Villages and Towns of Pathna Tehsil of District Sahibganj, Jharkhand

Pathna Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Sahibganj District, Jharkhand India. Pathna teshil is one of the teshil of Sahibganj district Jharkhand. In Pathna Teshil there are 150 villages and 0 towns. Out of 150 villages in Pathna teshil in which Bishunpur is most populated village with population of 3780 and least populated village is Mansbera having population only 0. There are 0 town in Pathna sub-district which lies in Pathna administrative devision. Most populated town in Pathna Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Pathna teshil is 81940 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Pathna teshil is 992 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Pathna teshil is 47.71%.

Census Data of Pathna Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
81940 992 47.71%

Demographics details of Pathna Teshil

The population of Pathna sub district is 81940 people, among them about 41136 are male and 40804 are female. Total number of house holds in Pathna Teshil is 17124. Total Literates persons are 31527 in which total male literates are 18947 and female literates are 12580. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 15853, among them 7997 are boys and 7856 are girls.

Pathna Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePathna
State NameJharkhand
District NameSahibganj
Total Population81940
Total No of House Holds17124
Total Male Population41136
Total Female Population40804
0-6 Age group Total Population15853
0-6 Age group Male Population7997
0-6 Age group Male Population7856
Total Person Literates31527
Total Male Literates18947
Total Male Literates12580
Total Person Illiterates50413
Total Male Illiterates22189
Total Male Illiterates28224
Scheduled Cast Persons5081
Scheduled Cast Males2579
Scheduled Cast Females2502
Scheduled Tribe Persons23810
Scheduled Tribe Males23074
Scheduled Tribe Females23810

Pathna Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 222657 111652
Population (%) 271.73 % 136.26 %
Male Population 116376 59103
Female Population 106281 52549
Sex Ratio 913 889
Child Population (0-6) 16548 7241
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 929 871
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.34% 13.93%
Households in 43065 21232
Literates 140474 74414
Literacy % 73.65% 77.43%
Male Literacy 84.68% 87%
Female Literacy 61.54% 66.71%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Pathna Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 44157 22190 21967 53.89% 25.93%
Muslim 12678 6604 6074 15.47% 8.18%
Christian 16313 8023 8290 19.91% 10.19%
Sikh 4 2 2 0% 0%
Buddhist 14 7 7 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 8 3 5 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 8514 4180 4334 10.39% 3.27%
Religion not stated 252 127 125 0.31% 0.11%

Workers profile of Pathna Teshil

Pathna has 40254 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 21961 male and 18293 female population are working population. Full time workers in Pathna teshil are 22168 and 18086 are marginal (part time) workers.

Pathna Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 40254 21961 18293
Main Workers 22168 15783 6385
Main Workers Cultivators 8507 6889 1618
Agriculture Labourer 7399 4326 3073
Household Industries 839 435 404
Other Workers 5423 4133 1290
Marginal Workers 18086 6178 11908
Non Working Persons 41686 19175 22511

