Villages and Towns of Pattamundai Tehsil of District Kendrapara , Odisha

Pattamundai Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kendrapara District, Odisha India. Pattamundai teshil is one of the teshil of Kendrapara district Odisha. In Pattamundai Teshil there are 158 villages and 1 towns. Out of 158 villages in Pattamundai teshil in which Damar pur is most populated village with population of 5000 and least populated village is Ramachandra pur having population only 0. There are 1 town in Pattamundai sub-district which lies in Pattamundai administrative devision. Most populated town in Pattamundai Teshil is Pattamundai (NAC) with population of 36528.

Total population of Pattamundai teshil is 219063 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Pattamundai teshil is 1037 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Pattamundai teshil is 85.16%.

Census Data of Pattamundai Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
219063 1037 85.16%

Demographics details of Pattamundai Teshil

The population of Pattamundai sub district is 219063 people, among them about 107557 are male and 111506 are female. Total number of house holds in Pattamundai Teshil is 46635. Total Literates persons are 165269 in which total male literates are 86507 and female literates are 78762. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 25005, among them 12866 are boys and 12139 are girls.

Pattamundai Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePattamundai
State NameOdisha
District NameKendrapara
Total Population219063
Total No of House Holds46635
Total Male Population107557
Total Female Population111506
0-6 Age group Total Population25005
0-6 Age group Male Population12866
0-6 Age group Male Population12139
Total Person Literates165269
Total Male Literates86507
Total Male Literates78762
Total Person Illiterates53794
Total Male Illiterates21050
Total Male Illiterates32744
Scheduled Cast Persons61790
Scheduled Cast Males30771
Scheduled Cast Females31019
Scheduled Tribe Persons188
Scheduled Tribe Males207
Scheduled Tribe Females188

Pattamundai Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 106896 0
Population (%) 48.8 % 0 %
Male Population 53557 0
Female Population 53339 0
Sex Ratio 996 0
Child Population (0-6) 5954 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 928 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.74% 0%
Households in 24834 0
Literates 80561 0
Literacy % 84.43% 0%
Male Literacy 91.42% 0%
Female Literacy 77.47% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Pattamundai Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 210977 103596 107381 96.31% 82.54%
Muslim 7753 3805 3948 3.54% 2.51%
Christian 84 47 37 0.04% 0.03%
Sikh 15 7 8 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 8 2 6 0% 0%
Jain 3 0 3 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 5 3 2 0% 0%
Religion not stated 218 97 121 0.1% 0.07%

Workers profile of Pattamundai Teshil

Pattamundai has 73322 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 57746 male and 15576 female population are working population. Full time workers in Pattamundai teshil are 47771 and 25551 are marginal (part time) workers.

Pattamundai Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 73322 57746 15576
Main Workers 47771 44054 3717
Main Workers Cultivators 17746 17202 544
Agriculture Labourer 9587 8669 918
Household Industries 853 746 107
Other Workers 19585 17437 2148
Marginal Workers 25551 13692 11859
Non Working Persons 145741 49811 95930

List of Town/City of Pattamundai Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Pattamundai with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Kendrapara is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Pattamundai (NAC) 36528 969

