Villages and Towns of Patharkandi Tehsil of District Karimganj, Assam

Patharkandi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Karimganj District, Assam India. Patharkandi teshil is one of the teshil of Karimganj district Assam. In Patharkandi Teshil there are 206 villages and 0 towns. Out of 206 villages in Patharkandi teshil in which Isabeel is most populated village with population of 6790 and least populated village is Defolala Charra having population only 0. There are 0 town in Patharkandi sub-district which lies in Patharkandi administrative devision. Most populated town in Patharkandi Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Patharkandi teshil is 261368 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Patharkandi teshil is 955 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Patharkandi teshil is 73.12%.

Census Data of Patharkandi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
261368 955 73.12%

Demographics details of Patharkandi Teshil

The population of Patharkandi sub district is 261368 people, among them about 133698 are male and 127670 are female. Total number of house holds in Patharkandi Teshil is 53614. Total Literates persons are 157731 in which total male literates are 88240 and female literates are 69491. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 45657, among them 23184 are boys and 22473 are girls.

Patharkandi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePatharkandi
State NameAssam
District NameKarimganj
Total Population261368
Total No of House Holds53614
Total Male Population133698
Total Female Population127670
0-6 Age group Total Population45657
0-6 Age group Male Population23184
0-6 Age group Male Population22473
Total Person Literates157731
Total Male Literates88240
Total Male Literates69491
Total Person Illiterates103637
Total Male Illiterates45458
Total Male Illiterates58179
Scheduled Cast Persons29360
Scheduled Cast Males15197
Scheduled Cast Females14163
Scheduled Tribe Persons237
Scheduled Tribe Males240
Scheduled Tribe Females237

Patharkandi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 52370 6001
Population (%) 20.04 % 2.3 %
Male Population 26369 3186
Female Population 26001 2815
Sex Ratio 986 884
Child Population (0-6) 4106 162
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 999 871
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.67% 5.8%
Households in 11251 1557
Literates 30831 5574
Literacy % 69.81% 98.6%
Male Literacy 76.2% 99.47%
Female Literacy 63.32% 97.63%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Patharkandi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 129502 66828 62674 49.55% 39%
Muslim 124768 63304 61464 47.74% 32.09%
Christian 6509 3254 3255 2.49% 1.9%
Sikh 30 17 13 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 247 127 120 0.09% 0.05%
Jain 36 16 20 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 16 11 5 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 260 141 119 0.1% 0.06%

Workers profile of Patharkandi Teshil

Patharkandi has 89077 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 67747 male and 21330 female population are working population. Full time workers in Patharkandi teshil are 62442 and 26635 are marginal (part time) workers.

Patharkandi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 89077 67747 21330
Main Workers 62442 52459 9983
Main Workers Cultivators 17408 16394 1014
Agriculture Labourer 8981 8231 750
Household Industries 1799 773 1026
Other Workers 34254 27061 7193
Marginal Workers 26635 15288 11347
Non Working Persons 172291 65951 106340