List of villages in Teshil-Pathna, District-Sahibganj, Jharkhand as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bishunpur Pathna 3780
2 Kendua Pathna 3269
3 Lakhipur Pathna 3027
4 Amgachhi Pathna 3015
5 Modikola Pathna 2811
6 Sahri Pathna 2418
7 Sibapahar Pathna 2368
8 Dharampur Pathna 2196
9 Arjunpur Pathna 2008
10 Talberia Pathna 1976
11 Bara Dighi Pathna 1790
12 Telbhita Pathna 1617
13 Atgawan Pathna 1525
14 Mohabatpur Pathna 1468
15 Jhiktia Pathna 1451
16 Kathalbari Pathna 1432
17 Chhota Ranga Pathna 1337
18 Ikapokhar Pathna 1304
19 Kusumpokhhar Pathna 1265
20 Bara Tola Pathna 1262
21 Chhota Mahgama Pathna 1164
22 Amdanda Pathna 1052
23 Bara Ranga Pathna 973
24 Saroapur Pathna 936
25 Kalianpur Pathna 928
26 Taljhari Pathna 889
27 Baramasia Pathna 851
28 Kesro Pathna 850
29 Ghatiari Pathna 849
30 Surunga Pathna 846
31 Bara Mahgama Pathna 801
32 Saraibindha Pathna 801
33 Bara Durgapur Pathna 771
34 Majurjhuti Pathna 771
35 Manjhladih Pathna 762
36 Chutia Pathna 755
37 Bijaipur Pathna 749
38 Khairbani Pathna 730
39 Chhota Durgapur Pathna 728
40 Kunarpur Pathna 724
41 Banskola Pathna 722
42 Baramasia Pathna 703
43 Bishunpur Pathna 696
44 Karodih Pathna 695
45 Mandalo Pathna 679
46 Ranga Pathna 663
47 Madhopara Pathna 659
48 Kuchpara Pathna 651
49 Bara Majhdiha Pathna 636
50 Bansbhita Pathna 615
51 Kumharia Pathna 582
52 Sitapahari Pathna 571
53 Amjhor Pathna 570
54 Mahkup Pathna 566
55 Ursapahar Pathna 557
56 Simaldhab Pathna 527
57 Solapokhar Pathna 526
58 Saraibindha Pathna 521
59 Raksabandh Pathna 497
60 Banjhikend Pathna 487
61 Borna Pathna 471
62 Jhumarbad Pathna 440
63 Taljhari Pathna 421
64 Keschipri Pathna 418
65 Sugnibasa Pathna 412
66 Mangaladih Pathna 371
67 Bara Tegrapahar Pathna 341
68 Dahujor Pathna 340
69 Bunda(Baraghat) Pathna 333
70 Chandolapahar Pathna 322
71 Birajpur Pathna 317
72 Dumaria Pathna 306
73 Chapande Pathna 305
74 Patrapara Pathna 301
75 Pandanbhita Pathna 296
76 Basko Pathna 294
77 Tegra Pathna 284
78 Amdanda Pathna 269
79 Kauadhab Pathna 255
80 Gumapahar Pathna 251
81 Rajabhita Pathna 238
82 Chhota Dighi Pathna 218
83 Hathi Khuta Pathna 216
84 Lakhanpur Pathna 200
85 Gohalbari Pathna 182
86 Ambare Pathna 170
87 Kharobasa Pathna 160
88 Tetulbhita Pathna 157
89 Chapalpahar Pathna 157
90 Raksi Pathna 152
91 Jhikra Pathna 147
92 Talbaria Pathna 146
93 Tilbhita Pathna 146
94 Chhota Tegrapahar Pathna 143
95 Chamrapahar Pathna 141
96 Lakrapahari Pathna 129
97 Dharampur Mission Pathna 125
98 Idpe (Godiabita) Pathna 125
99 Chhotamajhdiha Pathna 121
100 Bathani Pathna 119
101 Simberi Pathna 118
102 Gutijharna Pathna 113
103 Dalahi Amarpur Pathna 98
104 Singatanr Pathna 90
105 Bunda Mago Pathna 87
106 Guakaola Pathna 85
107 Simalgora Pathna 85
108 Barhibastipahar Pathna 85
109 Kusumghati Pathna 75
110 Amarbhita Pathna 74
111 Rajapani Pathna 66
112 Chagjo Pathna 66
113 Ranga Pathna 58
114 Kasari (Bara Panchpahar) Pathna 57
115 Karambe Pathna 52
116 Dhibra Kolpahar Pathna 50
117 Karantola Pathna 42
118 Banspahar Pathna 38
119 Mahuatuk Pathna 37
120 Chitpahar Pathna 37
121 Gangopara Bedo Pathna 29
122 Birgaon Pathna 28
123 Ghargharia Pathna 26
124 Kundi Pathna 23
125 Kari Pathna 20
126 Kusumjharna Pathna 19
127 Bade Pathna 18
128 Gunjra Bedo Pathna 18
129 Kordr Pathna 13
130 Amarpur Pathna 10
131 Gangopara Mago Pathna 5
132 Boranapahari Pathna 4
133 Sansari Pathna 3
134 Tangani Pathna N/A
135 Telo Pathna N/A
136 Kusumpokhar Pathna N/A
137 Kanrobasa Pathna N/A
138 Sarkari Kochpara Pathna N/A
139 Sangatola Pathna N/A
140 Sondapahar Pathna N/A
141 Champapahar Pathna N/A
142 Koilopani Pathna N/A
143 Bidmarpahar Pathna N/A
144 Pathna Land Pathna N/A
145 Chali Pathna N/A
146 Gungra Mango Pathna N/A
147 Idri Pathna N/A
148 Kandergoda Pathna N/A
149 Kerpan Pathna N/A
150 Mansbera Pathna N/A