List of villages in Teshil-Pattamundai , District-Kendrapara , Odisha as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Damar pur Pattamundai 5000
2 Penthapal Pattamundai 4780
3 Andhara Pattamundai 4621
4 Taradipal Pattamundai 4573
5 Tamalsasan Pattamundai 3331
6 Palapatana Pattamundai 3226
7 Srirampur Pattamundai 3093
8 Sasan Pattamundai 3086
9 Sansar phal Pattamundai 3074
10 Amrutamanohi Pattamundai 3055
11 Balipatana Pattamundai 3055
12 Palasingha Pattamundai 2969
13 Kakharuni Pattamundai 2894
14 Baluria Pattamundai 2788
15 Bala bhadrapur Pattamundai 2633
16 Chandanpur Pattamundai 2598
17 Kesapur Pattamundai 2448
18 Alapua Pattamundai 2446
19 Panturi Pattamundai 2439
20 Sanajaria Pattamundai 2360
21 Adhakhanda Pattamundai 2251
22 Aradapalli Pattamundai 2251
23 Narasinghpur Pattamundai 2166
24 Nilakanthapur Pattamundai 2135
25 Pachhapada Pattamundai 2129
26 Bali patana Pattamundai 2053
27 Batipada Pattamundai 1916
28 Badamanatia Pattamundai 1902
29 Baulanga Pattamundai 1874
30 Oupada Pattamundai 1874
31 Jigaran Pattamundai 1824
32 Sidhabali Pattamundai 1774
33 Terohi Pattamundai 1754
34 Badajaria Pattamundai 1752
35 Bharsing Pattamundai 1703
36 Madan pur Pattamundai 1657
37 Malipur Pattamundai 1626
38 Damodarapatana Pattamundai 1610
39 Dandisahi Pattamundai 1591
40 Kathiapada Pattamundai 1506
41 Jariabad Pattamundai 1485
42 Badapada Pattamundai 1478
43 Nimapur Pattamundai 1425
44 Napanga Pattamundai 1419
45 Badamulabasanta Pattamundai 1415
46 Bachhara Pattamundai 1363
47 Telengabasanta Pattamundai 1360
48 Dobandha Pattamundai 1340
49 Kajala bandha Pattamundai 1334
50 Singhagan Pattamundai 1320
51 Nilakanthapur Pattamundai 1317
52 Osangara Pattamundai 1312
53 Niginpur Pattamundai 1286
54 Gobindpur Pattamundai 1276
55 Dihudi pur Pattamundai 1251
56 Gandakul Pattamundai 1236
57 Adhajori Pattamundai 1217
58 Resua Pattamundai 1212
59 Khanata Pattamundai 1206
60 Goptira Pattamundai 1202
61 Mangarajapur Pattamundai 1161
62 Sanamulabasanta Pattamundai 1124
63 Jagannathapur Pattamundai 1111
64 Gogua Pattamundai 1103
65 Arua Pattamundai 1100
66 Badamohan pur Pattamundai 1089
67 Khadianta Pattamundai 1072
68 Amber Pattamundai 1031
69 Sanagara Pattamundai 1019
70 Sujan pur Pattamundai 999
71 Nasipur Pattamundai 986
72 Tetalanga Pattamundai 982
73 Buanlo Pattamundai 974
74 Nayakot Pattamundai 969
75 Ainipada Pattamundai 930
76 Gangapada Pattamundai 897
77 Dianpur Pattamundai 883
78 Talapada Pattamundai 877
79 Deuli Pattamundai 847
80 Kharipal Pattamundai 840
81 Bodhagan Pattamundai 826
82 Dalabad Pattamundai 823
83 Mandapada Pattamundai 811
84 Sana mohan pur Pattamundai 799
85 Krushnadaspur Pattamundai 798
86 Bisunpur Pattamundai 795
87 Kadalibana Pattamundai 787
88 Khadala sahi Pattamundai 776
89 Dihapada Pattamundai 747
90 Satakuria Pattamundai 744
91 Chandan nagar Pattamundai 724
92 Bila pokharia pada Pattamundai 679
93 Pohala Pattamundai 677
94 Similia Pattamundai 659
95 Balia palli Pattamundai 650
96 Dimiria Pattamundai 629
97 Chadheya Pattamundai 612
98 Banto Pattamundai 610
99 Perijpur Pattamundai 605
100 Minjauni Pattamundai 602
101 Naladhalia Pattamundai 583
102 Badapal Pattamundai 560
103 Dosia Pattamundai 555
104 Mulagain Pattamundai 554
105 Harana babi Pattamundai 553
106 Sankrura Pattamundai 545
107 Sanamanatia Pattamundai 539
108 Balia Pattamundai 534
109 Baipada Pattamundai 513
110 Matia pada Pattamundai 512
111 Anand pur Pattamundai 509
112 Poipat Pattamundai 488
113 Rajapur Pattamundai 480
114 Bilikana Pattamundai 470
115 Dakhina Pattamundai 463
116 Kundupur Pattamundai 461
117 Badagara Pattamundai 459
118 Deuli Pattamundai 444
119 Udayapur Pattamundai 440
120 Nilakanthapur Pattamundai 426
121 Tigiria Pattamundai 412
122 Basapur Pattamundai 391
123 Baliajori Pattamundai 386
124 Hari pur Pattamundai 382
125 Panduhata Pattamundai 371
126 Subarna pur Pattamundai 370
127 Brahma pur Pattamundai 369
128 Kataramalla Pattamundai 367
129 Koriapalla Pattamundai 365
130 Musadia Pattamundai 360
131 Shyam sundar pur Pattamundai 350
132 Junapangara Pattamundai 350
133 Sekpur Pattamundai 345
134 Raulidia Pattamundai 335
135 Chanda pur Pattamundai 333
136 Andharua Pattamundai 316
137 Mangalpada Pattamundai 312
138 Anoli Pattamundai 310
139 Bali jhari Pattamundai 305
140 Singarpur Pattamundai 299
141 Basudeipur Pattamundai 284
142 Bhoi pada Pattamundai 284
143 Baghataila Pattamundai 273
144 Sahupada Pattamundai 250
145 Batipara Pattamundai 236
146 Sankh pur Pattamundai 229
147 Badhei pada Pattamundai 215
148 Alipur Pattamundai 201
149 Nuapada Pattamundai 180
150 Adhadeunria Pattamundai 172
151 Sanapanturi Pattamundai 171
152 Ichhapur Pattamundai 159
153 Gangarampur Pattamundai 147
154 Chara narendra pur Pattamundai N/A
155 Bindha srirampur Pattamundai N/A
156 Jagannathpur Pattamundai N/A
157 Saanta pur Pattamundai N/A
158 Ramachandra pur Pattamundai N/A
