Rui Paranda 829
65 Dahitana Paranda 783
66 Khasgaon Paranda 781
67 Katrabad Paranda 762
68 Kumbheja Paranda 759
69 Kapilapuri Paranda 715
70 Gosaviwadi Paranda 692
71 Yenegaon Paranda 692
72 Pithapuri Paranda 633
73 Dhotri Paranda 629
74 Takmodwadi Paranda 613
75 Katewadi Paranda 607
76 Sakat bk. Paranda 602
77 Bodakha Paranda 583
78 Lonarwadi Paranda 569
79 Andhori Paranda 564
80 Sakkarwadi Paranda 522
81 Dudhi Paranda 521
82 Lakhi Paranda 516
83 Paranda (rural) Paranda 488
84 Pistamwadi Paranda 486
85 Songiri Paranda 480
86 Brahmagaon Paranda 461
87 Gosaviwadi (Donja) Paranda 428
88 Karanja Paranda 418
89 Andhora Paranda 407
90 Sawadarwadi Paranda 393
91 Jagdalwadi Paranda 336
92 Jamgaon Paranda 324
93 Wanewadi Paranda 305
94 Kalewadi Paranda 274
95 Ainapurwadi Paranda 106
96 Wadi Rajuri Paranda N/A