List of villages in Teshil-Patharkandi, District-Karimganj, Assam as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Isabeel Patharkandi 6790
2 Bagan Gaon Patharkandi 5334
3 Baruail Patharkandi 4440
4 Kanikhai F.V. Patharkandi 4260
5 Kalacharra Patharkandi 3803
6 Bhubrighat T.E. Patharkandi 3638
7 Kurti Gaon Patharkandi 3515
8 Hataiyerbond Patharkandi 3465
9 Chandkhira T.E. Patharkandi 3446
10 Hatikhira T.E. Patharkandi 3437
11 Kachubari T.S. Patharkandi 3370
12 Putni T.E. Patharkandi 3333
13 Ghilaitikar Pt II Patharkandi 3235
14 Saija Nagar Patharkandi 3216
15 Hatirgool Patharkandi 3111
16 Zerjheri Patharkandi 3034
17 Maraura Patharkandi 3001
18 Marugaon Patharkandi 2868
19 Chengjur Patharkandi 2808
20 Purbogool Patharkandi 2797
21 Baithakhal T.E. Patharkandi 2755
22 Trimti T.E. Patharkandi 2707
23 Lakshipur Patharkandi 2685
24 Adamtilla T.E. Patharkandi 2619
25 Medli Grant Patharkandi 2610
26 Rajar Gaon Patharkandi 2608
27 Sibergool Patharkandi 2586
28 Jamirala Patharkandi 2528
29 Farid Kuna Patharkandi 2520
30 Old Solamona F.V. Patharkandi 2467
31 Chandpur Patharkandi 2444
32 Longai T.E. Patharkandi 2394
33 Isarpar Patharkandi 2377
34 Kabaribond Pt III Patharkandi 2370
35 Purbo Bazari Patharkandi 2368
36 Defolala Patharkandi 2277
37 Sarjul Punjee Patharkandi 2273
38 Duhalia Pt IV Patharkandi 2254
39 Radhamadhabpur Kitte Rashidpur Patharkandi 2169
40 Kalanpur Patharkandi 2168
41 Kalkalimukh Patharkandi 2163
42 Paschim Salgoi Patharkandi 2131
43 Duhaliahill Kitte Madhurbond Patharkandi 2114
44 Khagragura F.V. Patharkandi 2085
45 Patherkandi Pt I Patharkandi 2066
46 Tatirbond Patharkandi 2064
47 Dhalcharra Kitte Hatirgool Patharkandi 2056
48 Haitorkha Pt II Patharkandi 2032
49 Maligaon Patharkandi 2030
50 Pailamuli Patharkandi 2027
51 Baroputni Patharkandi 1907
52 Eral V Patharkandi 1879
53 Rangamati F.V. Patharkandi 1868
54 Baithakhal Basti Patharkandi 1821
55 Patherkandi Pt II Patharkandi 1793
56 Dakshin Hatikhira Patharkandi 1792
57 Haitorkha Pt I Patharkandi 1773
58 Kalkali Patharkandi 1758
59 Sripur Patharkandi 1747
60 Satghori Pt III Patharkandi 1660
61 Dhengarbond Patharkandi 1625
62 Salgoi T.E. Patharkandi 1615
63 Kabaribond Pt II Patharkandi 1604
64 Hatairbond Patharkandi 1599
65 Unamgaon Patharkandi 1575
66 Manikbond Punjee F.V. Patharkandi 1552
67 Manik Bond Mahi F.V. Patharkandi 1538
68 Gopalpur Patharkandi 1512
69 Uttor Gopalpur Patharkandi 1480
70 Rajbari Patharkandi 1447
71 Dakshin Hataiyerbond Kitte Nab Patharkandi 1421
72 Purbo Lowairpoa Patharkandi 1394
73 Balipipla F.V. Patharkandi 1392
74 Shephinjuri T.E. Patharkandi 1386
75 Batiapunjee F.V. Patharkandi 1370
76 Mendibari Patharkandi 1346
77 Uttor Shephinjuri Patharkandi 1328
78 Lowairpoa Patharkandi 1305
79 Durlovpur Pt III Patharkandi 1299
80 Achairghat Patharkandi 1273
81 Nandigram F.V. Patharkandi 1255
82 Kharkana Putni Patharkandi 1253
83 Duhalia Pt III Patharkandi 1248
84 Chataiya Punjee Patharkandi 1228
85 Barbazari Kitte Chandrapur Patharkandi 1214
86 Balirbond Grant Patharkandi 1213
87 Ankapai Punjee Patharkandi 1210
88 Kabaribond Pt I Patharkandi 1200
89 Piplacharra F.V. Patharkandi 1162
90 Makundarbond Patharkandi 1155
91 Nalibari Patharkandi 1138
92 N/S Solamona F.V. Patharkandi 1116
93 Kandigram Pt II Patharkandi 1087
94 Singhariah Patharkandi 1060
95 Dakshin Sagolmar Bond Patharkandi 1022
96 Nankar Patharkandi 1018
97 Khaser Gaon Patharkandi 1010
98 Bazarghat F.V. Patharkandi 998
99 Ghilaitikar Pt I Patharkandi 980
100 Nilkantapur F.V. Patharkandi 949
101 Piplapunjee F.V. Patharkandi 949
102 Eral Pt III Patharkandi 922
103 Durlovpur Pt V Patharkandi 913
104 Maina Pt III Patharkandi 908
105 Uttor Chagolmar Bond Patharkandi 888
106 Chagolmar Bond Patharkandi 885
107 Maguna Punjee F.V. Patharkandi 884
108 Kachubari P.S. Patharkandi 877
109 Duhalia Hill Kitte Narainpur Patharkandi 859
110 Jacobnagar F.V. Patharkandi 855
111 Shambu Nagar F.V. Patharkandi 854
112 Bilbari P.S. Patharkandi 853
113 Purbo Tatirbond Patharkandi 850
114 Piplagool T.E. Patharkandi 840
115 Duhalia Hill Kitte Purbo Narainpur Patharkandi 818
116 Durlovpur Pt IV Patharkandi 817
117 Satghori Pt I Patharkandi 809
118 Duhalia Hill Kitte Bhurunga Punjee Patharkandi 796
119 Sonakhira Patharkandi 793
120 Purbo Pecharghat Patharkandi 785
121 Kanakpur F.V. Patharkandi 746
122 Duhalia Pt II Patharkandi 744
123 Nalugaon Patharkandi 723
124 Duhalia Hill Kitte Jamir Dalua Patharkandi 721
125 Pekurgaon Patharkandi 705
126 Nurkha F.V. Patharkandi 701
127 Purbo Isabeel Patharkandi 699
128 Uttar Bhurunga Kitte Khilorbon Patharkandi 698
129 Paschim Lalkhira Sonakhira Patharkandi 695
130 Isaipunjee Kitte Dasanpur Patharkandi 688
131 Duhalia Pt I Patharkandi 677
132 Uzan Lakshipur Patharkandi 674
133 South Magura F.V. Patharkandi 664
134 Purbo Piplagool Patharkandi 655
135 Dewali F.V. Patharkandi 616
136 Uttor Hatikhira Patharkandi 611
137 Lalkhira Sonakhira Patharkandi 602
138 Uttor Isarpar Kitte Chandpur Patharkandi 599
139 Bhurunga Patharkandi 594
140 Champabari Gaon Patharkandi 548
141 Bhurunga Cherragaon Patharkandi 532
142 Purbo Achairghat Patharkandi 532
143 Rengbook Tilla Patharkandi 527
144 Kandigram Pt I Patharkandi 515
145 Durlovpur Pt II Patharkandi 504
146 Barcharra Patharkandi 496
147 Duhaliahill Kitte D.Jamirdalua Patharkandi 486
148 Paschim Lakshipur Patharkandi 486
149 Katabari Patharkandi 482
150 Duhalia Hill Kitte Dakshin Nar Patharkandi 474
151 Dalua Charra Patharkandi 473
152 North Maguna F.V. Patharkandi 473
153 Eral IV Patharkandi 463
154 Barcharrapunjee Patharkandi 456
155 Zahanpur F.V. Patharkandi 450
156 Bager Sangan Patharkandi 448
157 Kachari Gaon Patharkandi 435
158 Bilbari T.S. Patharkandi 431
159 Hatai Charra Patharkandi 416
160 Dengura Charra Patharkandi 416
161 Saruchalita Patharkandi 408
162 Uttor Hailamcharra Patharkandi 397
163 Satghori Pt II Patharkandi 391
164 Dakshin Defolala Charra Patharkandi 381
165 Badshahi Forest F.V. Patharkandi 380
166 Saruchalitar Purbo Patharkandi 362
167 Purbo Hafanigool Patharkandi 360
168 Aditya Nagar F.V. Patharkandi 343
169 Hatkhala Kitte Alapur Gulerbond Patharkandi 335
170 Pecharghat Patharkandi 325
171 Longai Forest Patharkandi 321
172 Radhamadhabpur Kitte Hussainpur Patharkandi 318
173 Kurtacharra Patharkandi 291
174 Tarapur F.V. Patharkandi 280
175 Dakshin Bazari Patharkandi 276
176 Durlovpur Pt I Patharkandi 274
177 Hailam Charra Patharkandi 255
178 Purbo Indurali Patharkandi 240
179 Proper Magura F.V. Patharkandi 239
180 Dhalchurra Kitte Keuti Patharkandi 237
181 Champabari Grant Patharkandi 236
182 Purbo Pecharghat Kitte Sontilla Patharkandi 219
183 Chuto Putni Patharkandi 205
184 Uttor Tilbhum Patharkandi 200
185 Purba Faridkuna Patharkandi 194
186 Indurali Punjee Patharkandi 192
187 Hafanigool Grant Patharkandi 181
188 Purbo Hailamcharra Patharkandi 174
189 Purbo Purbogool Patharkandi 157
190 Chipacharra Patharkandi 153
191 Mukamtilla Punjee F.V. Patharkandi 139
192 Tilbhum Forest Patharkandi 113
193 Purbo Katabari Patharkandi 92
194 Dumabaroi Patharkandi 84
195 Latitilla Patharkandi 68
196 Dakshin Balaigaon Patharkandi 52
197 Krishna Mantri Gaon Patharkandi 44
198 Kamarbond Patharkandi 10
199 Akaidum Patharkandi 9
200 Paschim Hafanigool Patharkandi N/A
201 Dakshin Sonakhira Patharkandi N/A
202 Balaigaon Patharkandi N/A
203 Patharia Forest F.V. Patharkandi N/A
204 Chayabari Patharkandi N/A
205 Paschim Bhubrighat Patharkandi N/A
206 Defolala Charra Patharkandi N/A
